Start a company to make games

Chapter 442 Happy Door

Chapter 442 Happy Door

"There are not no martial arts action games, but I can be sure that "Meteor Butterfly Sword" created by Feimeng is definitely the best."

"That's right, it's the best!"

You don't even need to look at the ratings of professional media, just look at the forum posts, you will know that "Meteor Butterfly Sword" has a good sales and word of mouth, Liu Xiong can be said to be full of ambition.

At the same time, Liu Xiong hoped that "Meteor Butterfly Sword" could maintain its sales of 5000 million sets in the first week, but in the second week of the game's release, the sales of "Meteor Butterfly Sword" showed a very large decline.

In the second week of the game's release, only 2900 million copies were sold.

On the contrary, the decline in "Swordsman Biography" was very small, only dropping from 800 million sets to 700 million sets.

Liu Xiong was a little surprised at first, but after a while Liu Xiong figured out the reason - the original sales volume of "Meteor Butterfly Sword" could not reach 5000 million sets.

It's just that the ultra-low pricing of the game has driven many follow-up players.

And after the follow-up players bought the game with the mentality that if you don't buy it, you will lose money, the remaining players are basically the ones who really intend to play "Meteor Butterfly Sword", so they bought "Meteor Butterfly Sword".

There are not a large number of follow-up players, so it is inevitable that the sales of "Meteor Butterfly Sword" will decline.

In other words, in fact, the current sales volume of 2900 million sets should also have a certain amount of moisture.

But for Feimeng, it doesn't matter whether players come for martial arts games or for the price of only 88 yuan.

As long as they bought it, they were all consumers of Feimeng who treated them equally.

At the same time, as long as they bought it, the potential consumers of "Biography of the Swordsman" may also be one less.

Suppressing Penguin's sales is the most important goal-we must not let Penguin slow down.

Before Liu Xiong said that he hoped that the sales of "Meteor Butterfly Sword" in the second week could be maintained, but unfortunately it failed in the end.

So now, Liu Xiong has adjusted his target—hoping that the sales of "Meteor Butterfly Sword" in the third week will decrease to a lesser extent.

Or let the sales of "Meteor Butterfly Sword" level off in the next few weeks.

This requires the efforts of Feimeng.

After thinking about it, Liu Xiong decided to do something.

"Meteor Butterfly Sword" is not an e-sports game, but "Meteor Butterfly Sword" is definitely not bad in competition and viewing.

With the game balance of "Meteor Butterfly Sword" itself, it may be a bit problematic to hold too professional and large-scale game events.

But if it's an exhibition game for entertainment, then absolutely no problem.

Liu Xiong's idea is to hold a large-scale exhibition competition and use a large-scale event to continue to stir up the topic and popularity of "Meteor Butterfly Sword" on the Internet.

All in all, the popularity of "Meteor Butterfly Sword" is guaranteed, and "Swordsman Biography" is not given a chance to turn around.

The best thing is to let "Biography of the Swordsman" be gradually forgotten amidst the upsurge of "Meteor Butterfly Sword".

Now Feimeng's ability to organize and mobilize is very strong. Of course, the bigger reason is Feimeng's current status and financial strength.

So Feimeng wanted to hold a competition, and the competition was held as scheduled a week later.

Since it was an invitational tournament of performance nature, there were no preliminaries for the auditions. Liu Xiong directly invited the top 32 gang teams on the ladder, and divided them into 8 groups for the competition, and each team was divided into 4 people.

The competition system is that 4 teams in each group will play together in a scuffle. Everyone has only 2 lives, but the blood volume is adjusted to the highest blood volume. At the same time, the damage is adjusted to control the game from ending instantly.

The ranking is determined according to the number of team kills and survival, and the top two teams qualify.

After qualifying, the two teams will fight against each other.

The competition is naturally held in the most luxurious super-dimensional game center at present.

Although there was not much warm-up beforehand, due to the current popularity of "Meteor Butterfly Sword", the invitational tournament held quickly has attracted great attention on the Internet.

After all, this is also the first official competition of "Meteor Butterfly Sword"!

In the accompaniment of the newly upgraded "Magic Miracle Ultimate Edition" super 5D shocking stereo surround sound in the Super Dimension Center, the host of the competition appeared on the stage!

I saw Kobayashi appearing like a dog in a suit and leather shoes, holding a microphone and saying to the tens of thousands of spectators in the venue: "Hello everyone, I am Ma Xiaolin, the No. One of the programmers."

"The brothers in the company saw that I was handsome, and they all called me a low match for Andy Lau, so they wanted to promote me to be the host and act as a facade for Fei Meng."

"Although I am a low-key person, under the coercion and lure of the boss today, I was forced to sell my appearance to participate in the competition. I will be the host. I promise that I will dedicate a wonderful show to everyone. Explain!"

Seeing Xiao Lin, the audience in the audience whispered to each other.

"That's not bad. Shall Feimeng's programmer host the commentary?"

"It's him! It's these evil Feimeng programmers who stole my time!"

"How dare this guy call himself a low-profile Andy Lau? I think it's African Andy Lau."

"Don't be fooled, the African Andy Lau Drogba is still very handsome, I think he is the jade-faced gentleman Muntari."

"Aren't you guys too dark? I think this little brother is pretty good, and he's a clear stream among programmers."

Amidst the discussion among the audience, Kobayashi shouted loudly with all his might: "Then, now let's welcome the contestants into the arena grandly!"

"The first thing I will introduce to you is the Canghai faction! Among the top 10 masters in the "Meteor Butterfly Sword" ladder, the Canghai faction occupies 5 seats! It is enough to see the strength of the Canghai faction!"

Amidst the sound of drums, thump, thud, four elder brothers all dressed in white robes appeared at the venue.

As the current No. [-] player in "Meteor Butterfly Sword", the popularity of the Canghai faction is naturally very high. As soon as they appeared on the stage, the supporters of the Canghai faction burst into warm applause and cheers.

"Old Immortal Canghai! His magic power is boundless! He is invincible in every attack and invincible in every battle! The law governs the Central Plains!"

Then Kobayashi introduced another highly popular sect.

Amidst the sound of drums, a few pale-faced, lean old men came out of the passage.

"The second one is Happy Gate! This sect is not only powerful, but more importantly, the old buddies in their sect are very skilled in various magic modification mods."

"Under their modifications, "Meteor Butterfly Sword", which was originally a very serious martial arts game, has become very unscrupulous."

"But it has also brought high popularity to Happy Gate, and their special internal MOD has become the exclusive benefit of the sect that others envy."

(End of this chapter)

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