Chapter 44
Rose looked at these scorched humanoid monsters in horror. She brought her daughter to this place of Silent Hill, trying to solve her daughter's nightmare.As a result, as soon as they arrived at the place, a little girl suddenly jumped out in front of the car that was driving well. She turned the steering wheel in desperation to avoid it. As a result, the car rolled over and she herself passed out.

When he woke up, he found that he had come to this strange town shrouded in ashes, and his daughter disappeared inexplicably.

She called her daughter's name and found it all the way.Unexpectedly, after a piercing air defense siren, everything in front of him changed, the surrounding environment seemed to have turned into hell, and what was even more frightening was that a group of hideous monsters appeared unexpectedly.

Rose's world view has been impacted unprecedentedly, what the hell is this place! ?
She ran away in fright, calling for help incessantly.But the group of monsters made a sound like a child crying, and they stretched out their hands to grab her, and she was surrounded by a group of monsters in an instant.

Her coat had been torn to shreds at some point, and she was only wearing a thin low-cut sweater, and she suddenly looked happy while running.But she couldn't care less at this moment, she ran to a door in horror, turned the door handle, but found in despair that the door was locked.

Seeing the monster getting closer and closer, she cried and slapped on the door: "Oh my God, someone help me!"

At this time, the monsters had surrounded her, and she was dragged to the ground by the monsters in a short while. She kept struggling, but to no avail. A group of monsters dragged her legs and skirts to the distance. .
At this moment, a cold knife light flashed in front of her eyes, and the monster holding her was cut in half instantly.

Rose stared blankly at the young man who suddenly appeared in front of her. Those terrifying monsters looked so vulnerable under his knife.

Soon a group of ashes imps were repelled by Xiao Han. He put away the long knife and looked down at Rose.

No wonder it is said that old American horror films are often a mixture of fear elements and colored elements. When frightening the audience, they do not forget to give the audience benefits and mobilize the audience's most primitive emotions.

At this time, Rose was sitting on the ground, her clothes were torn into a mess by the ashes kid, her chest was full of spring, and her skirt was curled up on her legs, which made Xiao Han feel a little confused. Well, I don’t know where to look up.

Xiao Han stretched out his hand to pull her up, and asked solemnly: "Beauty, how did you get in? This is not where you should come."

Only then did Rose recover from the fright, and finally saw a living person, she couldn't help throwing herself into Xiao Han's arms, and said in a crying voice: "I don't know how I got in, I was here when I woke up, Thank you for saving me, I thought I was going to die."


Feeling the soft touch on his chest, Xiao Han gasped.Beauty, it's a foul to charge someone with the ball.He bowed his head and glanced again bluntly, and said with a smile: "Although I enjoy this benefit very much, I still have to remind you: Beauty, you are gone."

Following Xiao Han's gaze, Rose noticed that her dress was a bit uncomfortable, and she quickly lowered her head to arrange her clothes, which made herself look less revealing.It's just that this dress is too small now, and it's a low-cut style. No matter how you pull the dress, it can't cover the fullness of the chest. It can only reveal the career line to benefit Xiao Han.

Under Xiao Han's staring gaze, Rose's ears were slightly red, but she can't care so much now, finding her daughter Sharon is the most important thing, so she tried her best to pretend to have a natural expression and asked: "Have you ever seen a little girl? She was about six or seven years old and looked like this."

With that said, she took out a necklace from her chest and showed Xiao Han the photo of her daughter on it.

"Well, I see, your daughter is really big."

"What?" Rose didn't respond.

Xiao Han quickly changed his words: "I mean your daughter is very cute. But I'm sorry, I haven't seen this girl before."

Hearing this, Rose immediately showed anxious eyes. She couldn't imagine how her daughter could live alone in such a terrifying place.When she thought that her daughter might encounter an accident, she felt like she was going to faint.

Seeing that she was about to cry, Xiao Han rubbed his forehead and said, "Don't worry, I'm sure your daughter is fine now, I'll help you find her later."

In the plot, her daughter was caught by the group of cultists at the final stage, and she will be fine now.

"Really?" Hearing Xiao Han's words, Rose hugged Xiao Han's arm excitedly: "Thank you, thank you! Please save my daughter!"

"Don't worry, I promise to send you mother and daughter out intact." Xiao Han patted her on the shoulder, pushed her away, and was afraid that he would not be able to hold on to being hugged like this.

"Thank you, thank you so much." Rose kept thanking her. In such a terrifying place, Xiao Han had become her only life-saving straw.

Seeing Rose's abjection at that time, Xiao Han thought for a while and took off his coat and handed it over, otherwise she would be easily distracted by dangling in front of him in a low-cut dress.

At that time, it will be miserable to be attacked by monsters from Silent Hill because of Kangou.

"Thank you." Rose blushed and took the clothes from Xiao Han's hand, feeling more fond of Xiao Han in her heart.

Putting on the coat, although it can't completely cover her bumpy figure, at least Xiao Han won't be distracted.

"Sure enough, a woman will only affect my speed of drawing a knife!"

Xiao Han drew out his knife and gestured twice, then nodded in satisfaction.

Seeing Xiao Han wielding his knife sharply, Rose felt very safe, but she couldn't help laughing when she heard Xiao Han's words, and at the same time marked Xiao Han as "a shy Asian boy with a good heart." 'Tag of.

If Xiao Han knew what she was thinking in his heart, he would definitely let her try his 'shy boy' on the spot.

"By the way, what exactly is this place? And what kind of monsters were those things just now?" Rose, who was relaxed, began to be curious about this weird place.

"This is Silent Hill, but not the one you know. This is independent of the world you are in. You can understand that we are in another world. The monsters just now are called Ash Imps, and they are the most common in Silent Hill. The ghosts are very weak. In addition to the ash ghost, there are many more terrifying monsters here, so after going out for a while, you must be careful to follow me." Xiao Han briefly introduced a few words.

(End of this chapter)

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