Chapter 86
She is a smart woman who knows that there are some things to ask and some things not to ask.Therefore, even though she had all kinds of curiosity about Xiao Han in her heart, she wisely chose not to talk about it.

Seeing her sincere expression, Xiao Han shook his head and laughed: "Don't you understand? This is not a secret to me at all. Even if it is known by others, so what, can you still pull me to slice it and study it?"

"But an existence like yours will always be missed by those who care about it?" Zhang Suyin didn't understand why Xiao Han had such an indifferent attitude. Isn't he afraid of being targeted by some countries?
"Of course, but...they are no longer in this world. Before this, no less than ten countries have attacked me secretly, but I am still fine now?" Xiao Han showed a confident smile, with his In this world with the theme of mutated giant beasts, as long as he wasn't too violent or killed on purpose, otherwise he couldn't think of anything that would threaten his life.

no longer in this world
Did you kill them all?There was a chill in Zhang Suyin's heart, looking at this man with a gentle smile on his face, she couldn't connect him with the blood-stained murderer at all.

At least judging from the current performance, he doesn't seem to be a bad guy, except that he has a bad personality, and he even saved his own life.

Zhang Suyin's expression gradually relaxed. Thinking about it like this didn't seem so scary anymore.

Xiao Han wondered why this woman's expression was like a revolving lantern.

"By the way, the things I came here have already been done, and it's almost time for me to leave today."

"In such a hurry? You saved my life, and I haven't treated you well yet, why don't you stay for two more days?" Zhang Suyin subconsciously asked to stay.When she heard that Xiao Han was going to leave, she suddenly felt caught off guard, and for some reason she was still faintly disappointed.

"Don't worry about saving you." Xiao Han smiled and waved his hands, and suddenly he raised his eyebrows: "Or are you planning to make a promise with your body?"

If that's the case, you should have said it earlier. I think about it and it's not impossible to agree.

"What are you thinking!? I wouldn't do such absurd things!" Zhang Suyin jumped up like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, blushing and waving her hands repeatedly.

If you don't allow it, you don't allow it. Why is there such a big reaction?
Xiao Han shrugged boringly, and just as he was about to get up to say goodbye, the door was knocked suddenly, and Dr. Zhang's anxious voice came from outside: "Xiao Han! Are you inside? Something happened outside!"

problem occurs?The two people in the room looked at each other strangely.

Xiao Han opened the door, and seeing Dr. Zhang's flustered expression, he asked, "What's wrong? You're in a panic."

Just as Dr. Zhang was about to speak, he suddenly saw his daughter standing behind Xiao Han with a 'flushing' face. He forgot the purpose of his visit for a moment, and stood there for several seconds.

"Dad! Don't look at it, it's not what you think! Didn't you say something happened outside? What happened?" Zhang Suyin felt uncomfortable being watched by her father, and asked quickly.

After being reminded by his daughter, Dr. Zhang remembered what he was doing here, and his expression became flustered again: "It's a megalodon! There are several megalodons outside!"

As soon as his words fell, the ground under their feet suddenly shook violently, and then there was a commotion outside, and a group of people ran out of the research station in panic.

Xiao Han grabbed a person casually and asked, "What happened next?"

"A big hole has been opened in the tunnel, and now the sea water has poured in!" The man said in a panic.

Knocked out a big hole?Xiao Han was a little surprised, there has never been such a plot in the movie.

"Not good! Meiying is still below!" Zhang Suyin suddenly rushed towards the stairs like crazy, her daughter was still below!

"Su Yin!"

Dr. Zhang yelled and wanted to chase after him, but was stopped by Xiao Han: "You arrange other people to take refuge on the deck, and I will rescue them." After speaking, he lightly tapped his toes on the ground, and caught up with Zhang Suyin in an instant.

Seeing his daughter and Xiao Han running farther and farther away, Dr. Zhang silently prayed in his heart that nothing would happen to them.

"Which room is your daughter in?"

Seeing Zhang Suyin's anxious expression, Xiao Han simply picked her up by the waist and asked while running.

"Turn right on the lower floor!" Zhang Suyin said hurriedly, wrapping her hands around Xiao Han's neck tightly, regardless of embarrassment.

Xiao Han accelerated instantly, and according to Zhang Suyin's directions, he soon came to the bottom of the research station. At this time, the water here had already flooded his chest. Seeing this scene, Zhang Suyin almost fainted, and called out his daughter's name loudly.

But as far as the eye could see, there was a vast expanse of ocean, nowhere was there a little girl, and what was even more ominous was that the water level was still rising at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Zhang Suyin kept crying and her voice became a little hoarse. She couldn't imagine how she would spend her days in the future if something happened to her daughter.

Suddenly, Xiao Han's expression moved slightly, relying on his sharp hearing beyond ordinary people, he seemed to hear a little girl's cry vaguely.He covered Zhang Suyin's mouth, and after her yelling stopped, the crying became clearer, this time even Zhang Suyin could hear it.

"It's Meiying! She's still alive!" She cried out in surprise, and then begged Xiao Han anxiously: "Please hurry up and save my daughter!"

Xiao Han nodded: "You wait here, I'll be right back." After speaking, he put down Zhang Suyin, stepped on the water and rushed towards the crying direction.

Soon he followed the crying and locked a room. After kicking the door open, he found Mei Ying lying on a wardrobe, crying with tears in her eyes.

"The little guy is quite capable, climbing so high." Xiao Han chuckled, walked over and hugged Mei Ying down.

Seeing that someone came to save her, Mei Ying's crying finally stopped, she stared at Xiao Han walking on the water with wide eyes, her little face was full of curiosity.

Xiao Han pinched her face, turned and walked out.

When we got back to the stairs, the water level was already enough to submerge adults, but the strange thing was that Zhang Suyin had disappeared, and he clearly promised to wait here.

At this moment, a large ball of white foam suddenly appeared on the surface of the water in the distance, Xiao Han immediately opened Sharingan, and then his expression became a little astonished.

This woman and the tentacles are really related.
I saw a thick octopus tentacles in the water protruding in through the hole in the tunnel wall. One of Zhang Suyin's legs happened to be entangled. She struggled in terror and kept trying to pull her leg out of the suction cup, but it didn't help at all. , can only watch helplessly as he is pulled into the deep sea by the sea monster
(End of this chapter)

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