Chapter 396

To these subterranean creatures that live in caves, whether they are vampires or dragonborn, they are all alien interlopers.

Shoot to kill!

This confrontation between native creatures and vampires lightened Liu Xiong's burden.

Liu Xiong doesn't need to wipe out all the monsters, but can sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, watching the vampires fight with the local indigenous monsters like spiders.

Especially the master vampire and the giant spider, both monsters are quite fierce.

And Liu Xiong let them fight against each other, and he would be a third party, it would be flattering.

Finally, after killing a small boss, Liu Xiong came to a large-scale circular platform altar, with a cylindrical button in the center of the altar.

Liu Xiong tried to press it, but a spike protruded and pierced his hand directly.

Then I saw a purple light rising from the altar.

But then Liu Xiong couldn't press the button anymore.

Liu Xiong said to the barrage masters: "This seems to be a mechanism."

The bullet screens said one after another: "What you are talking about is nonsense. I also know that this is a mechanism. The key is how to solve it?"

"There are a lot of braziers next to them, and they seem to be ready to light. The host should go and light them."

Liu Xiong pushed the brazier, and the brazier moved and began to burn.

Liu Xiong then said: "OK! I understand, every brazier should be lit! Push it to the right position, and the brazier will naturally burn."

The barrage masters said one after another: "Well, that's right! That's what we want to say."

Liu Xiong lit the braziers one by one, and then pressed the button in the center of the altar.

Then I saw the altar shaking slowly, the central column slowly vacated, and a larger cylindrical coffin appeared.

Liu Xiong clicked on the larger cylinder, and saw that the surface of the cylinder was slowly sliding down, and there was a mysterious girl inside!

The bullet screen suddenly boiled!

"What's going on? Why is there someone here?"

"Wow! Is this a girl sealed by a vampire?"

"She is so beautiful!"

"3 minutes, I want all her information."

"Interesting, quick! Talk to her."

Liu Xiong went up to help the mysterious girl who fell to the ground, and then saw the other party shook his head, stretched his muscles and bones, and asked, "Well... this is... who sent you here?"

The barrage was boiling again.

"The sound is nice."

"It looks good and has a nice voice, so I changed it."

"Why is she here?"

Liu Xiong chatted with the mysterious girl for a few words, and learned that the other party was a vampire.

And even if she knew that Liu Xiong was the Dawn Guard who specialized in killing vampires, she said quite reasonablely: "Killing me is just killing an ordinary vampire."

"And since someone deliberately came to kill me, it means that there is something behind me..."

So Liu Xiong was persuaded and agreed to take the mysterious vampire girl to her family.

At this time, the other party said: "By the way, my name is Serana."

The bullet screen urged Liu Xiong one after another: "Ask why Miss Serana was locked in the stone coffin, avenge her!"

Liu Xiong asked, but Serana didn't want to say more.

Then Liu Xiong asked a question that everyone was very interested in on behalf of the barrage: "How long have you been locked in?"

As a result, of course, Serana, who was locked in a coffin and slept soundly, couldn't explain it herself.

But Serana asked Liu Xiong, "Uh, I don't know much about this question, so who is the Supreme King of Skyrim now?"

Given that Skyrim is currently in a civil war, Liu Xiong can only honestly say: "This issue has yet to be discussed."

As a result, after hearing Liu Xiong's words, Serana saw everything and said, "Oh, very good, the battle for the throne."

"I'm glad the world hasn't gotten too boring while I've been asleep."

"Then who are the contenders for the throne?"

Liu Xiong replied: "The empire supports Elisif, the lord of Solitude, but many people in Skyrim are loyal to Ulfric."

As a result, Serana's answer was very confusing.

She didn't know that it was normal for these two people, after all, they had been imprisoned for so many years.

But even more speechless, Serana actually asked: "Empire? What empire?"

Liu Xiong explained a little bit, and saw Serana frowned cutely: "There is a problem, I have been sleeping longer than I thought, and I must go home immediately."

"Please, take me home quickly, I must know what happened."

And Serana's home is a castle.

Obviously, Serana is a noble lady.

It's just that until the end, Serana didn't say how many years she had been imprisoned, which made the barrage masters deeply regret.

Liu Xiong took Serana out of the crypt to see the sun again, which made Serana take a long breath happily: " feels so good to breathe again, the weather is really good."

Miss Serana's castle is a small island in the northern waters of Skyrim Province.

If you want to go there, you need to take a boat.

Liu Xiong took Serana to search along the northern coast, and the coastline of Tianji was very long.

After searching for a long time with Serana, they finally found the boat to the island.

So Liu Xiong and Serana sailed by the waves.

The god of barrage had a poem praising: "Miss, you sit on the bow of the boat, and I, the dragon descendant, sit on the bow of the boat too! En love love love, the boat is rocking."

Take a boat to Serana's home - a huge castle that is magnificent and lifeless.

Compared with the castles of the Dawn Guards, the vampire's castle is more compact and gloomy.

Although it is not as grand as the Dawn Guard in terms of momentum, the coffin-like shape that blocks sunlight may be the favorite of vampires.

Liu Xiong took Serana to the gate of the castle, but Serana said hesitantly: "Well, I know you probably want to go in and kill, but I hope you can restrain yourself."

"Don't talk after you go in, I'll lead the way."

And Liu Xiong asked Serana: "This is your home? You never said that your home is so big."

Serana spread her hands and said, "I just don't want you to think... I'm the kind of young lady who is pampered in the castle."

Like most castles, this vampire castle has a grand janitor.

Just because this is the vampire's castle, so Liu Xiong has every reason to believe that this old concierge may be really, really, really old.

After entering the castle, it can be seen that everyone is very happy for Serana's return.

Then Liu Xiong stepped into the castle hall, flanked by various human skulls and human blood beer barrels.

Of course, the weak groans of human beings are also indispensable-after all, these people who are placed on the table and plates are still alive.

Although the impression of vampires is noble and elegant, it is obvious that they are not elegant at all when they eat people.

Then Liu Xiong met the master of the castle - Ha Kong, the vampire lord.

(End of this chapter)

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