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Chapter 394 That's Real Beer

Chapter 394 That's Real Beer

Seeing Liu Xiong's performance like a dual-wielding berserker, many barrage masters were all impressed by Liu Xiong.

"Bull beer! This set of dual-wielding knives is as smooth as flowing water, better than me."

"This is legendary difficulty! You are amazing, little book boy!"

"So violent! A real man is straight! He is worthy of being the most powerful stealth master in my mind."

Liu Xiong didn't find anything on the bodies of the three robbers. It seems that the golden dragon claws are still deeper.

So Liu Xiong continued to move forward, only to encounter a blocked gate, and there was no way out.

There is a handle in front of the iron gate, but when I press the handle, there is no response.

Some water friends who have played here said: "Haha, there is no way here, I bet the stupid anchor will not know how to go next."

"How do you get there, brother? I got stuck here yesterday, and I couldn't find a strategy to look at online."

"There are three stone pillars here. I know that turning the stone pillars will definitely open the door, but I don't know the direction to turn."

"I didn't understand it at first, but after a long interview, I finally figured it out. It's simple!"

The water friends all thought that Liu Xiong had committed a disaster, and Liu Xiong almost laughed out loud, but Liu Xiong held back.

I saw Liu Xiong said very easily: "Is there anyone who can't understand such a simple place? Aren't there two animal totems on the iron gate?"

"Yesterday it was a snake. On the right is a fish. There is a stone totem in the middle that fell out of repair. The pattern on it is still there. It is also a snake."

"Then the pass code is, snake snake fish!"

Liu Xiong successfully opened the iron gate and continued to the depths of the cave, where there are some big spiders, oversized rats and the like, uh uh uh, it's really scary.

For "The Elder Scrolls" players, tomb exploration will definitely be exciting enough.

Liu Xiong didn't feel it when he was playing "The Elder Scrolls" on Earth before, but now the screen, sound and special effects of the old scroll under Feimeng are so immersive.

Even Liu Xiong felt that the game was very exciting, and the live broadcast audience was even more surprised to see it very cool!

Then Liu Xiong found another unlucky explorer who was entangled in a spider's web like an alien.

Originally, the spider was going to beat him to the bones, but Liu Xiong came to kill the giant spider and learned that the golden dragon claw was on him.

He stole the golden dragon claw just to go deep into this cave and find the treasures of the ancient Nords.

Liu Xiong said: "Since the dragon claw is with you, and you know how to use it, then give me the dragon claw first."

The other party said dumbfoundedly: "Boss! Do you think I can move? Put me down first, and I will give it to you."

So Liu Xiong rescued him.

Then, as expected, the thief who was rescued ran away in a flash.

"Am I not a bad pen? I want to take this treasure for myself!"

Seeing the rescued people run away, the barrage shouted: "This is too vulgar! I give 0 points for this plot!"

Liu Xiong chased the other party deep into the cave, and found that the depths of the cave were not a place for people to stay - there was a reason why the robbers only dared to warm themselves near the exit of the cave.

The depths of the cave are not for people, but for ghosts.

The dead who had been sleeping for many years—the ghouls whose flesh hadn't decayed, and the skeletons with only skeletons left—unveiled their coffins one after another.

Skeletons are fine, especially ghouls!

The ghoul that has been transformed by Feimeng has a terrifying shape, and the special effects are very frightening, plus uncomfortable sound effects.

Definitely a horror game protagonist level monster!

But here, ghouls are just the most disheveled and LOW mobs.

Since he was a mob, he would be a scumbag when facing Liu Xiong.

Liu Xiong's dual-wielding mad battle with ghouls and skeletons and the thief is a big deal.

Then Liu Xiong successfully obtained the Golden Dragon Claw, and learned from the thief's diary that the Golden Dragon Claw is the key to the gate of the treasure house deep in the cave—there is the power of the ancient Nord heroes.

Liu Xiong said: "Get the golden dragon claw, OK, go back and hand in the task to get the money!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Xiong turned around and prepared to go back home.

The barrage masters got anxious and cursed one after another: "Stupid B! Keep going inside!"

"There's still something left to take!"

"Where are the tomb robbers who run away halfway?"

"Don't go back!"

Under the call of the water friends, Liu Xiong changed his mind and continued to explore the cave.

The barrage masters all breathed a sigh of relief: "Phew, it's comfortable."

Liu Xiong continued to move forward, and after killing several mobs along the way, he came to a super thick iron gate.

There is a turntable on the big iron gate. There are three claw holes in the middle of the turntable, and some rotating totems around the turntable.

Liu Xiong said: "There is no doubt that this golden dragon claw is used to open the door. I will try it first."

Liu Xiong tried to insert the dragon claw into it, and he was able to get in, but there was no response.

"It seems that turning the dial and adjusting the password is the only way to do it. I'm thinking about how to enter it."

Liu Xiong pretended not to know, and after a few researches, he asked the water friends: "It seems that this is a bit complicated. I guess the water friends don't know. It seems that I still need to study it carefully."

As a result, there was a bullet screen at this time saying: "Hey! This is simple! Open the backpack, enlarge the golden dragon claw, and there will be a password on it!"

"I still remember, the order is bear, bird, worm!"

"Wow, that's what it is."

"OK, remember, I'll try when I go back."

"Anchor, look at the barrage, someone has already said it."

This time Liu Xiong was caught off guard. He originally wanted to stump the barrage masters, and then opened the door by himself.

As a result, the bullet screens are all swiping the screen now, so I'm afraid I can't install this B.

Liu Xiong couldn't help but want to ask the housekeeper to seal this person, but Liu Xiong held back.

According to the instructions of the barrage masters, Liu Xiong opened the door smoothly and came to a very huge cave.

It is very spectacular and beautiful. Here Liu Xiong saw the stone wall full of inscriptions.

After approaching the stone wall, in the majestic and passionate music, the inscription on the stone wall emitted a strange light, pouring into Liu Xiong's body.

Liu Xiong said happily: "Ah! Is this the dragon language rune? It seems that my dragonborn can automatically learn the skills of the dragon when I approach the rune!"

"Cow beer!"

The barrage also said one after another: "As expected of my great dragon descendant, the protagonist is indeed the protagonist!"

As the deepest part of the cave, there are naturally many treasure chests here.

The barrage master is already urging: "Anchor! Look at the big box next to the coffin over there, go and open it!"

Liu Xiong went to open the box, but a large ghoul emerged from the coffin!

A ghoul wearing a crown, with a very domineering appearance, roared and sent out a shock wave, knocking Liu Xiong to the ground immediately!
Then the ghoul overlord stepped forward, facing Liu Xiong with a sword!

(End of this chapter)

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