Start a company to make games

Chapter 427 Happy is over

Chapter 427 Happy is over
"On the cinema seats under the curtain, the audience began to panic. Some people couldn't sit still, and some even ran away to avoid the train that seemed to rush out of the curtain."

"Amidst the screams of the ladies fleeing their seats, we knew that this was the first film 'The Train Into the Station' shown in the world."

"The timeline of civilization continues to move forward, and we see German soldiers wearing gas masks, shooting the battlefield with Maxim machine guns."

"This reflects that in the Battle of the Somme, the German army used the MG08 Maxim heavy machine gun and killed more than 60000 British troops in one day."

"This fully automatic machine gun in the true sense has also profoundly changed the form of warfare in civilization."

"However, apart from Maxim, there are also British tanks that have also changed the shape of modern warfare."

"In our opening animation, after the German army used Maxim to kill all directions, a huge shadow appeared in less than 3 seconds, riding on the top of the melon-eating German army-it was the steel giant tank tiger descending the mountain."

"Of course, since there are tanks, airplanes are also indispensable."

"The Maxim, tanks, and airplanes just now were all the battlefields of World War I. Civilization continued to advance. The screen switched to the red square with fluttering snowflakes. You can see the leaders and marshals of the Soviet Union saluting below."

"And on the square below, countless mighty and majestic soldiers marched forward in a uniform pace."

"In addition to war, the progress of humanities and art is naturally indispensable. The screen switches to Picasso who is creating "Guernica."

"Through the famous perspective of Guernica, we see Einstein lecturing on a blackboard with chalk."

"As Einstein wrote the last letter, flames erupted and a violent explosion occurred."

"A mushroom cloud rose into the sky and destroyed everything."

"And after the mushroom cloud dissipated, our images have come to the United Nations venue, where people are giving speeches peacefully."

"The flames erupted again, but it was no longer an atomic bomb. The rocket flew away from the earth, flew to the moon, passed Saturn, and flew to the distant space."

"Then, amidst the magnificent background music, amidst the background of steel, coal, tanks, and rockets, the LOGO of our game is displayed at this time."



After listening to Liu Xiong's narration, Fangfang asked with some doubts: "Boss, but it sounds like such an opening animation is not very shocking."

"Why don't we create more big scenes? I recently learned a little technology, which can be used in the production of game animations, especially scenes with a lot of special effects. It can be said that it has reached a new level."

Although Fangfang wanted to sell her new technology, Liu Xiong explained her request.

"The opening animation is majestic, full of momentum and shocking special effects, which is naturally very good."

"But let me remind you that Civilization is not a war game, or not just a war game."

"Since our game is called civilization, explaining the history of the development of earth civilization is also a subject of the game, or a feature."

"From the semi-savages holding wooden sticks and stone hammers in ancient times, to the World Expo, Olympic Games, United Nations, manned spaceflight and moon landing projects of modern civilization, etc."

"Our game is in this historical process, and the player's playing process is also carrying out this historical process-constructing one's own country from a rotten wooden shack to a great future country."

"There is a sense of accomplishment in building civilization by yourself, and a sense of historical civilization."

"Perhaps you will think that what I said about understanding history in the game is taking the game too high."

"But this will also be a selling point and an advantage of our game, so I want to highlight a sense of history in the opening animation of the game, giving players a sense of mission to revitalize the country."

"Fangfang, do you understand me now?"

Generally speaking, even if the leader said this, Fangfang must nod her head again and again to make it clear. The leader is far-sighted, and the little girl admires her.

But Fangfang is an honest girl, so Fangfang shook her head honestly.

"I don't really understand, but since the boss said so, it must be true."

"Don't worry, boss, doesn't it feel heavy? I'll take care of it!"

All members of Feimeng are making games at high speed.

Originally, the production of "Civilization" was not an easy job, and it also required consulting a large amount of information, studying the characteristics of dozens of countries in the game, the architectural styles of units, and so on.

But thanks to the fact that Fei Meng has just produced "European Universalis", everyone can be said to have consulted a lot of information in advance.

Even the unpopular countries in history: Zulu, Shoshone, Iroquois, etc., as long as they still exist in the era of "European Universalis", Feimeng basically has certain information.

In this way, the workload of searching for information is greatly reduced.

As for the work of programming, setting, soundtrack, art, etc. required for making the game itself, these naturally cannot be difficult for the employees of Feimeng.

The journey went smoothly, and Liu Xiong took everyone to complete the development of "Civilization", and it took very little time.

Generally speaking, for a large-scale game like "Civilization", without working overtime, it will take at least 3 months, even if you use the latest upgraded shared super host unlimited quota.

Sometimes there is a slight delay, that is the rhythm of four or five months.

But this time "Civilization" is obviously rich in content, but it only took 85 days to complete it completely and perfectly.

This aspect is naturally because "European Universal" has laid a good early foundation for "Civilization" and saved the development time of the game.

Another aspect is due to the improvement of Feimeng employees' own technical level and business proficiency.

Like "Civilization" this time, it is obviously a big game, but it hardly encounters any difficulties in making it.

Originally, Liu Xiong planned to give him more guidance, but in actual work, Liu Xiong became a complete hands-off shopkeeper.

Liu Xiong was also satisfied with the final attributes of the game.

"Civilization": Interesting 2899, Originality 2987, Picture 3552, Composition 3657.

Although the cost is slightly higher, the energy spent on making the game may be less than 3/1 of that of "European Universal".
But the attributes of the final product are almost at the same level as "European Universalis".

For Liu Xiong now, it is a key task for the brothers to make games easily and happily.

Happy is over.

(End of this chapter)

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