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Chapter 422 Construction of 600 Belt and 1 Road 1 Years in Advance

Chapter 422 Construction of the Belt and Road Initiative 600 Years in Advance

"Hello everyone, I brushed a super heir with a full measurement attribute of 666, but an event popped up, and the heir fell ill."

"I could choose to pray for him or have a trained doctor treat him."

"I chose a doctor, but the heir is still dead, what should I do?"

"Brother, I mourn for you, that's not a well-trained doctor, that's a well-trained killer."

"If you talk about this game, Daming is really invincible."

"Strength is written on his face."

"Money? It's just a number. Without 500K, are you ashamed to call yourself Daming?"

"What Russian Ottomans? Destroy them all!"

"When the war starts, the mercenaries will be full, and in the early stage, hundreds of K troops will ride on the face!"

"What kind of emperor guards the gate? It doesn't exist!"

"Oirat will be wiped out at the beginning of the game. Jianzhou owns a dog to help me collect it. If I can pass Yumen Pass in the west, I will lose."

"If you can't fight it, build 1000 ships to fight the trade war."

"My Ming Dynasty has 100 ways to win you, but you have nothing to do."

"Ideology? Can't you just grab it and get it?"

"This is the most powerful country in Europa Universalis!"

"It is the greatest honor to be Daming's dog!"

"Lord of ten thousand dogs!"

"Thousands of development degrees at the beginning."

"Construct the Belt and Road Initiative 600 years in advance!"

"I took a look at Nanming's settings. As long as this Nanming counterattacks, he is invincible in the world! The more people fight, the more war-weary they become. The more wars Nanming fights, the less war-weary he is. If he drags the enemy to death, won't he unbelievable?"

"There's a lot of money, and you can defeat the opponent with mercenaries alone."

"But how to break the game?"

"I choose to transfer thousands of miles, oh, don't transfer thousands of miles to South America, and call back later."

"Mengxin, how can my France be a dog for Daming?"

"Dharma demons are all Daming's dogs? Isn't that too much?"

"It's very simple, first colonize Taiwan, and then move the capital to Taiwan."

"Then start a war with Daming, surrender and ask to be Daming's dog."

"If Da Ming disagrees, then we will start a full-scale war with Da Ming, defeat Da Ming and occupy the entire territory of Da Ming, and then ask to become Da Ming's dog in the truce conditions."

"This song of Charlemagne is for all the European trash who are dogs to Ming Dynasty."

"Haha, I, Da Ming Aotian, is truly invincible! But I think Destiny Da Ming is too strong. I usually don't grant Destiny, but give gentry preferential treatment."

"Da Ming who started the Mandate of Heaven and Tributary Kingdom system is too strong, it's boring."

"Wow! Boss, you actually open Daming who is given preferential treatment by gentlemen? Isn't that too difficult?"

"Gentlemen treat debuffs too seriously, money is useless, the army is weak, and technology can't keep up. I'm also drunk with technology similar to that of indigenous people."


After reading the posts on the forum, it is easy to see that the most popular force is Daming.

After all, Daming, the world is invincible!
But as a player of "European Universalis" on Earth, Liu Xiong knew that Daming was just a newcomer who liked to play.

If you want to ask Liu Xiong, do you recommend Meng Xin to play Daming?

Then Liu Xiong can only say that he does not recommend it.

If it was the ancient version of Daming that had preferential treatment from gentry, it would definitely be a nightmare for novice players.

Just imagine, a new player excitedly opens the game, enters the world map and selects a country.

It seems difficult to take a look at England - a corner of the country, not even able to handle its own homeland, and at the same time fighting the Hundred Years War with France.

France - the territory is fragmented, far from the complete and powerful France in history
Take a look at Moscow again - there are only a few lands, and there are some bad nomads next to it, which is not fun.

Ottomans - This country is not popular among domestic players, Byzantium? YES!Ottoman? NO!

In the end, the player looked at Daming, the territory was huge, surrounded by a bunch of chickens, and thought to himself, isn't this a stable happiness?
As a result, after choosing Ming Dynasty, the player was debuffed by the gentlemen of Ming Dynasty, and the army became weaker than a horse.

Twice the number of troops are being chased and hacked by Vietnamese monkeys. Although the economy looks good, it is easy to fall into a vicious circle and collapse.

The Ming Dynasty had a rich variety of rebels, and General Lin Dengwan also set off wave after wave of rebellion, and the situation immediately exploded.

And what if the preferential treatment for the gentry is removed, and the tributary system is used to play the Ming Dynasty?

That's too easy!

It's so simple that it can only be described in one sentence: It's an honor to be Daming's dog!

It can be said that in the game of Europa Universalis, Daming is the officially designated protagonist of cool texts.

If you want to crush the world happily, then playing Daming is naturally a good choice.

However, due to Daming's geographical location, starting strength and tribute system, novice players cannot experience many unique systems of the game when using Daming, and the deep fun brought by them will not increase their game skills.
If you want to experience the essence and fun of various settings in the game, you still have to play traditional European countries.

After all, it's too simple to be interesting.

In addition to Ming Dynasty, there is also a small European country that is cute and new. Using this country, you can feel the tension of Europa Universalis very well.

That is Byzantium.

First of all, this is a country with history and feelings, a true Roman heritage.

Secondly, this is a small country on the verge of extinction, and isn't the player's favorite country to play in is to turn the tide and save the world on the eve of the demise of a huge empire?

Again, Byzantium’s most direct enemy is the strongest country in the early game (except Ming Dynasty)—the Ottomans in Europe who have just been beaten.

A glorious empire that has been passed down for thousands of years, a desperate small country with only a small area left, and a dire situation facing the strongest country in the world.

Coupled with the unique Byzantine military models, ideas, events, etc., it is only natural that such Byzantine popularity will explode.

Byzantium is very popular, but Byzantium is very difficult to play.

There are only two or three territories left in Byzantium at the beginning, and the opponent is the overlord Osman at that time!

So the players who chose Byzantium were screaming and howling after being beaten one after another.

"Isn't Byzantium too difficult? If you want to hug your thighs, you don't have any thighs to hug!"

"Nonsense, when Byzantium's thigh has to face Ottoman, other countries are not stupid."

"The key is that I still can't beat it. Ottoman's early-stage arms are too obvious, and he is a god, king and general. Even if I explode mercenaries, I still can't beat it."

"There is also Venice, I fucked Venice's bloody mother! In this situation, Venice will come to add insult to injury!"

"I couldn't find my thighs, so I pulled Serbia and prepared to fight with Osman. As a result, Osman made an alliance with Hungary and France! I was so angry that I gave up the file."

"The first filial son of the Catholic Church? The shield of Christ? The blood of my FNM!"

(End of this chapter)

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