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Chapter 360 The Real Gentleman

Chapter 360 The Real Gentleman

"Why do you say D?"

"Looking at a girl's paper skirt doesn't mean playing hooligans, but didn't we praise the girl's art and fashion before?"

"Then I'll stare at other people's skirts now, and when she's angry, I'll praise her for her beautiful dress."

"This is equivalent to praising the girl's taste again, steady!"

When Liu Xiong said this, the barrage masters applauded.

"It seems reasonable, the anchor choose D!"

The moment Liu Xiong pressed D, I saw Zhu Guda on the screen bent down and inspected the girl's skirt closely.

And the result was natural—the girl left angrily.

After the screen switched, Zhu Guda said helplessly: "A real gentleman."

Among the 666 among the water friends, Liu Xiong was stunned!
"Water friends, it's not my fault! I thought I was standing and staring at the skirt."

"Who knows that you can just lie down and look at the skirt from a gentleman's perspective?"

"Not counting! The problem just now is not with me, but with Fei Meng!"

Choosing D suffered a disastrous failure. This time, Liu Xiong said to the barrage master: "Then I'd better choose C. I feel that choosing C for self-introduction is quite reliable."

"After all, didn't I say before, don't ask girls, talk more about your own situation, and talk about it!"

I saw Zhu Guda's natural and easy Erlian on the screen: "Hey, my name is Zhu Guda, what's your name, Miss?"

Seeing Jugurtha stretching out his hand, Hathaway, the low-profile partner, extended his hand to shake with a smile, and said at the same time, "My name is Alexa."

Zhu Guda said humorously: "Great, so you have a name. I have been waiting for your name for a while."

"It's a good thing you have a name."

The girl was amused again.

After the screen switched, Zhu Guda, surrounded by beauties, said: "Instead of asking the girl's name directly, it's better to introduce your own name first."

"That way, you have a difference compared to other men who just ask for a girl's name, and that difference is positive."

After the two introduced themselves, Zhu Guda took advantage of the situation and asked the girl what she likes to play in her spare time?
And the girl first said that she is usually very busy and has little free time.

Liu Xiong analyzed: "This is a girl's reservation. If you don't like me, you can reject me because you have no time."

Then the girl went on to say that she likes to go out and exercise, and she belongs to the type who can't relax.

Zhu Guda asked: "Will you not lie on the sofa and eat fat house happy things and drink fat house happy water?"

The girl said incessantly: "No... I rarely do that, I prefer..."

The girl said a lot of things she likes, and Zhu Guda has always responded positively.

Things are going well.

The options appear again on the screen.

"A, can I leave a phone number?"

"B, I have an appointment with my friend and I have to leave first, but I really want to meet you, can you leave me a phone number?"

"C, tell the girl one of your hobbies."

"D, I just like your casual and casual attire. I'm more disgusted with girls who deliberately dress up."

Seeing these options, Liu Xiong couldn't help asking for help from the sidelines again.

"Water friends, how do you choose? It's a bit difficult to choose!"

The barrage masters also made troubles one after another.

"The four answers this time all seem to be quite reliable."

"There are no sub-questions."

"Choose B, leave a call, play hard to get."

"It's better to choose A than B. If you choose B, you have to leave directly, but I still want to continue talking!"

"There is the Pig Emperor..."

"It's okay to choose C. The girl said some of her preferences. We also need to exchange and share our interests and find a common language."

"I feel that choosing D is better. It not only compliments the other party, but also belittles other girls, so that this Alexa can have a sense of superiority."

The master of the bullet screen is that the public says the public is right and the woman says that the woman is reasonable. Liu Xiong watched the bullet screen for a long time, and finally said: "Try D, intuition, and what love needs is intuition."

Intuition told Liu Xiong to choose D.

Then the following situation occurred.

Jugurtha praised Alexa's casual look and said he didn't like girls who went to great lengths to dress up.

Alexa's response was to frown slightly, and then said: "Is this so? It sounds a little strange... Uh, well, you can go find your friends."


Obviously, this time Liu Xiong made a wrong choice again.

The lonely Zhu Guda analyzed: "When the other girl seems enthusiastic and easy-going, and she is having a good time chatting with you, don't say such a thing."

"You have to learn to analyze the other person's personality. It's stupid to say such things in front of such an easy-going girl."

"If it's a strong and aggressive girl, you can say that, but I usually don't recommend it."

Liu Xiong made a wrong choice, and the barrage master burst into laughter.

"Little Shu Tong Zhencai!"

"Doomed lonely life!"

"How can there be a stupid B who chooses D? Hahaha! The host is so stupid!"

Liu Xiong first took a look at the number of people in the live broadcast room, and it unexpectedly exploded to 300 million people unknowingly!
Liu Xiong did not expect that the live broadcast of "Super Lover" would be so popular.

At this time, only a shower of rockets flew by.

Liu Xiong saw it, and quickly thanked him: "Thank you Choukai Snake for sending 50 rockets to my sister Shutong's brainless fans! Comparing my heart!"

After the Rockets, the number of people in the live broadcast room soared to 350 million.

Thinking that he chose D in front of 350 million viewers, Liu Xiong was furious, and this time he directly chose C!

Zhu Guda made a rock-climbing movement with both hands, and asked in a voice: "Have you ever tried rock climbing? It's that kind..."

And Alexa was amused by Jugurtha's rock climbing action, nodded and said: "I know this kind of thing, and I have wanted to try it for a long time, but unfortunately I have never been there."

The next thing became very simple: Zhu Guda said that there is a rock climbing site nearby, and he can take his sister to try it out, and strongly recommends that it is very fun, cool, and can also exercise.

Zhu Guda recommended the girl to try it, and the girl naturally expressed her willingness to try it.

At this time, the screen switched, and Zhu Guda sat between the two beauties and explained: "When communicating with girls, you'd better show your interest in something, such as your hobbies."

"If you can recommend your hobbies to girls and let them agree, I am willing to try it, that would be great."

Once again, choice C wins!
On the one hand, Liu Xiong continued the game, and on the other hand, he said to the barrage masters, "It's C again. Could it be that there should be a pig emperor who chooses the pig emperor, and there is no pig emperor who chooses Shaoyang! There is no pig emperor in Shaoyang, Just choose C?"

The plot continues. After learning about Zhu Guda's hobbies of cycling and rock climbing, the girl continues to curiously ask if she has any other outdoor sports hobbies?
(End of this chapter)

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