Chapter 444
"Oh? We saw 4 members of the Beggar Gang rushing directly to the Canghai faction, and the Canghai faction only used 3 people to fight. OB cut the angle of view and found another member of the Canghai faction."

Xiao Lin shouted: "I see! It's amazing! The Canghai faction really deserves to be the top ten martial arts faction with 5 exclusive seats on the ladder. It really has its own way of understanding the game."

"We can see that this Canghai faction player who ranks second in the ladder went to the major resource points immediately, and his goal is very clear, only grab the most powerful resources."

"Because he is acting alone and has a clear goal, he usually only collects one or two resources in one place, so his speed is very fast."

"As for the collective action, and to search for resources, and then distribute them reasonably, the efficiency of their search for equipment is relatively low."

"Happy Gate and Tiandihui have only searched two resources, and we can see that the junglers of the Canghai faction have already passed 6 resource points!"

"It's almost time to gather all the costumes!"

At the same time, Xiaokui also reminded: "At the same time, we must also notice that the personal strength of the Canghai faction is indeed very strong. When one person develops the jungle alone on the periphery, the remaining three people still withstood the offensive of the beggars' gang and did not fall behind." wind."

"Here we come! We have seen Canghai faction players who have completed their jungle development quietly return to the battlefield."

"However, the Beggar Gang, which is fighting fiercely with the Canghai Sect, didn't find out."

"The Canghai faction jungler took out the sledgehammer and started to charge! It's super big! It's a headlight that explodes!"

"The Canghai faction jungler ascended into the air and began to rotate continuously, the entire map began to change color!"

"You must know that the junglers of the Canghai faction are currently full of magical equipment and full of buffs."

"If the headlights of this sledgehammer fall down, the beggars may die."

"Found it! Someone from the Beggar Clan has discovered a jungler from the Canghai faction!"

"The beggar gang collectively tried to escape the attack range of the headlights with the sledgehammer, but!"

"It's Ninja Sword! It's Ninja Fury Bomb! Canghai faction players use Ninja Fury Bomb. It's an IMBA with very effective group immobilization effect!"

"Although it's only set for less than a second, it's enough for a sledgehammer player to use his skills!"


Under the performance of the magic and miracle sound effects of the Super Dimensional Game Center, the sledgehammer's big move to bend down and burst the headlights showed a shocking sound effect.

Of course, the visual effects are also great.

The look and feel like a blockbuster martial arts movie made the audience hooked.

Xiaolin continued to explain: "The Canghai faction's strategy has been successful! Although using 3 people to fight against 4 people from the Beggar Gang, the Canghai faction was once very dangerous."

"But in the end, the super big move of the Canghai faction jungler really had the effect of finalizing the decision."

"This sledgehammer smashed down, combined with the output of teammates, the Beggar Gang was wiped out!"

"Originally, in the previous battle, one member of the Beggar Gang had already died."

"Now there are 4 people rushing to the street collectively, and all the beggar gangs are equivalent to 1 person who has been eliminated from the battlefield."

"One person is missing, and the remaining three people have only one life, so the next battle of the beggar gang will be very difficult."

Xiao Kui also explained: "Although the Canghai faction has gone through a hard battle, and everyone is more or less full of blood, they have harvested 5 heads and established a huge advantage in points."

"It can be said that the strategy of the Canghai faction has achieved great success."

"Oh... We saw that players from the Happy Door and Tiandihui had also been killed, and the resurrected Beggar Gang trio also took advantage of the chaos, trying to turn around the unfavorable situation by harvesting their heads in the chaotic battle."

"The beggar gang player took out the dagger! Leng Yan from the Happy Door was thrown to the ground, and the dagger cut out his heart! This move is called Anya!"

"Ah! After getting up, Lengyan of the Happy Gate flew into the air and stabbed obliquely! The rainbow light appeared! This move is a descendant!"

"I didn't expect another Beggar Gang player to use the dagger big move to fight back again!"

"Suddenly stab forward with a dagger in hand, causing tons of damage! This is Yama!"

"The night owl who uses the long sword, spins and dances in a tornado! This is bloody!"

"Look carefully! The chief rudder of the Heaven and Earth Society in the distance raised his leg and pointed forward with his long sword! Wherever the sword energy went, all the targets exploded in the air continuously! This is Phoenix Feather!"

"The long spear stabs forward! A surge of energy surges out! The mad dragon pierces the heart! Breaks the defense!"

"Wait! We saw this Tiandihui contestant using a long spear successfully cornered Leng Yan from the Happy Door. The spear began to dance wildly, and a green ball of energy appeared around the Tiandihui contestant covering his whole body!"

"Leng Yan, who was forced to the corner and unable to move, was also suppressed by this spherical energy, and began to lose blood crazily!"

"12345678... Unlimited combo moves! This is the Dragon King Po!"

"Ah! A flash of lightning! The Wan Sheng Long Wang Po that was put in half was interrupted! This thunder... is the Thunder Slash of the Broadsword!"

"It's not over yet, another big swordsman rushed over, damn it! This set of repeated horizontal jumps in the air! Let me read the name of this set aloud!"

"The fishy wind!"

"Look at this sturdy sledgehammer, which has an extremely strong range of AOE. This is naturally one of the sledgehammer's unique moves-burning thunder and shaking all directions!"

"In addition, we can notice that there is a white air mask hanging on the body of the sledgehammer player. This is the golden bell cover of the sledgehammer's BUFF skill, which is very powerful."

"But even the golden bell cover can't stop the super big move of the sledgehammer from squatting down and bursting the headlights!"

"Pay attention! This move holds the Qian Kun knife, then the front half of the long knife flies out, and then flies back from the enemy's back. It's called the ecstasy lock!"

"It's a very vivid name, right? You think I'm holding a long sword? In fact, I'm holding a short sword!"

"The Qiankun Dao also has a deathmatch mode. After it is released, it will cause continuous single-target damage to the opponent. In the end, the body does not move, and the scabbard of the Qian Kun Dao flies in the sky to cause continuous damage. It is so cool!"

"Kame School of Qigong! Some contestants actually used Knuckle Tiger's unique move, Tiger Roaring Wave! This move really looks like Kame School of Qigong Bo!"

"It's him again! We can see that the knuckle-wigging player is glowing red on his hands. This is a powerful BUFF that he has added to himself to increase his attack. He is currently in a bloodthirsty state."

"Hungry tiger's bloodthirsty state, the big move of the tiger king, can cause devastating damage to the enemy through the continuous fast attack of the knuckle tiger!"

"First it is a combo attack on the ground, and then a rising dragon fist hits the opponent in the sky, smashes the enemy hard in the air and smashes the enemy to the ground, and then charges up a huge circular wave, blasting down like a vitality bomb!"

The battle is fierce, and the team that has gone through the group stage and the knockout stage to the end.

(End of this chapter)

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