Start a company to make games

Chapter 35 Liu Xiong Thinks of a Way

Chapter 35 Liu Xiong Thinks of a Way
Liu Xiong thought that sales would be difficult at the beginning, but he never thought that it would be so difficult.

Who would have thought?

At the same time, the data sent back by various channel vendors shows that the sales situation in game stores is also very bleak.

In three days, among so many game disc stores across the country, the total sales of Blood Lion will exceed 100 sets.

After receiving this data, Liu Xiong took a deep breath, sat in the office, and soothed his emotions.

Don't panic, this is a technical adjustment!
Liu Xiong calmed down a bit, and then began to think about countermeasures.

At this time, Liu Xiong received a call.

"Hello, Mr. Liu? Sorry to bother you, I'm the project manager of Tieyou, and I'm here to..."

Tieyou is a third-tier game chain store, but it has been gaining momentum recently. Tieyou also took 1000 sets of "Blood Lion: Red Alert" before.

Today, Tieyou brought bad news.

"Because the game has been on the market for three days, and our set of "Blood Lion: Red Alert" from Tieyou has not been sold. After careful consideration, we made a difficult decision."

"We decided to suspend the sales of "Blood Lion: Red Alert" and use the limited shelf space to sell other games."

Such is the brutal competition in this game mania world!

Every day, new games are released.

Every day, games that no one cares about are eliminated.

Tieyou couldn’t even sell a set of Blood Lion, perhaps because of Tieyou’s own problems, but their decision to remove Blood Lion and concentrate resources on selling other games is also a very common behavior in the game industry.

On this day, Tieyou was not the only one who notified Liu Xiong that he would remove Blood Lion from the shelves and return the game disc.

At the same time, Liu Xiong also received a call from the anti-aircraft gun company. Although the agreed repayment date was still very early, it was clear that the dismal sales made the small loan company unable to sit still.I made a special call to communicate with Liu Xiong, and it felt a bit dun.

The sales volume on the official website is 0, and the sales volume through the channels is 100. The CDs that were finally distributed have been returned. Rao Liu Xionglang has a hard heart, and he can't help but doubt his life.

Liu Xiong, whose morale was somewhat low, walked out of his office and found that the overall morale in the company was low.

Everyone looked at him silently, pinning their hopes on him.

Liu Xiong put on a smile, and said with a hearty smile: "What's the matter, brothers? Be more energetic!"

Xiao Lin sighed sadly: "Oh, boss, the sales volume is so low, I can't wake up."

Even Heygou said in a sluggish way: "After reading Youdi's news reports, I can't figure it out. How can we sell such a good game so poorly!"

Knowing Youdi again?
Liu Xiong knew that Feimeng must have been hacked by Dianyoudi again, so he took out his phone and opened Dianyoudi, and Liu Xiong saw "Blood Lion: Red Alert" in a prominent position on the homepage.

But this time it's not from the self-media, but the official news from Youdi: "Blood Lion: Red Alert" sold only 100 sets within three days of its launch.

The news content after clicking in is also very simple,
It's just a straightforward statement of the facts: According to the results of the investigation, since the launch of "Blood Lion: Red Alert" in the three days since its release, the total sales volume of various channel vendors has just exceeded 100 sets.

There is no embellishment, and it is not as cynical as last time, but the simple and straightforward news content is enough.

In the comment area below, the 99th Feimengheizi Carnival is in full swing!

"100 sets! I almost laughed out loud! But I couldn't hold back...hahaha, but I couldn't hold back!"

"Sales like a joke, Feimeng like a joke!"

"I'm relieved that the number of idiots this time around is very small."

"These 100 sets may be bought by reviewers, factory managers, or collectors."

"I visited Tieyou on the weekend, and then went shopping again today, only to find that the blood lion that was still on sale at the weekend has been taken off the shelves."

"It deserves it! The cancerous tumor in the garbage industry deserves this fate!"

Amid all the schadenfreude, Liu Xiong found the only clear stream.

"Looking at the news before, the original art and fan art of this game are quite good. I bought a set, and found that it is quite fun! To be honest, Feimeng has changed a lot this time. Friends who like RTS games can give it a try. try."

"Upstairs, can you trust me?"

"Whoever believes in gauze!"

Amidst the tumbling mudslides in Heifeimeng, this only clear stream was quickly submerged. Apart from attracting a lot of abuse, it did not play any role in publicity.

After reading the news report about Youdi, Liu Xiong fell into deep thought: Obviously, the sales of "Blood Lion: Red Alert" suffered a Waterloo.The consequences of Feimeng's bad reputation are more serious than imagined.

Going on like this, not to mention the sales of 50000 sets, even 500 sets will be difficult!

You have to figure out a way to stimulate sales yourself.

The smell of wine is also afraid of deep alleys, this "Blood Lion: Red Alert" should probably be advertised.

But advertising?

Where does Fei Meng get the money to advertise now!
If you really want to advertise, the only advertisement Liu Xiong can afford now is probably handing out leaflets on the street...

Distribute leaflets, solicit customers offline...

Offline... Suddenly Liu Xiong's eyes lit up, and he thought of something.

"Xiaokui, help me find out if there is any comic exhibition or game exhibition recently."

Xiaokui also suddenly realized, and suddenly became energetic, "Yes! Boss, we can participate in the game exhibition!"

Everyone was reminded by Liu Xiong's words, and they cast their hopeful eyes on Xiaokui. Xiaokui made a quick inquiry, and then said: "Boss! In 2 days, there will be a fairly large-scale game and animation exhibition—"Solo Tour" Big Game Comic Con', we can go to it!"

Liu Xiong nodded and said, "That's right, Xiaokui, please help check the admission conditions and make arrangements."

"Everyone, please be patient with the situation in the past two days. When we make a name for ourselves at the game exhibition, sales will definitely take off!" Liu Xiong said confidently to everyone, but it's hard to say what the actual situation will be.

After encountering an unbelievably low sales volume, Liu Xiong is mentally prepared for any situation that may happen.

Xiao Lin happily said loudly: "Solo Exhibition! This is a very big exhibition! I'm looking forward to it! It's a pity that I have to endure low sales for the past two days, and I have nothing to do. It's uncomfortable!"

At this time Yuzi suddenly ran over, stood behind Liu Xiong and called softly: "Boss..."

"What's the matter?" Liu Xiong turned around and asked the red-faced Yuzu.

"Boss, tomorrow...tomorrow, my alma mater will have a game festival. If you don't think that the university campus game festival is too...too low-grade, we can also go to participate."

(End of this chapter)

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