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Chapter 402 This Is Outsmarted

Chapter 402 This Is Outsmarted
Although he didn't meet Apocalypse Tank or Yuri, Liu Xiong has eaten a lot of dwarven black technology.

What flames block the road, what bows and arrows and spears, and various traps will not be mentioned.

Just the dwarf's black-tech robot beat Liu Xiong's head so hard.

And annoyingly, these spiders can't be spotted at all from a distance.

When they are not active, they are like hanging decorations on the wall.

Liu Xiong can't shoot with a bow and arrow from a distance, he has to pass close by and fight hand-to-hand.

This is very tiring.

Dwarf spiders are nothing, after all, the attack is not high.

But the dwarf mechanical ball encountered on the road was very painful to play.

Run fast a B!The output is also very strong.

It's like a gargoyle among dwarves.

There is also a very depressing thing-the monsters here are all mechanical and cannot be resurrected.

Originally, it was an ordinary monster, but after being killed, Serana helped revive it, so there was an extra helper.

But now it's gone, Serana can't resurrect mechanical creatures, and there is one less helper in the battle, which invisibly increases the difficulty of the game.

As Liu Xiong's game level increased, the monsters became stronger and harder to fight.

Seeing Liu Xiong being beaten, the barrage masters became more and more joyful.

"I heard that your kid is coquettish?"

"I heard that your kid is conscious of YD?"

"Dwarf Cow B!"

"It's a pleasure to beat the anchor!"

"Kill the anchor, and the eldest lady will be mine."

But the protagonist is the protagonist. Although he was beaten a little bit badly along the way, Liu Xiong still fought all the way.

In the world of "The Elder Scrolls", the high-tech dwarf robot and the depraved and ugly snow elf are almost companions.

In ancient times, after the snow elves were driven out of Skyrim Province by the Nords, they sought refuge from their relatives, the Dwemer, who were also elves, that is, the dwarves.

The dwarves allow the snow elves to take refuge, but treat the snow elves as their slaves.

This is not counting.

For fear of the snow elves' rebellion, the dwarves fed the snow elves poisonous mushrooms for a long time, which reduced the intelligence of the snow elves and gradually degenerated into a civilized race.

The snow elves degenerate physically and mentally from generation to generation, and finally become a monster with a crooked body and a hideous face, and a violent, cruel, primitive, and bloody race.

Later, the dwarf race disappeared mysteriously, and some people say that the snow elves finally succeeded in rebelling and killed all the dwarves.

All in all, degenerate snow elves have taken over the once underground cities of the dwarves.

They breed the poisonous Charus, eat the eggs of Charus, and use the horniness and poison of Charus to make armor and weapons.

Then these depraved ugly elves fought very disgustingly, which made the barrage master very disgusting.


"Mouth area."

"The anchor, hurry up and kill all these snow elves!"

"This underground world is too disgusting, isn't it? I was a little depressed in the soul stone tomb before, but the monsters are not disgusting!"

"It's even kind of cool."

"This dwarf's underground ruins, I won't talk about the depression, it's so disgusting..."

"Snow elf, go to hell!"

All the way to fight the difficult dwarf robot, and all kinds of disgusting snow elf Chalus big beetle, the bullet screen is very unappetizing.

And at the end, Liu Xiong smiled coldly.

"Water friends, do you think that the dwarf spider and dwarf mechanical ball are all there?"

As soon as Liu Xiong finished speaking, a huge dwarf centurion jumped out in front of him.

The barrage masters were taken aback when they saw it, and then collectively exclaimed!

"Wow! Isn't this Gundam?"

"Wow! Isn't this Iron Man?"

"Never stop running towards the future! Go through the tunnel and cross the bridge. The dawn is ahead! Ahead!"

"Old irons, stop singing, the anchor has been beaten to death."

Yes, the dwarf centurion is tall, with super rough skin, super thick flesh, and super high attack, he is simply the Gundam among monsters.

Liu Xiong was caught in seconds when he accidentally moved.

"Beautiful B! Second people don't discuss!"

"Gundam Bull B!"

Liu Xiong spent a lot of effort, after using his excellent technique to try twice, finally...

Still haven't fought a dwarven centurion.

Liu Xiong couldn't help cursing.

"Damn it! What is Fei Meng up to? This broken centurion is too tricky, isn't he? He sprayed me to death in one gulp, how many more blows should I have?"

"Will Feimeng's programmer know how to make games?"

"Brothers, it seems that this centurion can only outwit and outwit him."

So Liu Xiong took out his bow and arrow, and then summoned a skeleton, plus Serana and Serana's resurrected corpse.

5 hit 1, start outsmarting.

As soon as Liu Xiong saw the centurion facing him, he ran straight away without confronting the centurion head-on.

And when the dwarf centurion went to hit his teammates, Liu Xiong shot arrows from behind like a tiger.

After going back and forth like this, when the dwarf centurion knocked down four of Liu Xiong's teammates, the centurion himself didn't have much blood left.

Liu Xiong shot two arrows in a row, and then released the dragon roar to repel the centurion, gaining time to output the two arrows.

Finally successfully killed the centurion.

The water friends are 666.

"I also fought here all night last night. I was crazily taught how to be a man by the dwarf centurion. In the end, I was transferred to the novice difficulty to pass."

"Five against one, it's a smart move."

"If you can fight 5 out of 1, why go heads-up? There's nothing wrong with outsmarting!"

After killing the dwarf centurion, Liu Xiong continued to move forward, and was surprised to find that there were two adventurers arguing in front of him, and finally fought.

The barrage masters have to sigh with emotion, it seems that the master adventurers in this world are still very powerful.

Where even the Dragonborn have worked so hard to get here, other adventurers can come here.

Liu Xiong said: "The fact that they can come here shows that they are very strong. Now that they are fighting against each other, I'd better wait for them to fight first, and after they finish the fight, both of them will suffer. I'm not happy to go pick peaches again." ?”

The bullet screens all said: "The anchor is so witty!"

After the two adventurers were peach-picked by Liu Xiong, the loot just from them was worth thousands of yuan.

As expected of the top adventurers who can come here, they are indeed full of good stuff!
Moving forward, Liu Xiong came to the ruins of a huge underground city called Heijiang.

It's beautiful here.

"Wow! Heijiang is too beautiful, isn't it? Is that a giant glowing jellyfish as a lamp?"

"The perfect combination of caves, fairyland and ruins makes me linger."

"The huge fluorescent mushrooms shone with a strange light, and the mysterious atmosphere enveloped this place."

"It's a pity that there are too many snow elves, it's disgusting."

"Speaking of nausea, I, Big Chalus, don't accept it!"

(End of this chapter)

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