Start a company to make games

Chapter 391 "The Elder Scrolls" Ends

Chapter 391 "The Elder Scrolls" Ends
Inside an ordinary house, a boy is performing a forbidden ritual on a skeleton.

Around the Great Roundstone Table, the masters of Skyrim were arguing.

The archers fired continuously at the dragon in the sky.

The mage's flames consumed hundreds of horrific ghouls.

The giant dragon that fell from the sky was shackled by the mechanism, but the dragon corpse with only bones left suddenly flew into the sky.

The man in the bone helmet uttered a roar that shattered the void.

The girl in the noble robe walked gently into the bathroom.

The line of sight is infinitely raised to the sky, above the sky - there is no sun.

A mass of darkness!
In the end, a sarcophagus was slowly opened, and a sleeping girl slowly opened her eyes.


There is only a pair of blood-colored pupils on the screen.

To save Xiaocai's face, this official promotional video was first posted on Lundao Xingkong.

Then the rest of the major websites reproduced it one after another.

And in the comment area below the Lun Dao Xingkong video, excited players also left messages one after another.

"Cow beer! Feimeng's promotional video is still bull beer!"

"Spicy poop and injection of dripping cow beer!"

"Seeing the Dragonborn draw his sword and go forward without hesitation against the flow of people, with the background music, I got goosebumps all over the place!"

"There must be bloody battles before there is freedom in the world!"

"Ha, seeing the iron, skinning, alchemy, enchanting and collection, the players in this life are already hungry and thirsty! I hope the life skills of "The Elder Scrolls" can uphold the essence of RPG games."

"It seems that the journey of "The Elder Scrolls" is a bit lonely, is it the rhythm of a lone hero?"

"That mouth is a shock wave, what kind of skill is that?"

"How many dragons are there in the world of "The Elder Scrolls"? Why did I see N different kinds of dragons?"

"Didn't you read the information on the official website? The best beer is called Alduin. Besides, there are ancient dragons, legendary dragons, black dragons, etc. Anyway, there are a lot of them!"

"Are dragonborn dragons too?"

"Finally open the sarcophagus, who is the girl who opened her eyes inside? She is so beautiful!"

With the launch of the game promotional video and the game, eager players have already bought the game and started playing it.

And those players who are still going to work, go to school, and go out also said that they have no intention of working, and just want to save the people of Skyrim from the fire and water.

On the first day of the game's launch, "The Elder Scrolls" sold like a wave, and there were long queues in front of the major distributors.

Originally, after the horror sales boom of "PUBG Mobile" and the panic buying of "Blood Lion: Red Alert" due to the shortage of players, basically the first- and second-tier channel vendors have strengthened their ability to sell.

The optical disc factory has introduced an advanced environmental protection production line.

On Liu Xiong's side, he released "The Elder Scrolls" after confirming that the production capacity of the supply was sufficient.

Sufficient inventory and updated production capacity can basically easily meet the needs of players.

But the players don't think so!

There are long queues in front of each channel dealer.

"Fatty, you came to line up so early?"

"Isn't this nonsense? If you don't come to line up earlier, you'll stare when you can't buy the game?"

"I heard that environmental protection policies have become more and more stringent recently, and half of the CD and cassette factories in the industry have closed down for rectification."

"My uncle works for the Environmental Protection Agency, and he said that only one-third of the CD-ROM factories are expected to survive in the end."

"That's right, the optical disc factories have closed down, and the optical disc production capacity must be affected! I guess this time "The Elder Scrolls" will still be sold out."

"I don't think so. I heard that Feimeng said that several optical disc factories they cooperate with have completed modernization and low-pollution upgrades, and their production capacity has been guaranteed. There is no danger of stock outs, so you don't have to queue up so early at all."

"Brother, you said you don't need to line up early, so why did you come so early?"

"Haha, please be safe!"

Players at the scene lined up to buy "The Elder Scrolls", while Liu Xiong was negotiating a concert.

Since the music effect of "The Elder Scrolls" is very good, in addition to the original "Elder Scrolls" music provided by Liu Xiong, the new music supplemented by Fang Fang is also very high-level.

From the perspective of system attributes, the music attribute of "The Elder Scrolls" is the highest peak of Feimeng's previous games.

The music of "The Elder Scrolls" is so good, it would be a waste not to hold a concert!

At that time, there will be a special version with a double version of the original game soundtrack and concert performance, isn't it as stable as a dog?
After talking about this matter, it was already late, Liu Xiong felt tired and went to bed directly.

And early the next morning, Liu Xiong felt itchy and wanted to play games, so he entered Seafood TV and started the live broadcast.

The two previous masterpieces of Feimeng - "PUBG Mobile" and "Blood Lion: Red Alert 2" are very suitable for live broadcasting.

However, Liu Xiong did not broadcast live these two games.

Now Liu Xiong has noticed that many anchors of Seafood TV are already broadcasting "The Elder Scrolls" live, and they are basically playing the game immediately, and the fast ones are now at dozens of levels.

After Liu Xiong started the live broadcast, water friends entered the room one after another and saw Liu Xiong starting a new save.

"The anchor is behind, so this is the opening? I'm already level 15!"

"I bought the game yesterday and just played it for an hour, but my wife told me to squeeze it out. I'm so depressed!"

"Haha! My wife was an aunt yesterday. She went to bed after dinner. I played alone all night and reached level 20. I'm so happy!"

"The aunt before marriage is a hindrance, and the aunt after marriage is the savior!"

"Damn, old man! Is it so scary? I'm not married yet, so don't scare me."

"Haha, I've been busy these days and don't have time to play games. It's just right to see the anchor start from scratch."

"That's right, I went to buy the CD after get off work yesterday, but I found that the line was too long, so I plan to buy it in a few days. I'll see if the host is playing first, and I'll evaluate whether it's worth 299 yuan."

"Are you a scumbag? I still need to ask if the Feimeng game is worth it? Although I am very busy and have no time to play, I have asked my son to buy 3 sets of games, one for personal use, one for missionary work, and one for keeping It will be used as a family heirloom for my son to play with in the future."

Although Liu Xiong is an old player, at this time Liu Xiong pretended to be a newbie.

After entering the game, the first screen is that Liu Xiong is sitting on a carriage from the No.1 perspective, and there are several companions on the carriage.

From their words, Liu Xiong learned one thing: "Oh, so I am a prisoner, and I will be beheaded soon."

"The end of "The Elder Scrolls"?"

(End of this chapter)

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