Godfather of Ocean Food

Chapter 20 Selling Fish

Chapter 20 Selling Fish
"No, Uncle Li, I'm here to help a friend sell fish today. I caught a few fish at the seaside this morning and want to sell them to Uncle Li." Fishy smell.

"Selling fish?" Uncle Li glanced at Tang Sheng who came with Ye Susu. Seeing Uncle Li looking over, Tang Sheng could only show a smile as a greeting, but Uncle Li nodded with a strange expression. Secretly wondering, is this young man Susu's boyfriend?You only caught a few small fish, why are you selling them to me?Isn't this a waste of effort.

Uncle Li is right to think so. Half of the fish caught by the sea are small fishes the size of a palm, and most of them are some worthless catches such as mackerel and balang fish. This kind of fish is really worthless, so take it to him. It's really superfluous to sell it, it's better to take it home and have a meal, but since he came, and Ye Susu brought him here, he can't refuse directly, and he plans to send this young man away with some money.

In Uncle Li's opinion, this young man should be a poor student, the kind of hard-working student who catches a few fish and will sell them. Tang Sheng really looks too young, just like a college student The difference, in addition to the fact that there are a lot of goods sold all over the place, and the sum of pants and T-shirts is less than 100 yuan, so it is normal to be misunderstood by Uncle Li.

But at this time the husky was being led by Ye Susu. Tang Sheng didn't care about Uncle Li's weird gaze, and directly put the red bucket in his hand on the ground. It was really heavy, and his hand had a red mark.

"Hiss~~, this... is this the fish you caught at the beach?" Uncle Li glanced into the bucket, but was dumbfounded after reading it, gasped, and even stuttered when he spoke. up.

A red fish is not worth much, but its size is not small. A cuttlefish, this cuttlefish is also worth 600 yuan. A red spot, but what is the condition of the tooth marks on the red spot?Then he turned his head and looked at that husky, Uncle Li's face was so twitched that he couldn't come back. Such an expensive red spot was bitten by that dog. It's a crime. The last two are cat shark and saury.

Although the quantity of fish in this bucket is not large, the weight is heavyweight, at least 40 kg. Fortunately, this bucket is quite strong and quite big. Otherwise, these few fish would definitely hold No more.

"Why are they all dead?" Uncle Li took the fish out of the bucket and looked at it, his face full of distress.

"We went to do something just now, and it was delayed for two hours. We forgot, so we all died." Ye Susu stuck out her tongue and said a little embarrassedly. It was true that she had forgotten. Tang Sheng only wanted to reveal his identity. Everything will be fine if the certificate is done, and he doesn't care too much about these few fish.

Uncle Li shook his head with a wry smile, and sighed secretly. This young man is unreliable in what he does. The price difference between the live fish and the dead fish is not small, but it can be seen that he was caught just this morning.

Uncle Li didn't push the price down too much, he gave 100 yuan, if the fish hadn't died, the price would have been several hundred yuan higher, and the red spot was not sold, because Uncle Li thought the fish was useless after looking at it for a long time Yes, the top is bitten like that by the dog's teeth, I guess no one will buy it, so I can only smile wryly.

"Young man, the next time you come to sell fish, it's best to use live fish, and don't let dogs bite it. Once the quality of this fish is damaged, the price will naturally not go up." Uncle Li warned Tang Sheng cautiously. , Tang Sheng nodded, he didn't think about it either, didn't he have something to do today.

There was only the bitten erythema left in the bucket. After leaving the market, Ye Susu looked at Tang Sheng, obviously asking what to do now?Tang Sheng shrugged his shoulders. In fact, he didn't have to go anywhere, but it seems that it's time to eat now.

"What are you going to do in the afternoon? Aren't you going to rent a house?" Ye Susu asked while eating in a small restaurant. Bring it in.

"I don't have any money in my hand, what kind of house do I want to rent? Let's wait a few days, don't worry." Tang Sheng shook his head. He really didn't have any money in his pocket. Renting a house might not even be enough for the deposit.

"How about I lend it to you first?" Ye Susu hesitated for a moment before opening the mouth. In her opinion, Tang Sheng's fishing skills are too powerful. It is estimated that he will be able to pay back the money in a few days. It's okay for Huskies to press themselves.

"No, I'm alone now, and it's not bad to live in the world. I'll earn some money before I think about things like renting a house. There are too many things to do, and I can't do without money." Tang Sheng shook his head, It's not that he likes to live on a bench by the river like a beggar, the question is how much to borrow?Rent a house, deposit, living expenses, mobile phone, etc. There are too many places to spend money, so you can't just borrow a large sum of money, Tang Sheng doesn't want to do that, it's a bit embarrassing.

Besides, Tang Sheng really doesn't care, he has been sleeping casually in the wild for so many years, does he still care about sleeping for a few more days?If it was someone else, I might not even be able to stand the mosquitoes by the river, and would be bitten so hard that he would not be able to sleep, but Tang Sheng has a special physique. Both mosquitoes and flies treat him like a stone, and they don't bother him at all. Tang Sheng was most satisfied.

Of course, the premise is that Tang Sheng doesn't expose the smell of his body, otherwise, he wouldn't be a mosquito or a fly, and I'm afraid all the animals will come to eat his own flesh and drink his own blood.

"Okay, whatever you want, but Sasha can't sleep outside with you anymore, I want to take him back to sleep, and I have to give him a bath, look at his fur, if he doesn't tidy up, he will become a stray dog. How dirty." Ye Susu stroked the dog's head of the two idiots. The two idiots seemed to be enjoying themselves, and immediately wagged their tails after being touched twice by Ye Susu.

"It's up to you, it's best for you to bring this silly dog ​​back." Tang Sheng didn't want to lead a dog with him when he was wandering, otherwise he would always think of the tragic scene played by Tang Bohu in Qiuxiang, Wang Xing. Cai didn't have enough to eat and unfortunately starved to death, it's too embarrassing.

Ye Susu was very happy that Tang Sheng agreed to his request, and the two separated after the meal. The meal was paid by Ye Susu, but there was an accident when they separated.

"Sasha, don't sit here, follow me, oops, stand up and follow me", she tugged on the leash vigorously, but this husky is still big and strong, Ye Susu also loves him , I was afraid that it would hurt him, so I didn't dare to use all my strength, but he just didn't leave, and sat there looking at Tang Sheng.

"What do you think I'm doing? Go home with your sister first. I don't want to take you in. Are you still addicted to wandering? Get out of here." Tang Sheng kicked the second idiot directly, but the second idiot was not moved at all, and directly He hugged Tang Sheng's thigh with his two front paws, making Tang Sheng laugh angrily, but Ye Susu puffed out his mouth like a puffer fish in anger.

"Isn't this the dog you raised since childhood?" Ye Susu was really skeptical. You must know that although she only spent a day with this dog, she was the one feeding Sasha today, but why did Sasha So loyal to Tang Sheng?Moreover, he only regards Tang Sheng as the master. As long as Tang Sheng calls out "two idiots", he will definitely run over.

 There were a few ice cubes mixed in the rain yesterday, wow, it was so scary!Help me to cast a few votes, the data is terrible, did any kind-hearted book friends vote?

(End of this chapter)

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