Start a company to make games

Chapter 46 The Ice Ghost Game Group

Chapter 46 The Ice Ghost Game Group

Liu Xiong first talked about the advantages and prospects of the power-enhanced version, and then Liu Xiong asked: "So, what difficulties, ideas and suggestions do you have? Let's discuss together today. I hope everyone can speak freely and express their opinions."

At this time, Xiaolin turned on his newly equipped laptop, and was about to open the meeting materials he had prepared, but accidentally saw a news feed on the webpage.

Then Kobayashi was taken aback, and clicked in.

After a while, Xiao Lin yelled out in shock: "'s not good! Boss! It's a big deal!"

Everyone gathered around to check the situation, and then, Liu Xiong's expression became very serious.

Penguin, a giant in the industry, has established a new game team - the ice ghost game team.

And the first game of this ice ghost game group suddenly started a large-scale publicity today, and it is scheduled to be released next Monday.

Penguins form new playgroups, that's okay.

It's okay for Penguin to invest resources, contacts, and channels to promote the new group.

Ice Ghost Games announced a new game, and that's okay.


The new game of the ice ghost game group - "Decisive Battle 2043", no matter how you look at it, it feels a bit like a blood lion!

It is also the theme of modern national confrontation, and it is also a war with a sci-fi nature. No matter the operation mode or the game method, it can be said that it is 80% similar to Blood Lion.

But after Liu Xiong carefully watched the preview video of the game, Liu Xiong knew very well that, judging from the current situation, it is impossible for Fei Meng to sue the Ice Ghost game team for plagiarism.

You said that the gameplay is similar, but aren’t the RTS gameplays all the same?

Blood Lion's mining and oil extraction, base vehicle, barracks, chariot factory, air finger department, etc. settings, also have no patents!

The style of painting is even more mysterious, and there is no possibility of rights protection.

As for the rest of the themes, gameplay, etc., everyone can do it.

All in all, although the ice ghost game group appeared on the market for the first time, it is obvious that it knows how to learn from the game and is a veteran.

Subjectively, it can be seen at a glance that "Decisive Battle 2043" has a great connection with "Red Alert of the Blood Lion", but objectively, no evidence can be found.

Call any Blood Lion player here, he will definitely feel that "Decisive Battle 2043" is very similar to Blood Lion, but it is difficult to tell him why...

"Boss! This is copying our game! Sue them, damn it!" Xiao Lin shouted angrily.

Ye Shen frowned and said: "Without a real hammer, it seems that we have no chance of winning at present."

There are companies in the market that copy, plagiarize, and learn from their own games, and Liu Xiong is prepared for this.

After all, there are so many classic games on the earth, among which there are definitely epoch-making masterpieces, which can completely set off a new trend in this foreign world.

It is normal for game companies in this world to follow suit and imitate themselves.

But in Liu Xiong's expectation, that was the situation after Feimeng Studio became famous!

The current flying dream, Nima has just started, the game has only sold 30 sets, and it has just evolved from a single cell to a paramecium.

In this way, the Paramecium-level flying dream was actually borrowed?

And the one who learned from Feimeng was actually a group under Penguin?
This can't help but make Liu Xiong feel like Bolt is looking for him to learn sprinting...

If it is said that it is simply following the trend, Liu Xiong is not in a hurry.

After all, his blood lion has already taken the lead, and the game of following the trend must be exhausted behind him.

But after checking more relevant information, going to the official website of "Decisive Battle 2043", and watching more actual game videos, Liu Xiong understood: "Decisive Battle 2043" is definitely not a shoddy imitation.

Penguin is worthy of being a giant in the industry!
Although reluctant, Liu Xiong also admitted that this "Decisive Battle 2043", at least from the current point of view, is really doing well.

Especially in terms of the picture quality that can best reflect the game's wealth and wealth, "Decisive Battle 2043" produced with the new engine of the next era has completely exploded the blood lion!
Most importantly, "Decisive Battle 2043" supports online battles!
And it will soon open a special area on Penguin's own game platform. Penguin game players all over the world can have exciting battles through the Penguin game platform!
In the case of similar art styles, "Decisive Battle 2043" with online functions, higher-definition pictures, cooler special effects, and more realistic scenes is definitely a strong enemy of Blood Lion.


After the launch of Penguin's Battle 2043, after trial play and evaluation, everyone understands a grim reality: Penguin is powerful, even if it obviously follows the trend and borrows from the blood lion, this does not affect the decisive battle to become a good product. game.

"Decisive Battle 2043" has learned a lot of the essence of Blood Lion's gameplay, and in terms of graphics, music, special effects, etc., the rich and powerful Penguin is completely irresistible to Feimeng.

The development progress of "Blood Lion: Red Alert Power Enhanced Edition" was forced to be suspended, and a few days later, when Penguin's "Decisive Battle 2043" was launched, Liu Xiong held a short meeting.

At the meeting, Liu Xiong only announced one thing: "The project of "Blood Lion: Red Alert Enhanced Edition" has been terminated."

This decision was a little sudden, and Xiao Lin was anxious, and asked loudly, "Stop? Why, boss!"

Ye Shen also questioned: "There is no need to stop. Although the completion of the decisive battle 2043 is very high, and the image quality is especially high. However, many gameplays of our blood lion power-enhanced version are not available in the decisive battle 2043."

"When the enhanced version of the blood lion's power is released, the graphics may not be as good as the opponent's, but the overall quality of our game will definitely not be inferior to the decisive battle 2043!"

Everyone didn't quite understand Liu Xiong's thoughts, but Liu Xiong shook his head and said, "It's at the same level as the decisive battle in 2043? Is it inseparable?"

"No, that's not the game I want."

"The game Feimeng makes must be the best, and it must be better than our competitors."

"If the other party is a high-quality original game, I am happy to start a fierce and reasonable competition with the other party. But it is indistinguishable from something like the decisive battle 2043? I don't accept it."

Xiao Lin grimaced, wanted to say something, but couldn't say anything, but his eyes were a little red.

Hi Dog sighed and expressed his agreement: "The enhanced version of Blood Lion will be a very good game, but... I also have a hard time accepting Blood Lion emotionally. It may not be as good as the imitation of Penguin."

Liu Xiong nodded, cheered up and said, "Yes, I don't want to either. I am involved in the development of the enhanced version of the Blood Lion, which does not mean the end of the Blood Lion."

"One day, when Feimeng becomes stronger, I will come back."

Liu Xiong's tone suddenly became a little vicious: "I will never forget what happened this time, and Fei Meng will never forget! This matter will not be left alone, I will take revenge, I will take revenge!"

"This is my promise."

(End of this chapter)

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