Start a company to make games

Chapter 73 Night God's Theory

Chapter 73 Night God's Theory

Night God spoke again at this time.

Although before, Ye Shen boasted about Liu Xiong's setting, and almost boasted about Liu Xiong's pride and indulgence.

But now, Ye Shen also can't fully understand Liu Xiong's settings.

"To be honest, I don't quite understand the leveling difficulty set by the boss. It's really scary."

"This level of difficulty will definitely be scolded after the game is released."

"It will still be scolded miserably."

"I can't understand all the settings of the boss, but I believe in the ability of the boss and support the decision of the boss." Ye Shen gave unconditional trust.


Ye Shen said, "If you think about it carefully, the boss's almost cruel leveling difficulty also has its advantages."

Liu Xiong smiled slightly, and asked expectantly: "Oh? Ye Shen, what's your opinion, let's hear it."

Xiao Lin also yelled: "Brother Ye Shen, tell me, I want to hear it too."

Ye Shen opened the information he had prepared, and said, "Can a game make players forget the time, get addicted to it, and fight until dawn?"

"There is a very important factor in it, and that is what can be gained from the game."

"Take our hot-blooded legend as an example. After a player walks out of the novice village, what supports him to persist in the game and engage in endless kimchi-style slashing monsters?"

"It's the harvest in the game."

Ye Shen emphasized the word harvest.

"This kind of gain includes not only the certain gain, but also the expected gain that may be obtained."

"For example, student Ha Ming played a Taoist priest. It took him a few hours to reach level 6. He was a little depressed and found it boring."

"At this time, a soldier Leng Feng came over and asked Ha Ming if he wanted to fight the bull monster half-orc."

"Ha Ming wanted to go, but the soldier Leng Feng saw that Ha Ming was only level 6, so he despised Ha Ming."

"And Leng Feng told Ha Ming that after you reached level 7, you will have healing skills, so I will take you to hunt monsters."

"So Ha Ming, who originally planned to go offline, probably decided to level up in order to team up with Leng Feng to challenge the legendary monster half-orc."

"Ha Ming expected to be promoted to level 7, and after level 7, he gained the healing technique and the qualification to form a team. He is very happy."

Liu Xiong nodded, what Ye Shen said was very good, seeing that Ye Shen didn't seem to have spoken yet, he signaled Ye Shen to continue.

So Ye Shen went on to say: "The next day Ha Ming wanted to find Leng Feng to form a team again, but Leng Feng was not online. Ha Ming fought monsters by himself, and the fight was very slow, Ha Ming was very depressed."

"But Ha Ming still insists on leveling. He slashes monsters with a knife and goes around looking for teams to fight monsters. Why?"

"Because Ha Ming saw level 9, there is a skill book called Mental Force Warfare. With this skill, Ha Ming, as a Taoist priest, will have a melee ability that is not inferior to that of a warrior. In terms of output and leveling speed, both It's a qualitative improvement."

"Haha Ming worked hard to upgrade to level 9. As expected, the speed of killing monsters doubled. From now on, I will upgrade without asking for help. I am very happy!"

"In order to learn poisoning, Ha Ming worked hard to reach level 14."

"Later, Ha Ming felt that as a Taoist priest, his output was basically cut, which was very unscientific."

"In order to learn the remote output skill Soul Fire Talisman, Ha Ming spent the whole day in the mine, slashing zombies like crazy."

"After hacking monsters for a day and finally reaching level 18, Ha Ming even opened two cans of Red Bull, preparing to fight all night. Why?"

"Because the harvest of being promoted to level 19 is really attractive to Ha Ming!"

"Summon the skeleton! From now on, Jianghu Road will no longer be lonely. Only with a baby to fight, is a real Taoist priest!"

"During the night of fighting monsters, Ha Ming also broke out a prayer helmet with the best attribute, which made Ha Ming even more happy."

"After reaching level 19, it was already late at night. Haha Ming fell asleep, and turned on the computer again as soon as he got up."


"Because Haming, currently only level 0 skeletons can be summoned, and Haming, I heard that high-level skeletons are very strong!"

"In order to practice the skill of summoning skeletons, Ha Ming came to the town's sword guards, and kept summoning skeletons, and was hacked to death by the sword, and summoned again, and was hacked to death by the sword..."

"The boring skill practice lasted for an entire hour, but Ha Ming felt that it was worth the money."

"Because the skeleton summoned by Ha Ming has finally been upgraded from level 0 to level 1."

"But Ha Ming is a little disappointed at this time, because his own level is too low, so he can only summon level 1 skeletons."

"In order to summon higher level skeletons, Hamin needs to level up!"

"Invisibility at level 20, ghost shield at level 22, holy armor at level 25, and even summoning beast at level 35!"

"Level 22 Soul Battlesuit, Level 26 Silver Snake, Mind Bracelet, Promise Stick, and even the Celestial Suit that require Taoism!"

"These skills and equipment drive Ha Ming to continuously upgrade."

"Not to mention the top-quality props, rare skill books that exploded during the game, and the favorite equipment purchased from other players through the trading system after killing monsters and harvesting gold coins..."

"These are all the expected gains that the game can bring in Ha Ming's mind. Once such gains appear, it will be a great satisfaction to the players."

"You can upgrade by killing monsters, you can drop equipment by killing monsters, and you can save gold coins by fighting monsters."

"With time, Ha Ming can get everything!"

"A simple exchange allows Ha Ming to get great satisfaction and make Ha Ming stronger."

"Hamin with high level equipment is respected by other players. And Hamin with high level equipment can also get a very strong sense of satisfaction from the core gameplay of the game—PVP."

Ye Shen took a sip of water and ended his words.

"So I think that despite the strict upgrade difficulty and equipment explosion rate, Legend of Blood is enough to make players addicted by virtue of the expectations in the game."

Liu Xiong looked at Ye Shen in shock!
Improved, Ye Shen has really improved.

It seems that during this period of time, the few games produced by Ye Shen have not been in vain.

The current Ye Shen's understanding of the game has definitely risen by more than one level.

Being able to talk about the theory of game harvesting shows that Ye Shen, an online writer who has become a monk halfway through, already has a considerable understanding of the essence of games.

The deeper the understanding of the game, the better the night god can make better settings and write better scripts.

Make a better game...

From this day on, Liu Xiong really realized that he might really have an excellent game screenwriter.

Yeshen, who was greedy for cheap and chose at the beginning, was not wrong!
Not only Liu Xiong, but everyone else nodded in thought after hearing Ye Shen's words, digesting Ye Shen's information.

(End of this chapter)

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