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Chapter 349 The Coal Mining Era

Chapter 349 The Coal Mining Era
"What? These damn troublemakers!"

"Look at the sweat on my body!"

"Ah? Take a look!"

"How hard have I worked so that we can survive in the last days?"

"In order to let the citizens shivering in the cold wind live a better and happier life, I am so worried!"

"In the end, is this how these troublemakers treat the leader?"

The fat man in the overcoat performed well, his face flushed with anger.

The man with glasses before said hastily: "The troublemakers really don't know what is good or bad, they don't know your good intentions, Mr. Leader."

"Yes! Without the leader, the troublemakers would have starved to death!"

"They only know that they need coal and food, but they don't know how to coordinate the overall situation!"

"Leader! Don't be shaken by the unreasonable troubles of the unreasonable people. We firmly support the great leader!"

The fat man in the overcoat sighed: "Hey, in order for the city to survive, I don't have enough to eat or wear warm clothes. I work hard for everyone day and night."

"Forget it, notify the steam oven and the cafeteria to increase the heating level and food supply by 1%."

"Let the publicity team go to publicize my thoughts and tell those damn London gangs to be more honest!"

Not enough to eat, not wearing warm mink fur coat, the fat man was sweating profusely.

Next came a group of trembling thugs in ragged clothes...

But Liu Xiong and Xiaokui took a few glances and felt that the acting skills of the troublemakers were far inferior to the previous fat man's vividness.

So Liu Xiong and Xiaokui left the stage, ready to see something else.

Behind the stage of "Frostpunk", there is a little brother who is yelling loudly.

""Frostpunk" Coal Limited Ice Cream! It's on sale for a limited time!"

"For only 39.8 yuan, you can enjoy steampunk labor's most glorious coal ice cream!"

Seems like a lot of fun.

Liu Xiong leaned over and asked: "Your ice cream is not cheap, what does the coal limit look like? Why didn't you see it?"

The boy who sells ice cream said: "I don't sell ice cream, I'm just a porter of coal ice cream."

"See the mine corridor behind me?"

Liu Xiong glanced at the back of the ice cream boy. There was a long strip tent with the LOGO of the Frostpunk era and some original paintings painted on the outside.

This should be the so-called pit corridor.

The ice cream guy continued: "For only 39.8, you can get a disciplinary engineer shovel for the working people's proletariat!"

"And a proletarian hard hat with its own miner's lamp."

"Then enter the pit corridor and dig ice out of the ice and snow for coal—that's coal ice cream."

Liu Xiong couldn't help laughing, it seems a bit creative!
Sounds like paying to rent a shovel and hard hat, then go into their ice cellar and scoop ice cream out of it.

I have to say, this is really quite creative.

Entering the corridor of the mine pit with Xiaokui, as soon as you enter, you will see very dim lights, coupled with sad background music, creating a bleak atmosphere.

But after a glance, no other miners were found.

It seems that the business here is not very good.

Liu Xiong shot the ice wall behind Xiaokui with a miner's lamp and found something.

After continuing to shoot a few times with the miner's lamp, Liu Xiong said: "I see, the black stuff in the ice wall on both sides should be coal ice cream."

After trying it with an engineering shovel, Liu Xiong said, "Yo! It's quite strong. It seems that it takes a little effort to eat ice cream."

Rolling up his sleeves, Liu Xiong was about to shovel vigorously, but Xiao Kui stopped Liu Xiong, compared his biceps, and said, "How can you let the boss do this kind of work for working people?"

"Besides, boss, you have already helped me get the level 3 head, so I should do some work, right?"

"Xiaokui, I have a strong arm, and I will take over the job of digging coal!"

So Liu Xiong nodded and said: "Since you have such a glorious tradition of working people, Comrade Xiaokui, then I can't discourage your enthusiasm for labor, can I?"

"Comrade Xiaokui!"

Holding the engineering shovel in both hands, Liu Xiong took a step forward, "I will leave this engineering shovel for proletarian punishment, which symbolizes the power of the working people, to you!"

"I hope you can use this shovel to exert endless power!"

"Obey! Your Excellency!"

Xiaokui picked up the engineering shovel and began to work on the ice wall.

The sound of ding-ding-dong-dong engineer shovels hitting the ice wall can be heard endlessly.

Really don't say it!

Although Xiaokui seems to be a modern urban beauty, she really looks good as a miner!

Liu Xiong watched Xiaokui labor for 2 minutes with admiring eyes.

Then 2 minute passed.

Liu Xiong found out in embarrassment.

What about coal?
What about ice cream?

Why can't I scoop out an ice cream in 2 minutes?
Xiaokui dug hard on the ice wall for 2 minutes, but in the end she only made a small hole in the ice wall.

It seems that there is not a few centimeters away from the ice cream buried deep in the ice wall.

Xiaokui couldn't move.

Looking back at Liu Xiong, Xiaokui said angrily, "What kind of ice wall is this! It's too hard!"

Rubbing her sore and limp arms, Xiaokui handed the engineer shovel to Liu Xiong and said, "I can't take it anymore! This broken ice cream, forget it, come on, boss!"

Liu Xiong laughed, thinking that Xiaokui's appearance was really a show, looking at the coal digging with a decent appearance.

But obviously, Xiaokui's strength is still not enough.

You still have to do the job of digging coal yourself!

After receiving the engineer shovel, Liu Xiong loosened his neckline, shook his neck left and right, and made a rattling sound.

"OK, show time is over."

"It's time to act like a real brawny man!"

"Let go of that ice cream! Let me do it!"

Liu Xiong walked to the ice wall with an engineering shovel in his hand, and swung it full of strength and beauty!

The output exploded!

Splash a piece of ice!
Then Liu Xiong only felt numb in his mouth!
" seems a little hard." Liu Xiong smiled awkwardly, re-stored a wave of strength, and then another shovel!


The output exploded again!

Then a piece of ice splashed again.

Liu Xiong got angry and turned on the continuous output mode.

Ding Ding Ding!
Boom boom boom!
Duang! Duang! Duang!

After a slam down, the ice wall is still strong.

The ice wall is still strong, but Liu Xiong can't stand it anymore.

To be reasonable, it is very exhausting to keep hitting the wall like this.

Turning around and looking back, Xiaokui was looking at him eagerly.

"Boss...I'm hungry, I want to eat ice cream..."

Liu Xiong couldn't help being a little embarrassed.

Originally, Xiaokui failed to dig out the ice cream from the coal mine, but it was time for Liu Xiong to show his manliness and bravely dig the coal mine.

But now, Liu Xiong didn't expect that he couldn't dig out coal mine ice cream.

"Ahem!" Liu Xiong coughed twice, and said, "There is something wrong with the setting here! I can't break it with my infinite strength, old man?"

(End of this chapter)

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