Start a company to make games

Chapter 389 Eat Ma Yun to Bankruptcy

Chapter 389 Eat Ma Yun to Bankruptcy

Liu Xiong complained: "It's reasonable, if you see it, you will see it. You don't have any clothes on, so you have to shout and play hooligans?"

"When the security guards who will watch the night come, I still can't explain it!"

Then Liu Xiong asked suspiciously: "I said you didn't say that you bought a new house, and you have a luxurious bathroom? Why don't you go home, and you still have to come to the company to scare people?"

Xiao Kui protested dissatisfiedly again: "It's not scary! No matter how good the bathroom in my house is, it's not as luxurious and comfortable as the company's bathroom. Besides, I just want to save some utility bills."

Feimeng's staff lounges, bathrooms, etc. have been upgraded to luxury not long ago. Let alone ordinary residences, even a luxurious professional leisure center may not be able to compare.

The bathroom in Xiaokui's new home is not as comfortable as the company's sauna room, that's for sure.

But Xiaokui's reason for saving utility bills really left Liu Xiong speechless.

Is Xiaokui short of money?
Feimeng employees need to save water and electricity bills?
Xiaokui is a billionaire woman!
As long as Xiaokui is willing, 100 people don't want to work hard, she can afford it!

It's a joke to say this!
Liu Xiongzhen was about to complain, but Xiaokui said first: "After such a disturbance, I don't feel sleepy anymore. Boss, please treat me to supper, and treat it as an apology."

Liu Xiong took a deep breath, widened his eyes and said, "Ah? I was the one who was thrown into the Jio for no reason, right? Why did I invite you, and I apologize?"

Xiaokui stuck out her tongue, and smiled: "Then, let me treat the boss well, and treat it as my apology."

"I've learned Taekwondo for a year, but I haven't actually fought yet. I didn't expect that the first time I fought against my boss..."

"Boss, how's my fighting power? I'm not the five scumbags, right?"

Liu Xiong shook his head helplessly: "Hey, forget it, let me treat you, let's go, go eat."

The time has passed 12 o'clock in the evening, so it is natural to eat at roadside food stalls at this time.

"That's right there." Liu Xiong pointed to a roadside food stall, and said, "You don't think the grade is too low there, do you?"

Xiaokui replied: "Damn it, I wanted to make the boss bleed, but now it seems that I can only eat a little money."

"I allow you to swipe my card until I go bankrupt."

Sitting down, Xiaokui said, "I'm afraid it will be a bit difficult to bankrupt you, boss."

"Xiaokui, I'm not underweight yet, so I'll leave this task to someone else."

Liu Xiong smiled, and thinking about his worth close to 300 billion US dollars, it is estimated that no one can afford to go bankrupt.

No, maybe the gambling buddy on Earth can.

The old buddies who quit gambling all said: If you pay 50 yuan for eating a pile of shit, they can eat Jack Ma until he goes bankrupt.

Since the gambling buddies on the earth can bankrupt Ma Yun.

Then it's no surprise that the old gambling buddies in this world can bankrupt themselves.

While Liu Xiong was thinking about himself, Ma Yun, quit gambling, brother and shit, Xiaokui had already started eating peas as an appetizer.

Liu Xiong decided not to think about disgusting things, so he also picked up a piece of braised goose wing and began to chew on it.

Because she had just taken a sauna, Xiaokui's hair was not tied up, and her black shawl was hanging straight down.

While eating, Xiaokui stroked her hair to the back of her head, but her thick and smooth hair slipped down from time to time, so Xiaokui had to stroke it from time to time.

Liu Xiong looked tired and said, "I suddenly found that your hair seems to be getting longer and longer. It's too troublesome."

"Just cut it shorter and tie it up, how capable it is!"

Xiaokui glanced at Liu Xiong vigilantly, "You just realized that my hair has grown?"

"It's impossible to cut it short. I have stored it for a long time to get this length."

"Straight hair with middle parting, fashionable and beautiful!"

"Fangfang is also growing. After a while, I will succeed in Amwaying Xiaokui. By then, all the girls in our company will have such beautiful hairstyles."

Liu Xiong thought about the scene and thought it was not very good, but since the girl likes it, his boss will definitely not interfere with the employees' hairstyles.

Not to mention the black and straight in the middle, even if it is the Mohawk version of Xiaokui, I will not interfere.

Food stalls are always noisy at night, and today is no exception.

An old man at the next table let out a long sigh, and said to his companion, "Hey, I always feel like I'm about to lose my job."

The companion asked puzzledly: "Didn't the disc factory you work for recently start cooperating with Feimeng?"

"That's a super big customer! If you can establish a long-term cooperative relationship with Feimeng, then your factory will take off!"

Hearing Fei Meng's name, Liu Xiong and Xiao Kui listened in very tacit understanding.

The old man said: "Hey, you don't know something. The environmental protection inspection is too strict now, especially for our high-pollution industry, which is ushering in a cold winter."

"I heard that the country has made international commitments on environmental protection."

"Now the game industry is experiencing another spring, but this time our disc factory may not be able to follow suit."

The companion was puzzled and said: "Impossible? Disc manufacturers, distributors, so many listed companies, so many jobs, it's impossible to close them because of some international promises?"

The elder brother said: "Why is it impossible? It's not a mandatory shutdown tomorrow, it will be a long-term process."

"As you know, digitization is a trend, and now CDs and cassettes account for more than 99% of the market."

"99% of the market can be achieved, a big factor is the country's guidance to stabilize employment."

"For the sake of environmental protection, the country's goal is to reduce this ratio to 50%."

The companion said: "That is also a long-term process, so you don't have to worry so early."

The brother of the optical disc factory shook his head: "Although it is a long-term process, the environmental protection transformation of the optical disc factory has already begun."

"Only with sufficient funds, the introduction of top-level low-pollution production lines, and the purchase of disc factories with sufficient carbon emission indicators, can we continue to operate."

"And if this is the case, the investment will be too large. I guess our boss will not pay this amount of money."

"The cost of disc manufacturers has skyrocketed, and the price of discs can only be increased accordingly. If game companies are unwilling to bear the price increase of discs themselves, then they will pass this part of the cost on to the players."

"The price of physical disc games has risen, and the market for digital carrier games with almost no cost will be broader."

"This is the country's plan to reduce the CD industry step by step."

"Under this general environment, many optical disc manufacturers will definitely withdraw from the industry."

After hearing this passage, Xiaokui didn't say anything.

As for Liu Xiong, he had some more thoughts in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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