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Chapter 375 The War Has Just Begun

Chapter 375 The War Has Just Begun

In the darkness, someone shouted: "It's all over, why don't you turn on the lights?"

Just as someone was about to answer, the screen lit up again.

"Haha! What else?"

"I heard it! This the familiar blood lion march!"

I saw two armies appear on the screen.

Under the cover of the torrent of tanks, the Soviet army on the left launched an infantry-tank coordinated combat charge.

The American soldiers on the right are relying on the light prism tower and light prism tank to defend the line of defense.

Tens of thousands of troops were deployed on the broad battlefield, and the sky and the ground were trembling!
But at this time the screen quickly cut to an underground building, and the bald Yuri appeared.

I saw Yuri staring coldly at the satellite image on the screen, and suddenly stretched his hands forward!
In the passionate music, the situation changes color!

A strange device bursts into the sky with electricity.

Then the two armies on the battlefield were shrouded in electricity, and some of them roared and opened fire indiscriminately.

Large-scale civil strife occurred in both armies, and the people under Yuri's control shot at their teammates and enemies indiscriminately.

The two armies went to ruin in chaos.

At this time, in a distant place, countless infantrymen wearing strange helmets sang lyrics to the tune of "Blood Lion March" under Yuri's inspection.

"Don't believe in God!"

"Yuri is our master!"

"I'm just a student."

"There's so much to learn."

"Salute to the great Yuri!"

The tide of Yuri's recruits stretches into the distance.

On Red Square in Moscow, Soviet soldiers are fighting in horror against Yuri's genetically modified beastman army.

Under the Tower of London, a British sniper watched a bullet fly out of sight.

Strange bullets shot into the body of the British sniper, the face of the British sniper became distorted and exploded!
Then a cloud of poisonous mist exploded from the sniper's body, and none of the other British soldiers around was spared.

In the middle of the ocean, a Thunder-class attack submarine bionically designed like a shark has locked onto the Soviet Hurricane-class attack submarine ahead.

Continuous firing of twin torpedoes destroyed the Soviet submarine with overwhelming firepower.

The escort king squid rushed over angrily, but could do nothing to the thundering submarine in the shape of a shark.

At this moment, a shock wave flashed by, and the two king squids twisted and turned back, starting to attack the other king squids around them.

And the thunder submarine swaggered away.

As soon as the screen changed, the thundering submarine reappeared next to the broken Statue of Liberty on the coast of New York.

A small nuclear bomb was launched from the thundering submarine, covering the entire New York...

In the air, countless Allied rocket pilots rushed towards Yuri's base.

But the Gaia cannon fired mercilessly, and the ultra-high-speed firepower net directly cut off the sky, and the rocket pilots fell like moths to the flame.

Then a large group of UFO-shaped laser UFOs rushed out and launched a merciless laser attack on the Allied Black Hawk fighters.

Then the laser UFO continued to move forward and floated above the US military power station. A burst of light fell from the laser UFO, and the power station was instantly paralyzed.

Immediately, the defense circle of the Allied Light Prism Tower, which lost its power supply, fell apart, and the wild beasts roared and rushed into the US military positions.

The line of sight opened up to the atmosphere, and then down to Paris.

The Soviet apocalypse tank that had just destroyed the French cannon encountered a Yuri tank around the corner.

The Apocalypse tank has an absolute advantage in terms of tonnage. The huge main gun of the tank was about to fire, but the Yuri tank suddenly shot out a burst of electricity.

Then the Apocalypse tank went to the sky, and the Apocalypse controlled by the current rose into the sky, and then was smashed hard on the heads of the Soviet soldiers.

In Tokyo Tower, the huge magnetized iron tower tilted mercilessly into fire.

In the oil fields of the Caucasus, the neural assault vehicle activated its skills, causing the surrounding Soviet oil field guards to start killing each other.

In Hawaii, the newly built Yuri Shipyard is continuously using controlled American workers to build Yuri's naval force.




I can't see anything on the screen!

All you can see is bang, bang, bang!

In the splendid explosion, the line of sight gradually rose to space again——Yuri on the moon watched the fireworks on the earth coldly.

A sneer!
The video ended here, and a line of big words appeared on the screen again: Blood Lion: Red Alert 2 - Yuri's Revenge.

The lights are on.



"Damn it! New faction!"

"Soviet Union VS Allied Forces VS Yuri?"

"Yuri's unit seems to be buggy? That sharkskin submarine is super cool!"

"It's interesting, no wonder Fei Meng spent more than 20 billion US dollars, this is really a subversive new work!"

"When will it be listed?"

"Ah! I'm going to die if I can't play Yuri!"

At the same time, reporters from all walks of life at the scene also issued frontline reports immediately.

"News! Red Alert 2 confirms joining the new faction!"

"News! The new faction, Yuri's spy shadow!"

"News! "Blood Lion: Red Alert 2" is a new story background!"

"Fast news! Feimeng released three official Red Police novels!"

"Fast news! Feimeng confirmed that the price of "Blood Lion: Red Alert 2" is 299 yuan."

"Fast news! Veteran players can redeem the price of 100 yuan with the "Blood Lion: Red Alert" game disc that was released that year!"



One after another, the news was spread to the Internet through the reporters in front, causing heated discussions among countless players.

And although the game has not been officially released yet, Feimeng has arranged several computers and consoles at the scene in advance, and now people at the scene can try it out.

Several anchors have already started to try it out and broadcast live online.

There is no doubt that the popularity of their live broadcast room is quite explosive.

Lin Danda and a few of his classmates were also lucky enough to have a seat, and the leading brother Lin Danda grabbed the seat and began to try the game excitedly.

And a few of his classmates were on the sidelines watching vigorously.

In addition to Lin Danda, experts, reporters, anchors, and enthusiastic players opened the game one after another.

When Lin Danda entered the game, a classmate next to him held the official novel of Red Alert 2, quickly browsed the catalog and world line settings, and excitedly told the background.

"After Stalin's death, the United States supported the Soviet puppet prime minister Romanov. But Romanov took advantage of the riots of the Mexican people and invaded the United States with all his troops."

"Although the United States was beaten badly at one time, Washington fell, and Chicago was nuked,"

"But in the end, Einstein's hyperspace teleporter was used to surprise the Kremlin, and Prime Minister Romanov was captured alive, forcing the Soviet Union to surrender."

"Romanov threw the pot at the careerist Yuri, signed a peace agreement, and the Allies ended the war."

(End of this chapter)

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