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Chapter 366 As long as the hoe dances well

Chapter 366 As long as the hoe dances well

Because the other party was unwilling to do it with him, Zhu Guda was disappointed, and then everyone bowed to each other, and Zhu Guda left disappointed.

The screen switched back, and Zhu Guda who was alone said helplessly: "This is a typical example-you should never say what you think in your heart."

Choosing B was obviously a mistake. Liu Xiong thought about it and said, "It seems that even if it's a bar, I did it too quickly."

"OK, I'll choose again, think about it and choose A."

Liu Xiong chose A, only to see that Zhu Guda was still talking about it, and asked the honest partner.

"I trust your honesty, so tell me, is she a good girl?"

The best friend naturally wanted to help Kuang boast: "Of course, she is a good girl, and she is very smart."

"Thank you!"

Zhu Guda said thoughtfully: "I see, she is a good girl, which is very good."

So everyone was happy, both the two girls and Zhu Guda smiled.

Obviously, option A is the correct answer.

And Jugurtha's analysis afterwards also illustrates this point.

"Rather than directly telling a girl that I like you, it is better to express my appreciation for a certain kind of girl with the help of a third party's words."

"It's a good move and worth trying."

The plot continued, at which point the blonde beauty's best friend said: "I'm really being honest, one thing I have to tell you is that she already has a boyfriend."

"She has a boyfriend?"

The blond shrugged her shoulders in the affirmative.

This incident was beyond everyone's expectations, but it was reasonable and normal—after all, men are not blind to such a blonde beauty.

But the barrage masters are still trying to find a way.

"Although it's not very good, but after all, you are the protagonist, the anchor, dig it!"

"As long as the hoe dances well, how can there be a corner that cannot be dug up? Come on!"

Under the appeal of the barrage masters, Liu Xiong checked the 5 options that popped up.

"A, ask the girl why she wants to chat with me."

"B, ask the girl if she will marry her boyfriend."

"C, ask the girl if his boyfriend can satisfy her."

"D, I guess the girl's boyfriend must be very boring, and I can wrestle with the girl twice a week."

"E, girls should have more boyfriends."

Liu Xiong looked at the options and said: "This question seems to have 5 options, but it is actually very simple."

"The three options C, D, and E can be ruled out at a glance."

"And option B feels too stupid and too boring. Didn't you just ask an interview question about your life in 5 years?"

"Since asking about five years from now is not a good choice, then it's also stupid to ask about future marriage."

"Especially those great gods who are forced to marry in the barrage, I guess they are deeply touched."

So Liu Xiong chose A directly.

So Jugurtha asked, "You have a boyfriend? Then why are you willing to chat with me in the bar?"

"I'm not the only one here, she's nice and she doesn't have a boyfriend," said the blond girl.

The screen switched, and Zhu Guda, surrounded by beauties, said: "This is a good choice. When you know that the other party has a boyfriend, you can choose to leave immediately."

"But why not go ahead and find out more about the situation?"

"Maybe you can become friends, maybe you can meet other girls, there is always a suitable way."

After the plot continues, three options appear on the screen.

"A, ask him if he minds you two chatting."

"B, because she already has a boyfriend, she turned around and left."

"C, ask her, can I beat her boyfriend up?"

Liu Xiong said: "This time I choose C."

Zhu Guda asked, "Is your boyfriend a very tough person?"

"Can I beat him up?"

"Like this, ah da! Monkey race! Monkey race!"

"Face the blast! Thunder and lightning follow me!"

The girl laughed loudly and shook her head again and again: "Haha, you can't beat him."

Of course, in the end Jugurtha said: "Just kidding, I'm sure he is a friendly person."

At this time the screen switched, Liu Xiong was surprised that he was alone!
Jugurtha in the picture shook his head: "It's very interesting, maybe it will work next time."

Liu Xiong also shook his head and said, "Hey, it seems that it's not okay to be so funny."

"Choose B and go straight away? It doesn't work either."

"Then choose A."

So Zhu Guda asked very gracefully: "Attention, I don't want to disrespect your boyfriend, so would he mind if we chat?"

"will not."

"If he's sitting over there now, watching us chatting, will he be angry?"

"will not."

"Then if we take a selfie together now, will he think it's OK?"

"I think it's all right."

"Oh, that's fine, your boyfriend is a calm guy."

"It's not easy to be jealous, that's good."

Both sides smiled and nodded.

After the screen switched, Zhu Guda, surrounded by beautiful women, explained: "This is a good psychological hint, because your question is actually challenging girls' independence."

"For example, will he allow me to talk to other men?"

"For example, will he allow me to take selfies with other people?"

"After thinking this way in her heart, the girl will of course say: Of course, I am me, and I can do whatever I want."

"And I have a good relationship with my boyfriend, he will allow me."

"The girl will never answer: I am not allowed to chat with other men, I should not do this, I am being ordered by my boyfriend and so on."

"You made the right choice, nice."

Then Zhu Guda continued to chat, and asked about the arrangements of the girls tonight and whether there was anything to do the next day.

At this time, three options appear on the screen again.

"A, ask for the phone numbers of the two girls."

"B, tell the blond girl that I'd love to ask her out, even if her friends are with me."

"C, I suggest that everyone go out to play together, and ask for the phone numbers of the two girls by the way."

The barrage masters saw it and shouted: "Choose B! Choose B!"

But Liu Xiong disagreed with the barrage, and said: "Only by enduring loneliness can we maintain the prosperity. Water friends, stay safe and don't be impatient, choose C!"

"Go out to play together first, and then do follow-up operations, isn't it as stable as a dog?"

So continuing the plot, Zhu Guda said: "You two are good girls, I am very happy chatting with you."

"So I think it's necessary for us to make an appointment to play together again."

"We could go play snooker together, or watch a fashion show, it would be fun."

The girls naturally said OK.

So it was natural for Jugurtha to call.

Knowing that it was difficult to make a breakthrough, Zhu Guda was not in a hurry tonight, so he left.

(End of this chapter)

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