Chapter 28 Action Begins

In a certain dark alley, a group of dazzling flames suddenly appeared.Xiao Han looked at the rapidly burning corpse in front of him, pressed the headset and said lightly: "I've got it done here, let's stop here today."

"How is Wesley's training going?" The low voice of the cross came from the headset.

"It's almost ready to be alone. Find a time to let him see the blood, and our plan can almost start."

Hearing Xiao Han's answer, the cross was a little tangled.On the one hand, he doesn't want Wesley to follow his old path and become a killer, on the other hand, he is proud of Wesley's progress.

After a few seconds of silence, he said, "Help me hold back the Brotherhood's other killers while we're in action. I want to contact Wesley alone."

"No problem. Let's temporarily stop our operation recently. If we continue to kill, that old fellow Sloan will probably jump over the wall in a hurry."

Hearing this, the cross also gave a low laugh.

Xiao Han has not been idle for the past few days, and has been secretly cooperating with the cross to hunt and kill the single killer of the Brotherhood, trying to reduce the enemy's vital strength before the decisive battle.

In just a few days, no less than ten killers were killed by the two.Xiao Han also gained a lot of plot points. The killers in the brotherhood are very valuable, even ordinary peripheral killers can bring nearly a thousand plot points.

The inexplicable disappearance of more than a dozen people made everyone in the fraternity feel in danger.Sloan jumped even more anxiously. He counted all these missing people on the head of the cross, wishing to smash the cross to ashes.

It's a pity that he couldn't find the location of the cross, and he didn't dare to send people out to search rashly. Doing so would only allow the cross to find a chance to defeat them one by one.

Therefore, he could only hide in the No. 17 textile factory aggrieved, not daring to step out, for fear that he would be killed by a shot from the cross.

The flames gradually extinguished, and the corpse turned into ashes. Xiao Han waved a weakened version of the sickle weasel to blow the ashes away.

The combination of fire escape and wind escape is simply the best choice for destroying corpses and traces.

At this time, a siren sounded from the alley, and it was estimated that the nearby residents saw the fire and called the police.Xiao Han looked at the approaching police cars in the distance, stretched his waist with a smile, and then his body suddenly dispersed into a cloud of smoke and disappeared in the alley.

When two American imperial policemen rushed to the alley, they only saw a mass of charred marks on the ground
They looked at each other, shrugged and went back to the police car, wanting to get home from get off work earlier than to investigate such frivolity.

In the treatment room, Xiao Han was soaking in the medicinal water pool. He also liked the feeling of this medicinal bath now, and he felt refreshed every time he finished the bath.

After receiving the information from the shadow clone, Xiao Han suddenly smiled.

"It's finally coming to an end."

Firefox's 'bathtub' was occupied, so I had to sit by the pool with a towel around it. Hearing Xiao Han's words, she showed a dangerous expression on her face. *tears it off and stuffs it in his beep*!"

After hearing this, Xiao Han felt a chill down below, and subconsciously clamped his legs, this woman is so cruel.

Noticing Xiao Han's actions, Firefox gave him a contemptuous look.

"What are you afraid of? Men without guts."

Xiao Han curled his lips, it doesn't matter whether he has the guts or not, what he is afraid of is that he will lose his eggs.

Early the next morning, Xiao Han, Firefox, and Wesley gathered at the gate of the No. 17 Textile Factory.

Seeing Wesley coming, Firefox handed him a photo. "Your target is in a black limousine, he's always walking those six blocks of Halsted, and you have a three block chance of killing him."

Wesley glanced at the photo, took note of the target's appearance, and then threw it aside. It could be seen that he was very confident in his current strength.

When an ordinary person gains great strength in a short period of time, he will often have an illusion that he is invincible and become unprecedentedly inflated.

This kind of blind self-confidence is a big taboo for a killer, but neither Xiao Han nor Firefox reminded him that some losses can only be remembered long after suffering.

Xiao Han and Firefox looked at each other, and walked towards the fiery red sports car together, which was driven by Xiao Han this time.

And this time Wesley was in charge of the hands-on, so he was driving a car alone.The two cars drove out of the gate of the No. 17 textile factory one after the other, shuttled through the traffic, and soon arrived at the block where the target often appeared.

Xiao Han flicked his tail and parked the car on the side of the road. Firefox looked at the time and waited silently.

After a while, a black extended Maybach turned in from the corner.Sitting in the car was a man with a fat head and big ears, who looked very 'capital'.

"The target has appeared, start to act." Firefox raised the car window and said lightly into the headset.

Wesley received the order, and as soon as the steering wheel turned to the black Maybach, it quickly approached. Xiao Han also drove behind, and the two cars formed a double-team situation.

Soon Wesley chased after him, took out his gun and pulled the trigger without hesitation, but the bullet left only two white marks on the window of the Maybach, and the window of this car was actually bulletproof.

The sudden attack startled the fat man inside, but he quickly realized that his car windows were bulletproof. After casting a disdainful glance at Wesley, he smoked his cigar beautifully, completely displeased. Keep this assassination in mind.

Xiao Han saw the wisps of smoke coming out of the black luxury car from behind, and immediately showed an expression of looking idiot.

He kicked the accelerator and passed, then drifted ahead and turned around, heading straight for the two cars.

Wesley immediately understood Xiao Han's intentions, stepped on the accelerator and started to accelerate, the distance between the two cars quickly narrowed, just when they were about to collide.

Xiao Han slammed on the brakes, and the huge inertia instantly lowered the front of the car, forming a springboard.Wesley took the opportunity to step on the accelerator to the bottom, and the whole car spun directly and flew over the roof of the black luxury car.

The man in the luxury car stared dumbfounded at the passing car and the muzzle protruding from the car window. There was only one thought left in his mind. Who the fuck opened the sunroof?
After a gunshot, the target was killed cleanly.

Wesley's car landed firmly on the ground, and the two cars quickly merged into the traffic flow and disappeared
Seeing Wesley in front of him constantly changing lanes in the traffic flow, showing off his driving skills, Xiao Han suddenly said: "If one day, you suddenly find that the creed you insist on is wrong, what will you do?"

Firefox frowned and asked puzzledly, "What do you mean?"

Then she was answered with a gunshot, and Wesley's tire in front of him was suddenly blown out, and the whole car rolled and rushed out of the road.

"No, it's a cross! Stop!"

Firefox's pupils shrank suddenly, and now she only had one thought in her mind, that is, never let Wesley and the cross be alone.

However, Xiao Han didn't intend to slow down at all, instead he turned the steering wheel into a path that was rarely traveled by.

(End of this chapter)

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