A Hokage's Journey to Myriad Worlds

Chapter 79 Heading to the Research Station of 'Shenli 1' (Happy National Day)

Chapter 79 Heading to the Research Station of 'Shenli 1' (Happy National Day)
This time he came to visit in the name of a sponsor, otherwise he wouldn't have to go through such troubles at all, he could just run all the way from the sea, saving time and effort.

But since you are here for a visit, it must be more formal.

The helicopter landed slowly, and several people were already waiting below. Apparently, they had received the notice of King Jin’s visit and prepared the welcome ceremony in advance.

Landed smoothly, engine stalled.A middle-aged man who seemed to be over half a century old ran over to open the hatch for Xiao Han graciously. He was the person in charge of the research station, Dr. Zhang.

When he saw Xiao Han's appearance, he froze for a moment, as if he was a little surprised that the benefactor was so young.

"Dr. Zhang? Hello, I'm sorry for the sudden visit." Xiao Han stretched out his hand to him, and said in Mandarin with a smile.

"Hello, hello, it's too late for you to visit us, why do you feel disturbed? Welcome to the 'Shenli No. 1' research station." Dr. Zhang was flattered and held Xiao Han's hand. He didn't expect that the gold master was young. Yes, he is also a native of China just like himself.

At the same time, he also secretly observed Xiao Han, and found that the other person had a calm expression and a poised demeanor, which was completely different from those ordinary rich second generations, and his identity was definitely not ordinary.

Xiao Han smiled, and then looked at the mature woman beside her: "This is Dr. Zhang's daughter, she is as expected, she is very beautiful."

"Thank you, it's a pleasure to meet you." Zhang Suyin also smiled and shook hands with Xiao Han. She looked at the young man in front of her who could be her younger brother, with a little curiosity in her eyes.

Apart from his name, they didn't know any information about this young man. They only knew that a mysterious consortium suddenly bought this research station at a price that the original sponsor could not refuse yesterday.

Until now, she didn't even know what the other party's purpose was.

Looking at the well-known Yujie in front of him, Xiao Han also sighed in his heart. He has always liked this actor since his role as Ada Wang, but he didn't expect to see a real person today.

It's a pity that Zhang Suyin in this world is just an ordinary marine biologist, far less attractive to him than Ada Wang.

Under the guidance of Dr. Zhang, the three of them came to the gate of the deep-sea research station together. Looking at the slightly shabby elevator in front of him, the corners of Xiao Han's mouth slightly raised. It seems that there is indeed insufficient funds here, no wonder it was so easy Acquisition down.

Noticing Xiao Han's expression, Zhang Suyin smiled and said nothing. She wanted to see if he would be surprised when he actually entered the research station and saw the sci-fi scene inside.

Soon the elevator door slowly opened, and a beautiful Haitian passage came into view. Under the sunlight, the azure blue sea water was wrapped on both sides of the tunnel, and there were various marine life wandering in it, which looked too beautiful to behold.

But Zhang Suyin was disappointed, she didn't see any expression change on the face of the young man beside her.Some are just casual smiles, giving people a cynical feeling.

"This is our central hub. Five laboratories can be reached through here, and we are just waiting for the final completion." Dr. Zhang did not notice his daughter's small thoughts, and enthusiastically introduced various facilities in the research station to Xiao Han .

Xiao Han nodded, it seems that this research station is only a semi-finished product.

A few people came to a place similar to an underwater viewing platform. Through the special glass, you can see two blue whales, one big and one small, swimming leisurely not far away. This kind of sight is not common, and there is no aquarium You can put blue whales in your own viewing pool.

Noticing Xiao Han's gaze, Zhang Suyin pointed to the two whales and introduced: "That's Lucy, and her daughter Gracie. They were attracted by me with the whale song. They look spectacular, don't they?"

"It's quite spectacular, and it's the first time I've seen a whale in this way." Xiao Han smiled slightly, then changed the subject and asked: "I heard that you found some interesting things under the sea surface, you can take me there Do you want to see it?"

"Of course! Please come with me." Seeing that Xiao Han was interested in her research project, Zhang Suyin immediately said excitedly. At first, she was worried that the new funder would oppose their project. There is a whole new ecological environment under the bed' this kind of thing is too fantasy.

Looking at the backs of his daughter and Xiao Han, Dr. Zhang smiled, not knowing what he was thinking.

Zhang Suyin introduced the various facilities of the research station to Xiao Han along the way, and finally brought him to a room similar to a combat command room, which was filled with various high-tech monitoring equipment.Zhang Suyin pointed to a crooked woman with short hair and introduced: "This is our engineer and submarine designer Jakes."

Isn't this Adele?You almost wouldn't recognize you if you didn't shoot or dye your green hair, Xiao Han nodded slightly at her.Jakes also smiled and greeted Xiao Han, then continued to lower his head to deal with the work in his hands.

"This is Dr. Heller, our medical specialist, and this DJ is our remote driver." Then Zhang Suyin introduced everyone in the command room to Xiao Han one by one, including many familiar faces.

They are very enthusiastic, after all, Xiao Han is their benefactor.At this time, Zhang Suyin took two wireless earphones from a Jew, handed them to Xiao Han and said, "You need to bring these."

After Xiao Han put on the earphones, a woman's voice came from inside: "Good morning, Mr. Xiao Han."

Zhang Suyin pointed to a Caucasian woman on the screen and introduced: "Lori Taylor, our submersible pilot." Through the screen, you can see that the woman is driving a small submarine under the sea, and there are two other people behind him, one fat and one short. man.

The woman waved to Xiao Han across the screen: "You are welcome, it is our honor."

Xiao Han smiled: "How is the situation next?" If he remembered correctly, this woman was not a good person. When she was working for a whale protection organization, she used a homemade torpedo to overturn a whaling ship.

"We reached a depth of 2 meters in 11000 minutes, and the water temperature was 6 degrees Celsius. We are passing through the thermocline." Lori reported while observing the underwater situation.

Xiao Han raised his eyebrows, he didn't expect that it was a coincidence that he came here, just in time for the beginning of the plot.

"We are close to the depth of 11000 meters." After a while, Lori reported again.On the screen, she carefully controlled the submarine to descend slowly. The surrounding environment was pitch black, swallowing the submarine like a huge mouth of an abyss.

At this time, the two people behind Loli also spoke: "There is still 100 meters to the bottom of the sea, maybe"


Seeing the two singing in unison, Xiao Han couldn't help laughing: "Don't play tricks with me, there must be another mystery next."

"Uh..." Seeing that Xiao Han had guessed it, the two people who wanted to show off were choked up.Dr. Zhang on the side smiled and said: "You are right, we did find something under the sea, please follow me here."

(End of this chapter)

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