super god sculptor

Chapter 49 The Most Valuable Baby

Chapter 49 The Most Valuable Baby

Xu Xiu is not a stingy person, so he decided to invite Lan Xiaoxiao and his party to have a meal.

After a month, although the physical store only sold one product, the online live broadcast order has never failed.

I have to count the number on the bank card several times every day, and now it has exceeded 3.

For Xu Xiu, who is used to being poor, he has already included himself in the ranks of the high-paying class and the small rich.

Of course the treat should be at noon, Galan Town is not safe at night, not to mention the curfew, it is best for them to leave before dark.

The location is still Zhige Restaurant, and with the addition of Gorgon Gorgon, it just happens to be a table.

Seeing that Qianqian also climbed up, and dominated one, and unwrapped the tableware in front of him in a dignified manner.

"It, is it also on the table?" Zheng Yuan was dumbfounded and said in surprise.

Wang Wang Wang!
Qianqian roared angrily at the monk a few times. "Some people, I'm afraid they are not nobler than dogs."

Seeing that Xu Xiu was unhappy, Lan Xiaoxiao said coldly.

"Yes, like the bald donkey!"

Feng An was not impressed by this outspoken monk, and sneered.

"Like a thief!" the monk said angrily.

Qin Yue hurriedly shouted haha ​​to calm down the atmosphere, then lifted the jug and poured wine for everyone.

Ning Honghong remained silent, and petted the dog's paw obediently, loving it very much.

When Qin Yue poured it into Qianqian's cup, he said: "Qianqian has a good capacity for drinking, and he will pour those two stinky men down."

"Fairy, I don't care about you!" Qianqian grabbed the small notebook on his chest and wrote.

Xu Xiu fondled the dog's head, smiled, and put a piece of braised pork ribs in the bowl in front of it.


Gorgon Gorgon held the chopsticks with one claw, skillfully picked up the ribs, and took a bite.

As a result, the focus of the whole lunch was instead on Qian Qian.

I don't know when, Gorgon Gorgon stopped holding food with its claws.

It began to boast that it was a fairy beast, and it would never collude with dogs.

Eat with bowls and chopsticks, drink with cups, and drink tea slowly.

Full of demeanor.

When Xu Xiu saw Lan Xiaoxiao, he was very excited, and everyone drank a little too much.

Xu Xiu held on strong, while Qianqian fell on his lap, squinting his eyes to admire his tough but flushed face.

The others are all practitioners, even Ning Honghong and Lan Xiaoxiao can still hold on.

Lan Xiaoxiao, who hadn't seen each other for three years, was even more indulgent once.

Hong Xiafei also drank so much that her coldness had long since disappeared.

Xidelan Fusheng looked at Xu Xiu with even brighter eyes.

"My girl, not only have you not drank with me in the past few years, but you have never laughed."

"Sure enough, Xiuwa is so powerful, I'm afraid that she's going to be out of this world."

Lan Xiaoxiao stared at Lan Fusheng, and the weather turned cloudy: "Shut up!"

Lan Fusheng smiled awkwardly, but didn't dare to speak again.

"Uncle Lan, do the math, how much is this table?"

Xu Xiu saw that everyone was drinking a little too much, so he took out his mobile phone and prepared to pay the bill.

"Don't, don't, don't!" Lan Fusheng hurriedly got up to stop, "My daughter is back, I am the host, this meal, please!"

"How can I do that? I proposed the treat, and I also ordered the meal. Do the math!"

"I really can't give it. My daughter said that if you pay the money, I will feel better!"

Lan Fusheng looked at Lan Xiaoxiao's cannibalistic eyes, and hurriedly put away the QR code hanging on the wall.

Xu Xiu was not pretentious, nodded and said: "Okay, but Xiaoxiao's sister is back, and I, a brother, can't justify it without showing any signs."

"How about this, sister Xiaoxiao, I'm a sculptor, so I'll give you a piece of sculpture."

"You go to my shop and choose one of the works of art that I have inspired, and take whichever one you like."

Lan Xiaoxiao was startled, did she have a gift?
What is endowment?
Oh, it should have been consecrated, is he going to give me a magic weapon?

A few people also immediately understood that Xu Xiu deliberately described the consecration as an incantation, and the magic weapon as a work of art.

Can't help but look at Lan Xiaoxiao with envy and jealousy.

"Brother Xu Xiu, the... artwork in your store is too precious, I, I'm afraid I can't bear it..."

Lan Fusheng said in a loud voice: "Silly girl, how can you refuse that brother Xu Xiu gave you the gift, not to mention that there are so many sculptures in his shop."

"Yeah, everything in my store is in my hands. To me, it's really worthless. Let's go and choose the best one!"

Lan Xiaoxiao was surprised and delighted, as if in a dream, it was as simple as that, Xu Xiu was willing to let her choose a magic weapon.

Soon, under the envious eyes of several people, Lan Xiaoxiao chose the beautiful woman Meng Po with a price tag of 3000.

Lan Fusheng couldn't help muttering: "Why don't you choose Guanyin? Although this Meng Po is beautiful, she has a very evil spirit."

The daughter has a cold face all day long, and if she chooses a yin god to bring her by her side, wouldn't it be even colder?
But Lan Xiaoxiao said suddenly: "Father Fusheng, Brother Xu Xiu, this work of art is really too precious."

"If I just take away the statue of Meng Po, my daughter will feel indebted for the rest of her life, and she will never be able to laugh again!"

"But there is no treasure on my daughter, you must give the most valuable treasure in your family to Brother Xu Xiu!"

"Otherwise, from today onwards, the word father in the address will be removed!"

Lan Fusheng was taken aback when he heard that, his big eyes blinked again and again.

A few people thought it should be, after all, the magic weapon is too precious.

Xu Xiu hurriedly waved his hand: "No, no, really, it's just a statue, as long as Xiaoxiao likes it!"

Lan Xiaoxiao stared at Lan Fusheng, her eyes became colder.

Lan Fusheng hurriedly said: "I'll think about it again, I'll think about it again, this is not a trivial matter!"

Xu Xiu wanted to stop him, but Lan Fusheng stared at Xu Xiu, looked and looked, and suddenly laughed.

"Xiuwa, Uncle Lan doesn't have any valuable treasures, but at least he has something to be proud of, so I'll give it to you!"

Lan Fusheng pushed Lan Xiaoxiao to Xu Xiu's side:
"The most valuable baby!"

"It's Xiaoxiao's son. Today, the old man will, just, give it to you!"

Lan Fusheng's words blasted several people on the spot.

Lan Xiaoxiao didn't expect her father to say such a thing, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

When I say baby, don't I mean the family heirloom of my Lan family?
However, she was inexplicably looking forward to it, so she couldn't help but sneak a glance at Xu Xiu.

She and Xu Xiu were childhood sweethearts, they played together since they were young, and they became Prince Charming without knowing it.

After college separated, she was drafted by Trinity in her sophomore year.

Ever since she heard that Xu Xiu had a girlfriend, she cried for days and nights.

She also quietly went to the Academy of Fine Arts to confirm, and then completely sealed her heart and love, and never smiled again.

"She, she, give her to me?" Xu Xiu looked at Lan Xiaoxiao, then looked at Lan Fusheng suspiciously, "Human, can you give her too?"

"Yes, yes, she is the most valuable treasure of my Lan family, if you don't give it away, if she doesn't call me dad, I will die of pain!"

Seeing that Xu Xiu seemed to refuse, Lan Fusheng stomped his feet anxiously: "Today, you have to take it if you accept it, or you have to accept it if you don't accept it. Anyway, I will send Xiaoxiao to you!"

Ning Honghong stared at Xu Xiu in bewilderment, why can't he understand such a handsome guy?
"Give it to me, but, is she willing? Also, why do you give it to me?"

Lan Xiaoxiao suddenly stood out boldly: "I am willing! I will be your bodyguard!"

"Yes, yes, personal bodyguard!" Lan Fusheng hurriedly said, his daughter agreed, and his heart blossomed.

"Stand aside!" Lan Xiaoxiao said coldly.

Lan Fusheng hurriedly retreated behind Qin Yue, but he couldn't close his mouth.


Xu Xiu nodded. Anyway, I have a god-level engraving system, and it is inevitable to be famous in the engraving world and earn a lot of money.

There is nothing wrong with hiring a bodyguard for self-defense first.

But he still frowned and said, "Sister Xiaoxiao, you are on the third floor. Although I will be rich in the future, I am still poor now!"

"This, this salary, how much do you want?"

Lan Xiaoxiao stretched out three fingers.

"Thirty thousand?" Xu Xiu was taken aback. He heard that the monthly salary of the third floor was ten times that of ordinary employees, and it was true.

Lan Fusheng hurriedly said: "No salary, just the kind of personal protection every day!"

"Shut up!" Lan Xiaoxiao was so ashamed that her face turned red to the base of her neck, "Anyway, from now on, I'm your bodyguard!"

"The monthly salary is three thousand!"

Xu Xiu moved his fingers habitually, since he couldn't push it off, then let's do it first, as long as it's not thirty thousand.

"Okay, sister Xiaoxiao, three thousand first, and I'll give you a raise after I earn money!"

How many people are dumbfounded, are you really a bodyguard?
(End of this chapter)

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