Godfather of Ocean Food

Chapter 204 Confession

Chapter 204 Confession
Ye Susu discovered for the first time how pitiful human beings are. Some people said that human beings today are gods compared to people hundreds of years ago. It's too far, too far to go.

How many evolutionary directions do humans have?How far can it evolve?Ye Susu was shocked by the evolution of vision alone. At this time, Ye Susu was completely silent. He really complied with that sentence. The more he knew, the more he felt small. Tang Sheng was a little surprised to see the beauty in his arms who was silent.

"What's the matter? I seem to be in a low mood," Tang Sheng asked, and then stretched out his hand to lift Ye Susu's head up.

"I just sigh, we human beings always thought we could see this world clearly, until today I realized that it's not just this world, it turns out that we can't even distinguish the colors, let alone see the whole world, the whole universe clearly", Ye Susu He replied with a wry smile on his face.

Tang Sheng didn't say much about Ye Susu's exclamation. There are too many secrets hidden in this world, and there are probably even more secrets in the entire universe. Thinking of secrets, Tang Sheng couldn't help but think again of the six huge stone slabs under the bottom of the Pacific Ocean , What kind of secret is hidden under the stone slab?Tang Sheng was really curious right now.

"You seem to have something on your mind?" After the two chatted for a while, Ye Susu sensed the difference between Tang Sheng and the past, and asked directly.

Although I haven't known Tang Sheng for a long time, and it's only a little more than three months, but Ye Susu feels that she has known Tang Sheng for a long time, which is quite normal. Friends seem like old friends, and some people don't see each other as soon as they meet, as if enemies from generation to generation have met.

There is another kind of love at first sight. The man and the woman have a good impression of each other as soon as they see each other, and the relationship quickly heats up unconsciously. They get married within a few months or even a few days. Although there are not many such examples, they are still true. There are some, although Ye Susu and Tang Sheng are not the type of love at first sight, they still feel very comfortable getting along with each other.

To this day, Ye Susu still remembers the scene when she ran by the river that morning and saw Tang Sheng. At that time, Tang Sheng was really no different from a beggar. The only difference was that the indifferent expression on Tang Sheng’s face was completely different from that of a beggar. There is no humbleness, no greed, it is as calm as a pool of autumn water, which can calm people's minds.

It was precisely because of seeing Tang Sheng's different expression that Ye Susu lent Tang Sheng the 100 yuan she had with her, but in the end Tang Sheng only spent one yuan, and the fate of the two was also because of the 100 yuan. Qian Erqi, after more than three months of getting along, Ye Susu also has a thorough understanding of Tang Sheng's temper and character.

This is a very lazy man, so lazy that sometimes he doesn't even bother to go back to the house when he sleeps. He has an easy-going temper and a very free and easy personality. At that time, Tang Sheng's thoughts were like the horns of antelopes, and there was no trace to be found. He was a little naive about feelings, otherwise Ye Susu would not call him stones and stones often, but he is very kind to people. Excellent, a warm guy in terms of life.

The most attractive thing is that this man has a big secret, or a lot of small secrets. These secrets make people feel incredible. When chatting with Tang Sheng before, he always looked like an idiot. Among the ladies, Xu Xian was even more stupid, but in fact Ye Susu knew that Tang Sheng didn't want to pay attention to those mundane things at all, and what other people said basically went in his left ear and out of his right ear, as if he couldn't care less about everything. have to.

But today is a bit strange, Tang Sheng has been frowning slightly, his expression seems to be thinking about something, this is the first time Ye Susu has seen Tang Sheng show such an expression, naturally he has to ask, it is difficult When I saw Tang Sheng, I still had time to think about things.

"Well, didn't I go into the sea to catch two jadeites before? These jadeites were all dropped from the earth and rocks I bombarded on a stone wall. Among them, the huge yellow jadeite was one of them. When it fell, it fell directly I rolled down from the rock wall to the bottom of the sea, so naturally I had to go to the bottom of the sea to pick up this piece of jadeite, and when I was picking up this piece of jadeite, I saw a few huge stone slabs on the bottom of the sea.” Tang Sheng didn’t hide it directly Say what's on your mind.

"What? Those huge stone slabs contain top-quality jadeite?" Ye Susu couldn't help but shine when she heard this. Women are like creatures like western dragons, who have an instinctive liking for shiny things, whether it's gold or not. Be it jewelry or emeralds, they all wish they could use them as beds to sleep in, the more they collect, the better.

Take the two pieces of jade brought back by Tang Sheng this time as an example. The red jadeite has a small part of the essence of Ye Susu, and the five-ton yellow jadeite Ye Susu also wants to keep it. I don't want to release the top-quality things at all. After all, Tang Sheng is no longer short of money, but Zhao Xuejun has been pissed off all of a sudden. How can such beautiful things be left to Ye Susu? Five, half for one person.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that Zhao Xuejun wants to get these things for nothing, he needs to buy them with money. For the Zhao family, a few hundred million is not too much money. Such a perfect collection of glass species, red jadeite and yellow jadeite, is really rare in a thousand years. Yu, if this was definitely a tribute to the imperial palace in the past, it was something that the people were not allowed to have at all.

Think about it. In the past, a piece of He's Bi made the ancients fight with several cities or even dozens of cities. The perfection of He's Bi is actually not necessarily as beautiful as this top glass jadeite, let alone How old is He's Bi?How big is this red jadeite and yellow jadeite?In the end, Zhao Xuejun really brought Ye Susu's mother out.

Ye Susu's mother, Zhou Xueping, joined in and was stunned to see the top-quality red and yellow jadeites. She wanted to take all her daughter's property for herself. Suddenly, the women made a big fuss, and Tang Sheng didn't care about it. A woman's scramble, Tang Sheng is really not interested in this thing, but the mother's brother and sister's share must be reserved.

So now when Tang Sheng mentioned that there were six huge stone slabs at the place where the colorful jadeite was opened, Ye Susu almost immediately thought that there were even more top-quality jadeites under these six huge stones. If there are too many words, Ye Susu even wants to build a house. Of course, this kind of thinking is just a thought. It is almost impossible to build a house with the best glass jadeite, and the value is at least several thousand or even trillions. up.

(End of this chapter)

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