Chapter 75 Toad Boss
Of course he wouldn't just stand there stupidly, and easily get out of the giant tail's attack range with a teleportation technique.

Seeing the arrogance of the giant crocodile, Xiao Han bit his finger, just about to teach it a lesson with Zhan Zhan Wu, when he suddenly stopped.

"By the way, haven't you tried the psychic contract in Mount Miaomu yet? It just so happens that there is a giant crocodile as a sandbag."

And what could be better than watching two giant beasts fight?This is called only magic can defeat magic.Looking at the giant crocodile in front of him, Xiao Han suddenly showed a glimmer of expectation, wondering which toad he could summon with his current strength.

So he put one hand on the ground, lifted the chakra in his body, and shouted: "Ninja, psychic art!"

In an instant, a large cloud of smoke exploded, Xiao Han only felt his feet sway, and then his eyes quickly rose.

When the smoke dissipated, Xiao Han found that he was standing on top of a huge orange-black toad. To deal with this kind of thing? A mere beast!"

It was only then that Xiao Han noticed the toad's attire: a giant short sword was pinned to his waist, he was wearing a blue and black toga, and he had a cigarette holder in his mouth.

Isn't it Bunta Toad?Nope. I didn't expect that I would summon this guy out with too much force. This is a thigh with a proper shadow-level combat power.So he quickly put on a smiling face: "I made a mistake, I was not very proficient in using the psychic art of Mount Miaomu for the first time, and I will definitely control Chakra next time."

"Don't bother me with such trivial things in the future." Toad Wentai clicked his cigarette holder angrily. If the kid on his head hadn't signed a psychic contract, ordinary people would have been slapped to death by it.

"Understood, Boss Toad~!" Xiao Han agreed with all his mouth, but smirked in his heart: "I think the enemy is weak, don't you? Then when you meet Godzilla, you will be psychic out, and I will send you an atomic breath for you to try." .”

This huge monster that suddenly appeared stunned all the people watching the battle, and Dr. Will exclaimed: "Oh my God, there is another one! How many virus samples have you lost!?"

"There are only three! Besides, are you an idiot? Do you think an ordinary mutant monster can talk? It's still wearing clothes? This is obviously made by my boss to deal with that crocodile!" Claire gave her a mocking look. .

"But." Claire couldn't speak, this was completely beyond her cognition, she now felt that her Ph.D. degree in biology and genetics was a joke.

The giant crocodile saw an enemy about its size suddenly appearing in front of it, propped up the two fan-shaped membranes on its neck, and let out a threatening roar at Wentai like a lizard, trying to deter the enemy in this way.

Seeing that a beast dared to provoke him, Wen Tai snorted coldly, and said to Xiao Han above his head: "Little devil, stand still, I'm going to go."

As soon as its voice fell, Xiao Han felt his body drop rapidly.In the next second, Wen Tai jumped up, and the surrounding buildings quickly became smaller. The terrifying hurricane whistled in his ears, and the huge thrust even made Xiao Han bend over slightly.Immediately afterwards, this thrust turned into a strong sense of weightlessness. Xiao Han gathered his chakra on his feet and sucked it tightly on Wentai, and at the same time opened his arms and let out a strange cry.

This is much more exciting than riding a roller coaster!

Wen Tai's huge body slammed into the giant crocodile with the momentum of Mount Tai, and the terrifying impact made the giant crocodile let out a painful roar.

In terms of size alone, the giant crocodile is actually bigger than Wentai, but the strength of the two is not directly proportional. Wentai far exceeds the giant crocodile in terms of strength and body density.

So much so that the giant crocodile could only be held down by Wentai with one hand like a gecko, twisting its body in vain, struggling hard.

This exaggerated scene stunned those who watched the battle around the battlefield. They didn't expect that the crocodile, who was still invincible just now, would be subdued so easily now.

"Little devil, do you want to kill it?" Wentai asked in a relaxed tone, obviously it hasn't used much force yet.

"Just kill it." The requirement of the world mission is to kill giant crocodiles and giant wolves, Xiao Han said without thinking.

Wen Tai responded, and the short knife at his waist came out suddenly, and with a terrifying whistling sound, it swept across the giant crocodile's body in an instant, cutting it in half from the middle, and now even if it had the ability to regenerate, it would not be able to survive.

【Ding!Kill the violent crocodile and get plot points*30000]

Looking at the rich plot point rewards, Xiao Han showed a satisfied smile.

"Little ghost, are there any other enemies? If not, I'll go back first." Wen Tai seemed to have done an easy little thing, and casually wiped away the blood on the knife.

"It's okay. If I have the opportunity to go to the ninja world in the future, I will definitely visit Miaomu Mountain. I will trouble you this time." Xiao Han jumped on Bunta's nose so that he could see himself.

"Well, I see." Toad Bunta said in a deafening voice. It remembered that the Great Toad Immortal had called it not long ago, saying that the second person who could change the fate of the ninja world appeared, and it seemed to be standing on his own nose. .

After writing down Xiao Han's appearance, Wentai said hello and took the initiative to release the psychic, and returned to the ninja world. It wanted to report today's events to the Great Toad Immortal.

Xiao Han looked at the corpse of the giant crocodile that had been split in two from head to tail, and smacked his lips in admiration.Unexpectedly, Wentai is so powerful. Today, Wentai let him see the strength of the movie class with his own eyes, and let him recognize the gap between himself and the movie class. It seems that there is still a long way to go in the future.

【Ding!Congratulations to the completion of the host world task, get life energy*1000, chakra energy*1000, trigger lottery chance*4, S-level secret technique gift bag*1, plot points*40000]

[The host has completed the world mission, and can end the world process immediately, or stay in this dungeon world for free for 72 hours, please make a decision as soon as possible! 】

At this moment, the system prompt that popped up in his mind brought him back to his senses. It seemed that the antidote in George's body had taken effect, and he exited the berserk state.

Xiao Han raised his eyebrows, and gave him a pillow when he was really sleepy. He was short of S-level wide-range ninjutsu, so he gave him an S-level secret technique gift bag.

"Stay." He said silently in his heart.

[Having chosen to stay in the dungeon world, the host can stay in this world for free for 72 hours, and if the specified time is exceeded, 100 plot points will be deducted per day. 】

Xiao Han curled his lips, if this system is cut open, it must be black-hearted.The world has taken it for you, and you still have to pay for staying here for two days!
After slandering, Xiao Han came to George's side in a flash. At this time, it still looked like it was breathing more and breathing less.

"I've injected it with the antidote, and it's not in danger now." Seeing Xiao Han approaching, Davis quickly stretched out his hands to block him, for fear that he would hit George again.

(End of this chapter)

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