Start a company to make games

Chapter 347 Is Lu Zi So Wild?

Chapter 347 Is Lu Zi So Wild?
Liu Xiong was drawing his sword and looked around in a daze, only to see a man with a gun walking towards him.

The gunman held a P92 pistol, carried an AKM on his back, wore a third-level headgear, and was wearing a third-level armor.

Seeing the other party approaching with a murderous look, Liu Xiong couldn't help feeling a little nervous: "Little brother, is this a fake gun?"

Liu Xiong thought: If it was the kind of imitation air gun that was caught and had to be imprisoned, it would be quite painful if it went off and hit him.

The man with the gun stood in front of Liu Xiong, and said dissatisfiedly, "What brother? It's me! I'm a young lady!"

Hearing the voice, Liu Xiong knew it was Xiaokui.

Xiaokui continued to complain dissatisfiedly: "Boss, I am so beautifully dressed, but you don't know me, and you still call me a little brother?"

"Too much, boss!"

Liu Xiong expressed a little wronged: "Your third-level head covered your face, and then the third-level armor covered your body tightly."

"To be fair, I really can't see you like this."

Xiaokui took off her third-level head, glared at Liu Xiong with her pretty eyes, and said, "Well, it makes sense."

"Let's go, let's go shopping!"

Liu Xiong stretched out his hand to Xiaokui, and Xiaokui looked at Liu Xiong suspiciously.

Liu Xiong pointed to the third-level head in Xiaokui's hand.

"I'll get it."

Xiao Kui said with a smile: "Let the boss carry things for me, a working girl? How dare you!"

As she said with a smile, Xiao Kui handed the third-level head to Liu Xiong very bluntly.

After handing it over to Liu Xiong, Xiaokui continued to smile and said, "Not bad, boss! Although you are a big boss and I am just a small working girl, you are still quite a gentleman!"

"It's really unexpected!"

After receiving the third-level iron head, Liu Xiong said in surprise, "Oh, it's quite heavy."

As the boss, Liu Xiong expressed that he didn't understand why Xiao Kui made such a heavy third-level head.

With empty hands, Xiaokui said relaxedly, "Of course it's heavy. I'm looking for a professional club, and they gave it to me. It's a good thing!"

"I wouldn't wear it if it was crappy plastic!"

"I only use this kind of high-quality stuff."

Liu Xiong said he couldn't understand, but Liu Xiong didn't intend to understand too much.

Led by Xiaokui into the exhibition center, Liu Xiong saw a somewhat familiar booth within a short distance after entering.

Xiaokui also led Liu Xiong straight to the booth.

There are many posters, banners, and paintings hanging around the booth—of course, there are beautiful COSERs posing on the booth.

They are all characters that Liu Xiong is familiar with - Mary Rose, Kasumi, Ayane, Nyotengu, Honoka, Lei Fang, Hitomi, Kokoro, Mira...

Aren't these all characters from Dead or Alive?

Liu Xiong couldn't help asking: "Why, did Feimeng also participate in this exhibition?"

While looking at the performance on the booth, Xiao Kui replied, "How is that possible? This exhibition of next-generation games and super-next-generation games is a spontaneous participation of the people."

"It is a non-commercial exhibition, no company participates, the venue is sponsored by local tyrants, and the performers and booth layout are also the voluntary behavior of players."

"How can we Feimeng participate in an exhibition purely for love!"

Liu Xiong nodded, "That's right, I just said that Fei Meng participated in the exhibition, why didn't I know."

As he approached the booth while talking, Liu Xiong said even more puzzled: "Huh? I thought it was a player of "Dead or Alive" performing "Dead or Alive."

"I'm still wondering, didn't you say that this exhibition is full of next-generation games? Why is there "Dead or Alive"?"

"But now I'm not weird, or I'm even weirder."

"What the hell is this game called Dead or Alive in Love?"

"Is it such a wild way to use our copyright to make games without permission?"

Liu Xiong was very surprised in his heart. With the current influence of Feimeng game, some companies will follow suit and imitate their own games.

This is normal.

But this game is called "Dead or Alive in Love", Nima is exactly the same!

Isn't it too crazy to copy one's own characters?
This incident was so unreasonable that Liu Xiong was very surprised and wondered if there was something else hidden.

Liu Xiong pointed to the booth, and told Xiaokui that the road on the other side was very wild, and he actually copied the character design of Feimeng game completely.

"It's the first time I've seen someone do this to this extent without authorization."

Liu Xiong was about to talk about the subpoena, but what Xiaokui said surprised Liu Xiong.

"Who said there is no authorization? They have your authorization. Boss, your golden words, how dare everyone disobey?"

Now Liu Xiong was even more confused.


I have signed several licensing agreements on "Dead or Alive" IP, such as building a factory for figures.

But Liu Xiong himself remembers those authorizations, and this so-called "Dead or Alive in Love", Liu Xiong clearly remembers - he did not sign the authorization for this game.

So what Xiaokui said: her own golden words?

What's going on?
Seeing Liu Xiong's bewildered expression, Xiaokui finally said: "Hey, it seems that you, boss, are so forgetful, you really have forgotten."

"Didn't you post on Weibo before, saying that as long as it is not used for commercial purposes, you can freely use the characters of "Dead or Alive"?"

Liu Xiong continued with a black question mark face: "Ah? Is there?"

Xiaokui nodded seriously: "Yes, let me look for it."

Xiaokui swiped a few times on her phone, and then turned to Liu Xiong's previous Weibo.

A netizen asked under Liu Xiong's Weibo: "I am a UP host of Ruizhan, and I want to use the characters of "Dead or Alive" to make some MMDs, may I ask?"

"Of course you can."

"Mr. Liu, I'm a MOD producer. I want to use the dead or alive character design to make MOD in other games. Is it possible?"

"As long as it's not for commercial use."

"I'm Brother Huang Tu. No matter whether Mr. Liu agrees or not, I will use the characters from "Dead or Alive" to draw the book."

"Uh... I know it's inevitable that "Dead or Alive" will be drawn into the book."

Many netizens asked questions, and Liu Xiong finally replied in unison: "As long as it is not for commercial purposes, you can freely use the "Dead or Alive" character design and use the "Dead or Alive" IP."

After reading these microblogs, Liu Xiong remembered it.

I did say so myself.

Although there is no written evidence in black and white, since I said it on Weibo, I have to admit it.

But what I said was non-commercial use. Could it be that this "Dead or Alive in Love" is not a commercial game?

As a result, when I asked Xiaokui, it was really not commercial in nature!
(End of this chapter)

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