Start a company to make games

Chapter 482 Crowdfunding to Buy Liu Gou One Hand

Chapter 482 Crowdfunding to Buy Liu Dog's Hand
Xiaokui walked into Liu Xiong's office angrily, scolding the players rarely.

Liu Xiong smiled and asked, "What's the matter, my lord? How did our lovely gods mess with you again?"

Xiaokui gave Liu Xiong a blank look, and said, "Hey, hey! The head eunuch has been tossed about by the emperor recently!"

"I used to be called the general manager, and I only took care of a few. In addition, dealing with property taxation and outsourcing companies is also considered easy."

"Now... hey, the emperor's harem has expanded a hundred times! I'm really exhausted!"

"Let's say it's tiring, I admit it too."

"I originally wanted to serve the players, so that the players can play better games and play games better."

"Even if it's hard and tiring, it's worth it."

"As a result, I went to the STEAM community to see it just now, and it almost drove me to death!"

"A lot of scolding us!"

While talking, Xiao Kui took out her mobile phone and read to Liu Xiong.

"Why hasn't Fei Meng released a game recently?"

"The vacation company won't go on vacation again, will it?"

"I really killed Liu Xiong's horse! I haven't played the game for several months!"

"Seeing that the STEAM platform promotes some garbage games from other companies every day, especially the "Fall of the Star-Spangled Banner" that has been pushing so hard, could it be that Feimeng was bought by Suozie?"

"The Unscrupulous Garbage Vacation Agency is on vacation again."

"Is Feimeng going to work? Hurry up and make a new game!"

"Garbage Feimeng, STEAM steals my money, ruins my youth, weakens my spirit, wastes my money, owes my lover, ruins my family, neglects my friends, falls into my dreams, loses my way forward, weakens my body, and slackens my energy , damage my health, exhaust my energy, short my knowledge, humiliate my IQ, belittle my character, degrade my aesthetics, twist my three views!"

"Ah! My roommate said before he died that he wanted to play Feimeng's new game."

"Ah, I'm dying to play without Feimeng's new game."

"Is Feimeng going to work? Let's start a new game!"

"Feimeng Game Factory! Feimeng Game Factory! Feimeng Game Factory is over! The bastard boss Liu Xiong, eat! Drink! Whoring! Gambling! I owe 3.5 million and ran away with their beautiful programmer!"

"Trash Liu Xiong! Crazy against me big penguin! What's your intention?"

"Knife in hand! Kill Liu Gou!"

"Crowdfunding to buy Liu Dog's hand, I donate a bottle of gasoline!"


Seeing that Xiaokui's words became more and more outrageous, Liu Xiong couldn't help but almost spit out.

"Stop, stop, stop! Xiaokui, there is something wrong with you!"

"Why are you scolding me all the time? Am I just so hated by players? It's unscientific!"

Xiao Kui said: "You are the boss, the emperor! You are the one who attracts the most hatred."

"And, in fact, it's not all about scolding you."

"It's just that those who scolded other people were not there. I don't miss those who scolded me, so I have to read those who scolded you, the boss."

Liu Xiong wanted to say something to Xiaokui, but in the end Liu Xiong could only nod helplessly, "Okay, if you want to wear the crown, you must bear the weight. I am in this position, and it is inevitable that I will be scolded by the players."

Xiao Kui moved closer to Liu Xiong, and looked at Liu Xiong with a playful smile.


Liu Xiong watched the smiling tiger Xiaokui vigilantly, and examined Xiaokui with suspicious eyes.

And Xiao Kui asked with a smile: "Hey, Boss, although the players are hateful and keep scolding you, it's not unreasonable for them to scold you."

Liu Xiong's eyes flashed, and Xiaokui waved her hands in fright: "Sorry, I made a mistake... What I want to say is not that the players scold the boss for a reason, but this."

"We, Feimeng, seem to have not released a game for several months, and we don't have any plans for a new game right now."

"Boss, do we have a plan for our new game?"

Liu Xiong looked at Xiao Kui with a smile, Xiao Kui smiled embarrassedly, but still looked at Liu Xiong with her big eyes.

"Okay." Liu Xiong gave a smirk, "I understand."

"A new game, right? Don't tell me, I do have an idea for a new game."

"Although I have been busy building the STEAM platform recently, I also know that the Feimeng game is the real foundation of STEAM."

"If you want to stand tall, you don't rely on his corpse hunting game, nor do you rely on the games of other small companies."

"Using the Feimeng game as the mainstay is the kingly way."

"So in fact, I have already come up with Feimeng's next game."

Xiaokui nodded with great interest, and urged Liu Xiong, "What are you doing? Boss!"

Liu Xiong drank a cup of tea calmly, and then said: "It stands to reason that in order to launch and dominate the STEAM platform, I need to make a super masterpiece."

"This super masterpiece exclusive to STEAM will strongly attract players, which is very beneficial to our STEAM dominance."

"However, I will not make too big or too high-standard games for the time being."

"It's possible to make a big game, but it doesn't have to be."

"Fei Meng, now we have to make way for "The Fall of the Star-Spangled Banner"."

"The release date of Suo Shi's "The Fall of the Star-Spangled Banner" is not far away. I am going to create a perfect launch period for "The Fall of the Star-Spangled Banner" with no rivals in front and no rivals behind."

"I am so strong, I believe that "The Fall of the Star-Spangled Banner" can achieve very good results."

"And as for the great success of "The Fall of the Star-Spangled Banner", it will fly our dreams and bring us STEAM benefits, I don't think I need to say more."

"So, despite losing a little bit of revenue in the short term, I'm going to make way for Fall of the Star-Spangled Banner."

Xiaokui asked slightly disappointed: "Are we just going to do nothing like this?"

Liu Xiong glanced at Xiaokui and said, "Who said we don't do anything?"

"Although we don't make 3A-level big games, we can make some exquisite small and medium games."

"Games in this world are not just masterpieces."

"The Fall of the Star-Spangled Banner is a super-large RPG, and I am going to make a medium-scale simulation management game."

"On the one hand, it is because I received a tip that Penguin, which has been silent for a long time, will have a simulation business in its next game."

"On the other hand, I suddenly discovered that business simulation games are also a gap in Feimeng's game library."

"It can not only achieve our goal of targeting penguins, but also fill in the gaps in the game. It really kills two birds with one stone, which is very good."

"Of course." Liu Xiong also admitted: "It's just a chance to target Penguin. After all, I only know that Penguin is going to be a simulation business game, but I don't know what kind of game it is."

"It doesn't matter, just follow the fate!"

Xiaokui lowered her head, thinking: "Simulation management... Although this is not a big category, there were indeed several good word-of-mouth works on the market last year."

(End of this chapter)

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