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Chapter 295 Chaos and Order

Chapter 295 Chaos and Order

"I want to keep everyone alive, I don't want child labor, I want to have a proper funeral, I want the children to go to school, I want everyone to have enough to eat."

"But I've discovered that maybe because I'm too good at it, I don't have the ability to perfectly lead the people to survive in the last days."

"Hey, anyway, the child labor code has been signed, and workers are required to work overtime 24 hours anyway."

"I can't control that much anymore! Survival is the most important thing. In order to survive, I must do whatever it takes."

Xiao Cai, who made up her mind, first signed the code of corpse disposal. Instead of cumbersome funeral ceremonies, she directly threw the dead into the pit.

Corpse Disposal: We will place the corpse in a snow pit and cover it with snow, the severe cold will slow down the decay of the corpse.

At the same time, in order to quickly advance technology, Xiaocai extended the working hours of the workstation responsible for researching technology, and worked overtime 24 hours a day.

Afterwards, Xiao Cai faced the food crisis, and worked hard on food supply.

On the one hand, Xiaocai built a greenhouse to provide the food grown, which is called open source.

But there is another key point - throttling.

In order to reduce food consumption, Xiaocai has two codes to choose from.

Soup: We can make soup for more people without making a full meal, and the consumption of ingredients is the same for both.

Food additives: We can add sawdust to meals to make people feel fuller, although it tastes bad and unhealthy,
The purpose of both is the same, to reduce food consumption, and both will lead to a slight decrease in the hope value and a slight increase in the dissatisfaction value.

The difference is that drinking soup is not enough to fill the stomach, which will lead to dissatisfaction.

And although eating sawdust meals can fill you up, people may also get sick.

Xiao Cai was frightened by being sick, so without thinking too much, she decisively chose to drink soup.

While choosing to drink soup, Xiao Cai explained to her colleagues and herself: "Humans are actually quite capable of enduring hunger, and drinking soup should be enough to sustain life."

Increasing income and reducing expenditure, Xiaocai gradually ensured the food supply, but at this time Xiaocai faced a new choice.

The expedition team that has been collecting resources and population outside has brought bad news—the Winter House has fallen.

Winter House is an important human stronghold, known as the city of the Arctic Circle.

And the city did not survive the severe cold.

This caused the citizens of Xiaocai to suffer a serious blow and plunged into collective despair.

"We should have stayed in London in the first place, or we certainly wouldn't have gotten to this point."

"How dare we hope for a miracle if Winter Home fails to survive?"

"It's stupid to come here, we should go back!"

People are discussing.

If even a big stronghold and a big city like Winter House can't survive.

Then I definitely can't!

As a result, escapeism emerged within the city.

There are many people who want to give up their original intentions, leave the city and return to London.

London, they thought, would be safer and better able to survive the harsh winter than here.

The city is in danger of falling apart!
At this time of crisis, Xiaocai must adopt more powerful means to maintain the hearts of the people and unite the people!
The game unlocks a new system - Xiaocai has two choices.

Choose our path.

Shaken by fear and doubt, people have lost hope and think it is impossible for us to survive.

Desperation can lead people to act recklessly.

You have to unite people with hope for the future.

It's up to you to decide what will give them meaning and hope, or our city will descend into chaos that will lead to the disappearance of Winter Home.

Xiao Cai's two choices are: Order and Discipline.

Or the power of faith and spirit.

So choose to use a strong system to control your own people?
Or choose to strengthen your faith in the last days and use the power of faith to tide over the difficulties.

In the sudden eternal winter, the theory of the end of the world is popular, and various cult organizations are sprouting one after another.

Xiaocai looked at the introductions of the two routes, and felt that faith seemed to be stronger.

But Xiaocai said: "I'm an atheist, and it feels weird to use faith. I should choose order, right? At least I'm more familiar with it."

First of all, Xiao Cai signed a code of the Neighborhood Watch Organization, which allows Xiao Cai to build watchtowers.

Neighborhood Watch: We must rise up and unite to help those in need and protect them from troublemakers.

Neighborhood watch organizations build watchtowers that can boost the hope of surrounding residents, and in today's climate of change in people's minds, ensuring hope is very important.

The subsequent game progress was even more difficult. With the addition of more and more refugees and the increase of the heating range, Xiaocai was still unable to guarantee the resources perfectly.

The hospital is overcrowded, and the food is also inconsistent.

The London gang who want to rebel has been doing things all the time.

If it wasn't for Xiaocai, she ordered the morning gathering, guard station, and patrol three order codes in succession.

In addition, four codes of dueling field, dueling method, tavern, and private whiskey were promulgated.

Duel Arena: It's the best way to relieve tension by watching several intense duel rounds.

Dueling Law: People who face mortal threats every day can resolve conflicts through dueling. Although some people will die in a duel, the opponent does not have to be responsible.

Tavern: In this brutal new world, people still need a strong drink and a friend after work to lift their spirits.

Moonshine whiskey: We can now soothe aching bodies and minds by serving a little spirit with a meal.

These codes cooperate with each other to strongly suppress the dissatisfaction value and increase the hope of the game.

Under such circumstances, the momentum of the London Gang has been suppressed a lot.

But this doesn't mean that Xiao Cai can sit back and relax.

The splitting momentum was suppressed, but it was really difficult for Xiaocai to supply food.

At this time, there was another incident, that is, a new wave of refugees came to seek refuge.

A total of more than 100 refugees entered the city with the help of Xiao Cai.

More than 100 refugees, that is, more than 100 people, this is a huge resource.

Xiaocai has several choices: accept all, reject all, or only accept the adult labor force among them.

Xiao Cai looked at her food supply, gritted her teeth, and chose to receive all of it.

Colleagues also agreed with Xiaocai's decision, and said: "With such bad weather, if refugees are not allowed to enter the city, then they must all die. It's too pitiful."

"Manpower is the most precious resource. Children can be child laborers, and sick people are also laborers after recovery."

Xiao Cai quite agrees with the saying that manpower is the most precious resource.

 Thanks for the reward from Youying Dark Moon
(End of this chapter)

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