Start a company to make games

Chapter 540 I, I Didn't Make Money (The Finale)

Chapter 540 I, I Didn't Make Money (The Finale)

"I want to see my true strength."

"Back then, I was just a low-income and full-time worker. After a few years, I feel that my writing skills have improved a lot."

"At the same time, the ability to write stories and plots must have been greatly improved."

"So this time, I want to put aside all external factors and rely on my own level to see if I can succeed in the online literary world based on my own strength."

"If it succeeds, it will be a compensation for my long-term wish."

Ye Shen sighed, "But now I heard that game novels are on the decline, maybe the results I write can only be mediocre."

"If I still can't succeed in writing web articles this time, then I..."

Liu Xiong asked curiously: "Then how about you?"

Ye Shen slapped the table domineeringly and said, "Then I'll buy that broken website!"

"If I can't write online articles, then I will take care of writing online articles. This is always okay!"

Liu Xiong couldn't help but nodded in deep agreement.

"Yes, it is indeed a very wise decision to talk about acquisitions if the cooperation fails."

In Liu Xiong's office, Liu Xiong found Youzi and had a chat.

"Yuzi, it seems that you are very happy recently."

Yuzu blushed at first, then nodded vigorously, and said, "Because you, boss, sent me to Tieyou to guide you a few days ago."

"Although I felt a little embarrassed at first." Yuzu nodded slightly shyly, then raised her head with a proud expression.

"But after entering the working state, I feel like a fish in water."

"In the end, I feel that I have completed the task well, and it also helped Tieyou to make a very ideal game."

"This is... a challenge to myself."

"At the same time, it is also a... sublimation for me."

"I'm really happy to be able to complete such a task without making mistakes in my work."

Liu Xiong also said with a smile: "Yes, your guidance mission in Tieyou is also very recognized there."

"It is said that Feimeng has sent a cute and lovely master!"

Yuzu couldn't help but her cheeks flushed, but she still smiled and nodded slightly.

Liu Xiong added: "They have very high recognition of you, saying that you were a little shy when we first met."

"But after putting into work, it's like flowing water, and the engineers on Tieyou's side were taken aback for a while."

"Little grapefruit, hehehehe, you can't usually tell!"

Yuzi glanced at Liu Xiong complainingly, and happily raised her little tail, but still blamed Liu Xiong and said: "I won't tell the boss, I'm going to work!"

And that night, after everyone else had left, Liu Xiong deliberately kept Xiao Lin.

"Xiao Lin, you are also a veteran employee of Feimeng."

Xiao Lin smiled, and said with a grin: "That's right! I'm a super veteran, and I came earlier than you, the boss!"

Liu Xiong also laughed, and said: "Yes, even though Feimeng's reputation is in full swing now, Feimeng back then was an out-and-out company with a dark history."

"You, Kobayashi, are also an important member of the black history."

Xiao Lin scratched his head in embarrassment, and said with a hey smile: "It's reasonable, boss, in the black history Feimeng era, I was just a pure ignorant boy who was soy sauce."

"And the flying dream of black history is also a thing of the past."

"Since the arrival of the great, glorious and righteous boss, our Feimeng has been rising like a rocket!"

"It's all thanks to your leadership, boss."

"My admiration for you, Boss, can be described as endless like a torrential river..."

Liu Xiong saw that Xiao Lin was going to start B mode of crazy blowing again, so he quickly interrupted Xiao Lin and said, "Stop, stop, stop blowing, Xiao Lin."

"Besides, if you really want to brag, at least change a few lines."

"Why do you always say these words, your boss and I have already heard the cocoon."

Xiao Lin said solemnly: "Boss, I'm not bragging about you. To be reasonable, everything I said is true."

"Didn't you read what was written in yesterday's paper?"

"Liu Xiong - the leader of the game of the era."

"Boss, the official media is praising you like this, you can't say I'm bragging, can you?"

Seeing that Liu Xiong was speechless, Xiao Lin even started to brag about Liu Xiong crazily.

"I heard it that day. The players were all saying that President Liu is better than my grandpa!"

When Xiao Lin mentioned Liu Xiong, Liu Xiong was taken aback for a while.

Liu Xiong saw that Xiao Lin was blowing endlessly, so he quickly continued: "Okay, okay, I'm not looking for you to brag about me, but to ask if you have any plans for the future."

Xiaolin replied without thinking: "Rules? My plan is to continue working in Feimeng."

"Work until the end, earn countless money, let the boss pay you until you go bankrupt."

Liu Xiong made a frightened expression on purpose, "Oh... want to earn wages until I go bankrupt? Then you are really a bit handsome."

"President Ben, it's okay to shiver."

The trembling Liu Xiong sent Xiao Lin away with a smile.

Then Liu Xiong called out the system.

The system also asked directly: "Excuse me, have you decided whether to leave or stay?"

Rubbing the "Supreme Lord of the Rings" on his finger, Liu Xiong did not answer this question directly, but said to himself: "This is a good world."

"Here, there is no piracy."

"Here, there is no krypton gold."

"Here, there are only well-developed web and game development technologies."

"Here, there are the best players in the world."

"Here, it's an ideal game country."

"I'm here, I'm playing the game, I'm playing the game, I'm having fun."

"Even if I have made countless money through the game, I still dare to speak with my conscience."

"I am not a profiteer."

"I didn't scam money."

"I haven't forgotten the original intention of making games, and the enthusiasm for games in this world also satisfies my idealism for games."

"Feimeng has made a lot of games, but it's not enough."

After a pause, Liu Xiong clearly expressed his attitude.

"I want to stay."

"I still have tons and tons of games I want to make."

"I also want to make some real conscience online games that don't waste money... Well, you know, the online games in this world are still not very developed."

"I also want to see Jugurtha develop a next-generation console."

"……very many……"

"More importantly, here."

Liu Xiong glanced at the family portrait of Fei Meng hanging on the wall of his office.

"Here, there are my brothers and sisters."

"Sorry, I want to be a ruthless god machine."

"I, may already be the king of the game."

"So, now I want to create a bigger game!"

"This! This is my picturesque country!"

Complete the book!
 At the end of the book, I recommend a book from a friend called "The World Breaks Up For You", friends who are short of books can give it a try.


(End of this chapter)

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