Chapter 279

But one thing is certain.

That is, under the situation of the strong rise of "Warcraft", "King of Middle-earth" has experienced a big landslide.

Whether it's sales or popularity.

"King of Middle-earth", which once seemed to dominate the RTS game, is now completely inferior to "Warcraft" in the number of online players.

Although the number of people watching the live broadcast of the "King of Middle-Earth" competitions on the Internet has repeatedly hit new highs.

But in terms of the number of ordinary players who really determine the fate of a game, "Warcraft" has already crushed "King of Middle-earth".

Castles in the air, trees without roots, this is the current King of Middle-Earth.

And Liu Xiong also received an additional piece of good news, that is, Tieyou and the most games will soon hold a Major-level "Warcraft" top tournament.

"Warcraft" has sold 1.6 million sets, and the gross profit that a set of "Warcraft" can bring to distributors is 40 yuan.

Iron Tour, Best Game, and Joy House each earned more than 10 billion from Warcraft.

This time, Tieyou and Zuiyou have teamed up to collect 5000 million yuan in bonuses and plan to hold a "Zuiyou" Warcraft tournament.

Originally holding a high-level large-scale event was what Liu Xiong planned to do, but it was preempted by the channel provider.

This is just right, saving Liu Xiong trouble and money.

Moreover, as the mass base of "Warcraft" throws off "King of Middle-earth", the potential of "Warcraft" in terms of competition will also be completely released.

The "King of Middle-earth", which has lost its mass base, only has the game left.

And as long as "Warcraft" has the status in the e-sports competition, it can also successfully surpass "King of Middle-earth".

Then, the overall victory of "Warcraft" against "King of Middle-earth" will really come.

The earning ability of the distributors may not be able to support a business empire worth hundreds of billions of dollars, but the influence of these distributors is very extensive.

Even to a certain extent, the channel dealer is the person closest to the game players.

If various channel operators can organize competitions of various scales and widely promote their "Warcraft" competitions, then the seemingly indestructible Penguin + glass slag e-sports throne will be destroyed in an instant!
Thinking of this, Liu Xiong called Mr. Tie of Tieyou.

Mr. Tie saw that it was Liu Xiong who called, and asked enthusiastically: "What is Mr. Liu doing? Could it be that there is a new game? Haha, the money for "Warcraft" has not been earned yet. Feimeng's new game, we, Tieyou, are going to make a big fat man!"

The tone is full of joy. It can be heard that Mr. Tie, who has earned more than one billion in a month, is really happy.

Liu Xiong also laughed and laughed a few words, and then said: "I heard that Tieyou United is the most popular game, and they have a big game of Warcraft, and the audition is about to start?"

"Yes, to be honest with Mr. Liu, you said that we made a lot of money from "Warcraft" this time, and I believe other channel vendors are the same."

"Now the momentum of "Warcraft" is still very strong, and we think this high sales volume can be maintained for a long time."

"After all, a game of the quality of "Warcraft" is not too much even if it sells for 299, but you, Mr. Liu, are very conscientious and price it at 99 yuan. At this conscientious price, it is not too much for Warcraft to sell another 1 million sets."

"Holding a large-scale World of Warcraft competition can re-establish the reputation of our iron game, so as to gain an advantage in the later sales of "Warcraft"."

"Most Game also thinks the same way, so our two companies joined forces to organize this competition."

After listening to Boss Tie's words, Liu Xiong also said cheerfully: "Your distributors have spent money to organize this competition, so I, Feimeng, as a game company, naturally cannot lag behind."

"Now, the prize money for the Super Tournament Warcraft Tournament is 5000 million, right, so I, Feimeng, will contribute another 5000 million!"

"The prize pool is enough for [-] million, and we need to show the style of our first large-scale World of Warcraft event!"

After Tieyou, Liu Xiong personally called Zuoyou and told them his decision.

The game with a prize pool of 5000 million has instantly risen to the level of a prize pool of 1 million. The game is naturally very happy about this kind of great event.

As for Liu Xiong, there was nothing distressing about it.

Although he didn't earn much money from "Warcraft", Liu Xiong knew very well: "King of Middle-earth" has many high-level competitions and many big-name e-sports stars.

Wanting to beat Zhongtu in the field of e-sports is not something that can save money.

His own "Warcraft" defeated "King of Middle-earth" on a mass basis, which can also be understood as the result of spending money.

If it weren't for the ultra-low 99 yuan price of "Warcraft", if it weren't for the ultra-high 40% profit share of "Warcraft".

If it weren't for this kind of crazy price war, "Warcraft" might not go so smoothly.

The big money has already been spent, and Liu Xiong will naturally not be stingy when it comes to e-sports competitions.

After contacting the game, Liu Xiong thought about it, and then made a more generous decision.

Calling Xiaokui, Liu Xiong notified Xiaokui and contacted various distributors.

The policy announced by Liu Xiong is: In order to encourage distributors to hold competitions, all "Warcraft" events held by distributors can come to Feimeng to register and become officially recognized regular competitions.

As for all officially recognized formal events, Feimeng will invest. Generally speaking, this investment ratio is 25% of the prize pool.

Your prize pool is 2500 million, so I, Feimeng, will contribute [-] million!
Your prize pool is 100 yuan, so I, Feimeng, will contribute 25 yuan.

Of course, considering the largest iron game plus the most game, the combined prize pool is only 5000 million.

Therefore, Liu Xiong believes that no channel provider will invest 1 million yuan to hold the competition.

At the same time, considering the factor of face, Liu Xiong believes that there will be no channel dealers will actually hold a 100 yuan prize competition.

But in any case, Liu Xiong believes that with this small money-losing tactic, the number of games in "Warcraft" should usher in a wave of skyrocketing.

After Liu Xiong's decision was made, on the second day, there was a wave of news on the major game websites.

"The amusement house joins the battle! Amusement Azeroth Cup Warcraft Grand Prix, the prize pool will reach 4500 million!"

"Four-party agreement! Four distributors hold the "Warcraft" four-clan competition!"

"The number of competitions has skyrocketed! According to gossip, many channel operators will hold different scale competitions for "Warcraft."

"It's done! The total prize pool exceeds 2000 million, and the Water Margin Cup will be held early next month!"

"New fortune in e-sports! According to reliable and unreliable news, the total prize pool of various competitions of "Warcraft" in the new season will exceed 8 million yuan!"

"Visual feast! Is it Middle Earth? It's Warcraft! The recent e-sports tour!"

(End of this chapter)

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