Start a company to make games

Chapter 6 Little Overlord Is Not Afraid of the Graphics Card Crisis

Chapter 6 Little Overlord Is Not Afraid of the Graphics Card Crisis

Hi Dog: Programming 133, Screenwriting 9, Painting 7, Composing 20.


Liu Xiong couldn't help applauding the attributes of the high dog in his heart.

As expected of a talented player among the passers-by, the attributes of the high dog really did not disappoint him!

If it is true that Hi Dog has transformed into a programmer for less than a year, as the rumors say, it will even more explain the amazing talent of Hi Dog.

At the same time, that also means that there is still a lot of room for improvement in HiDog.

It is very important for Feimeng Studio, which is short of people, to win Heigou!

Liu Xiong is eager to join Higou, and Higou is also overwhelmed by Liu Xiong's idealism.

After all, Higou is also a passionate young man with ideals and aspirations.

As idealists, heroes cherish heroes!
Under this premise, the next negotiation between the two parties on the working conditions became very smooth.

Of course, in this market-economy society, it is impossible to want a horse to run and not to eat grass.

Although Higou cannot be said to be a mature programmer, he has fully demonstrated his talent in the past year of transformation. In addition, his work experience in Tianchou Studio is a rich capital for salary.

It can be said that the current high dog can even go to the four kings of the game world, and it will definitely not hold back!

Therefore, Heigou will not be a cheap labor like Xiaolin, and his wages will not be low.

After some discussion, the final agreed price was a monthly salary of 12K!Benefits are calculated separately!
This is because Hi Dog has not been in the industry for a long time. If Hi Dog has three to five years of work experience, with his talent and level, he may not be able to get it without 20K.

Before leaving the software park, he got a main-level programmer, and things went smoothly.

Changed the original plan of taking Xiaolin to recruit together, but let Xiaolin take Higou back to the company first, get acquainted with it, and wait for him to come back at night to sign the contract.

Liu Xiong himself entered the subway station and set off for the talent exchange meeting.

On the subway, Liu Xiong used the calculator on his mobile phone to calculate the current financial situation of the company.

Although the contract has not been signed yet, Haigou can actually be counted as a member of Feimeng, and the expenses on Higou have to be calculated.

Now Liu Xiong has 100 million in cash, but this 100 million is really not enough.

As a high-tech industry located in the software park, the government offers certain discounts on rent and taxation, but the daily expenses are still very expensive.

The first is the office rent, water and electricity, property management, etc., these alone are just over 50000 a month!

When the policy discount expires in the future, it will be even higher!

Then there are employees' salaries, five insurances and one housing fund, etc. Although Feimeng currently only has two employees, Xiaolin and Higou, it is obvious that Liu Xiong will still recruit people.

According to a preliminary estimate, the monthly expenditure on employee wages will also be around 30000 to 50000.

Coupled with the company's daily operations, including Liu Xiong's own living expenses.

Adding up all kinds of things, more than 10 a month is certain, and it is not impossible to reach 15.

There are still 90 days, 3 months, before the scheduled release date of Blood Lion.

If the Blood Lion happens to be completed in 3 months, then in these three months, the expenses just to maintain the operation of the company will cost at least 40 yuan!
Subtract 100 from 40 million, and the remaining 60 is considered the development cost of "Blood Lion".

With 60 yuan, what can be developed?
On Earth, 60 may not be able to develop anything, but in this world, 60 can really produce something!

Because the game's fanatical world tree, player consumption habits and technology tree are very different from the earth!
This is a game-crazed world where consoles, handhelds, and PCs are all thriving!
However, due to consumption habits and policy restrictions, mobile games seem to be dying.

In addition, although it is a game-crazy world, the most mainstream consumption method is still to buy CDs in offline physical stores. Digital games are not popular here, and players do not buy them, and policies do not support them.

And when it comes to PC performance, the gaming-crazed world lags behind Earth.

It's not that the technology can't reach it, but it's not necessary at all!
Let's take the graphics card as an example. The top graphics card in the world is produced by the old Huang's family - 690 tactical core graphics card.

The 1080TI on the earth is obviously several grades higher than the 690.

And the general public's gamer computers only have the level of integrated graphics, and the CPU is relatively weak. If you load LOL to read pictures on the earth, you will definitely be a bully at the end of the crane.

The same is true for the computer used for work, which is backward in performance and poor in computing power, which is incomparable with the earth.

But in fact, PC players can play games with the highest graphics quality even though they use Xiaobawang.

The same is true for working computers. It may take months or even years to program on the earth, but it may only take a few days here!
It is obviously backward in performance, but it can be so powerful.

That's because in this game-crazed world, the technology tree in terms of supercomputers and network construction is very high.

Especially big cities are basically equipped with shared superhosts that have exploded the two eras of the earth.

Using the shared superhost and the speed of light network, any player and company can connect to the shared superhost and use the incredible performance of the shared superhost to serve themselves.

The light-speed network covering the world provides a guarantee for the connection between individuals and shared superhosts.

Perhaps it is the existence of shared superhosts and light-speed networks that makes the world lag behind in the performance of personal computers.

All in all, as big as making Disney's 3D animation, as small as opening a small island movie, all can use the shared super host.

Sharing economy, cloud life, this world is very fashionable.

It is precisely because of the god-defying artifact of shared superhosts that the speed of making games, programming, modeling and CG in this world is really very fast.

It usually only takes 3 to 3 months for a large-scale 6D game from project approval to finished product launch. If it is a rush, 2 months is not impossible.

Like the situation on Earth, where a game is made for three years, and then three years later, it does not exist in this world.

At the same time, thanks to the super performance of the shared super host, the manpower required to make a game is also greatly reduced.

The production staff of most games is just a small group of dozens of people, or even a few people.It won't be like on earth, where hundreds or thousands of production staff are required for a game.

Naturally, shared superhosting isn't free, though.

Each computer connected to the shared super host needs to pay a usage fee.

For individual users, the usage fee is quite low, which is equivalent to the monthly broadband fee of tens of dollars on the earth.

But for enterprise-level users, the usage fee is tiered pricing, which is quite amazing!

10, 100, 1000?
Far from the end!

Depending on the required performance, if it is a masterpiece that consumes a lot of computing power, the usage fee of the shared superhost may be hundreds of millions.

It is rumored that for the latest generation of "Grand Theft Auto 5" of Sunstar, the usage fee for sharing the superhost alone has reached 1.8 million!

Beautiful knife!

The current Feimeng is very poor, so naturally he doesn't plan to engage in that kind of super masterpiece.

However, if the computing power used is compressed as much as possible during the development process, 60 is enough.

(End of this chapter)

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