Start a company to make games

Chapter 83 New Partner

Chapter 83 New Partner

The suspect, Lu Fangfang, nodded timidly: "Yes, Feimeng's firewall is so powerful this time, I have put in a lot of effort!"

Hi Dog continued to ask in disbelief: "In just a few hours, you have broken all 1024 looping obstacles?"

Lu Fangfang continued to nod her head: "Yes, it was very slow at the beginning, but then it was very fast..."

Unbelievably high, he escorted Lu Fangfang to the girl's bedroom.

Liu Xiong looked around worriedly, this nima's style of painting is getting more and more wrong, if there is an enthusiastic crowd here, I'm afraid that he and Heigou will become suspects.

Shaking his head, Liu Xiong followed into the bedroom, beside the bed, there was Lu Fangfang's crime tool.

Hi Dog glanced at the computer screen, and suffered a huge blow in an instant.

It can be clearly seen on the screen that the 1024 circulation barrier that he carefully designed has actually been cracked.

Now, Lu Fangfang's computer can freely roam in the mainframe of Feimeng Company.

Hi Gou sighed dejectedly: "Am I too good, or is she too strong..."

That's pretty much the end of the matter.

Liu Xiong didn't intend to pursue responsibility at first, so he warned Fangfang a few words, telling her not to do such things again...

Lu Fangfang also apologized sincerely, and promised not to do it again in the future.

After all, Lu Fangfang is not a professional hacker.

Lu Fangfang is just an underage student who seems to be full of heroism, but is actually timid and fearful. He just happens to be quite talented in computer and network technology.

Seeing that the goal of warning the hackers has been achieved, Liu Xiong is planning to take his hi dog out of the way.

But Lu Fangfang kept Liu Xiong at this time, and said: "Well...Mr. Liu, I have turned 16, and it's time to come out to work. I want to go to work. I have thought about it for a long time."

"I like computer work, I also like games, and I like Feimeng."

"I want to come to Feimeng to make games, can I? My programming skills are not bad, so I won't be a hindrance!"

Obviously he came to catch hackers, but now the hackers are looking for him to apply for a job?
This plot caught Liu Xiong a little off guard.

Caught off guard, Liu Xiong flatly refused subconsciously: "No, no, you are still young, and going to school is your main job."

But as soon as he said it, Liu Xiong regretted it.

This little girl named Lu Fangfang seems to be a genius in computer technology!

I don't know what her attributes are?

With this in mind, Liu Xiong used the system to check Lu Fangfang's attributes.

Lu Fangfang: Programming 388, Screenwriting 320, Painting 291, Composing 400.

what's the situation?
Liu Xiong thought there was a bug in the system!
Opening and closing his eyes, Liu Xiong shook his head, and used the system to check Lu Fangfang's attributes again.

Lu Fangfang: Programming 388, Screenwriting 320, Painting 291, Composing 400.

Liu Xiong, who couldn't believe it, used the system again and checked again.

The result remains the same.

This attribute, this is no longer a cheat.

This nima system is run by her family, right?

Unbelievable Liu Xiong, suddenly his eyes became very sharp.

On the table to the left of the computer, there is a half-opened drawing book. At a glance, it seems to be hand-painted by the big touch.

Below the hand-drawn drawings, there are dense small characters, which seem to be essays written according to the hand-drawn drawings.

In the corner of the bedroom, there is a guitar, an accordion...

There are various indications that Lu Fangfang is a student who knows how to computer, draw, literature, and music...

Maybe maybe it's possible, Lu Fangfang really knows everything...

In this way, Liu Xiong regretted it even more.

Such a super hacker, such a super genius, if you miss it, there will be no more!
But after thinking about it, the girl is only 16 years old, just the age to go to school.

Even if Lu Fangfang is a genius, I can't delay other people's serious schooling, can I?

Even if he agreed to recruit Lu Fangfang, Lu Fangfang's parents would definitely not agree.


Liu Xiong hesitated to reject Lu Fangfang, but Lu Fangfang immediately said, "Go to school? I'm not going to go to school long ago!"

"When I go to school, I will be bullied by my classmates..."

Unexpectedly, Lu Fangfang, who looks refreshing and handsome, would be subjected to school violence?

Perhaps, Lu Fangfang, who was born with a childish voice and a cowardly personality, is an easy target for bullying.

And she deliberately took the neutral dressing route, perhaps because of being bullied.


Afraid that Liu Xiong would continue to refuse, Lu Fangfang hurriedly added: "I have already finished the courses in school."

"I also told my parents about working in an IT company, and they all supported my idea..."

Thus, the two most critical points of the matter were resolved.

First, coming to Feimeng to work will not delay Fangfang's studies.

Second, Fangfang's parents support her daughter to leave school and move towards a more mature and hard-working corporate society without violence.

Because of Fangfang's super attributes, Liu Xiong wants Fangfang.

And Fangfang also wants to come to Feimeng.

After meeting with Fangfang's parents and confirming the situation, everything came to fruition.

Two days later, Fangfang came to Feimeng and officially started her social career.

Liu Xiong called a meeting and introduced Fangfang's arrival to everyone.

"This is our new colleague named Lu Fangfang. She has just turned 16, please don't bully her."

"Wow, the boss recruited another little sister."

"Is this to form a beauty team?"

"Don't worry, Fangfang will be covered by your sister Xiaokui!"

"Boss, don't bully Fangfang!"

Among the whole company, the one who is most happy for Fangfang to join, besides Xiaokui, is Xiaolin.

Xiao Lin said happily: "Ha! Now I am not the youngest in the company!"

However, except for Heigou, none of the people present knew that Fangfang was actually a hacker.

Liu Xiong felt that there was no need to speak out about this matter.


When Liu Xiong went to Fang Fang's house to catch hackers two days ago, Fang Fang left Liu Xiong with the impression that she was handsome, but she was actually a timid girl.

In addition, Fangfang had the experience of being bullied on campus, which made Liu Xiong a little worried about whether Fangfang would be suitable for the company's environment.

But after coming to work today, Fangfang's overall performance impressed Liu Xiong!
Fangfang, who came to Feimeng, has no stage fright behavior at all, no matter how she deals with people and things, she is decent and youthful.

Even, it looks a little familiar!

Liu Xiong only felt that he was becoming more and more incomprehensible to Fangfang's character.

Sitting in front of the computer, Fang Fang put herself into work quite efficiently.

The hands are dancing on the keyboard, the absolute speed is not very fast, there is no dazzling feeling like a high dog.

But after careful observation, it can be found that Fangfang's operation is very rhythmic, and there are almost no misoperations.

Generally speaking, during the high-speed use of the keyboard, typos and backspace correction operations often occur.

But Fangfang will not do this, every time she touches the keyboard, it is an effective operation.

Liu Xiong observed for a while, and couldn't help nodding.

Almost no mishandling!
This alone is destined to make Fangfang not an ordinary programmer.

(End of this chapter)

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