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Chapter 273 Warcraft Sales Don't Disappoint

Chapter 273 Warcraft Sales Don't Disappoint
"Illidan subconsciously went to save Tyrande, but this princess died without a trace."

"After the war ended, Illidan suddenly burst into tears. It wasn't until then that Illidan, who had been alone for thousands of years, realized that the one he loved was me, the princess!"

"It's a pity that the beautiful woman has passed away... Huh? Where are you, boss? I haven't finished my story yet, come back!"

Liu Xiong fled in despair, and then gave himself a bigger praise in his heart.

It seems that investors like myself who don't judge the movies they invest in are truly rare species!

When the "Warcraft" movie was launched strongly, the "Warcraft" game was also officially released for a week, and the first week's sales came out.

As No.1 on the Lundao Xingkong game hot list, as the most popular game section in various community forums, as an omni-channel game, it is a game that business groups exert strong marketing efforts.

The price of "Warcraft" is only 99, and at the same time, the distributors are given 40% of the share. The sales volume of "Warcraft" has not disappointed the distributors, the experts, and the fans of Feimeng.

Liu Xiong was not disappointed.

The goal of Warcraft is to defeat the Lord of Middle-earth.

"Kings of Middle-earth" sold 1500 million copies in its first week.

And Warcraft's first week sales are...

4100 sets!

History, the second highest record.

This sales volume has driven many people crazy, especially the distributors, who are simply insane with no solution.

With such a terrifying sales volume, coupled with an even more terrifying 40% share, the channel dealers are simply making money like crazy.

After a rough calculation, 99 yuan, 4100 million sales in the first week, that is, the global sales of "Warcraft" in the first week reached a terrifying 40.5 billion!
And the channel dealers earned as much as 16 billion within a week!
The biggest channels of Iron Tour, Most Game, and Joy House all made [-] million or even more than [-] million in a week!

Other second-, third-, fourth-, and fifth-tier channel operators also earned tens of millions to millions.

And it's only the first week.

According to experience, "Warcraft" can maintain this terrible sales volume for at least 4 weeks, and if the situation is very favorable, the high sales volume can be further maintained.

Qian Jing is very impressive.

In a word, it is a big profit, and it can make a lot of money for a long time.

As for how much you earn, it depends on your own ability, the more you sell, the more you earn.

The distributors are making a lot of money, and Feimeng, the game producer, is supposed to make even more money.

Unfortunately, this time "Warcraft" is an exception.

At this moment, after the first week's sales came out, Xiaokui was reporting the situation to Liu Xiong in Feimeng's internal conference room with a smile.

"Although it was estimated in the early stage that "Warcraft" is not likely to be profitable, because the cost is indeed a big problem, but after the game was launched, the first week of sales reached 4100 million sets, Megatron China."

"In the case of small profits but high sales, even if we can only earn 4 yuan for a set of games, the revenue brought by "Warcraft" in the first week has reached about 1.6 million."

"In this way, it is very likely that the losses we originally expected will not appear."

While eating the takeaway sausage, Xiao Lin said cheerfully, "That's great! Let me just say, our Feimeng game is still losing money when we make it? It's simply unscientific!"

"I feel that even if we give up almost all the profit margins, with the Feimeng game and the high quality of my big Warcraft, we should make small profits but sell more and at least keep our capital!"

"Warcraft" set a terrifying sales record, directly crushing and destroying the game market, and the name of Feimeng game shocked the entire market!
Even people who don't understand, care about or pay attention to the game market will see the overwhelming news about Feimeng game and the terrifying sales of "Warcraft".

If this kind of sales continues, even if the opponent is the same phenomenal game "King of Middle-earth", "Warcraft" has a great chance to beat him.

Reach the predetermined goal of Feimeng - defeat the strongest penguin game.

Under this happy atmosphere, coupled with Xiaokui's latest financial report, "Warcraft" has almost no risk of losing money.

Everyone was filled with a kind of joy that the battle was about to be won.

Seeing such joy in the atmosphere, Prince Jugurtha promptly made a proposal that made everyone cheer.

"In order to celebrate the great success of our "Warcraft", I propose to hold a large celebration party at my expense."

"I will bring in the best, sexiest and most beautiful dancers from China, and I will definitely let you enjoy the highest level of pleasure, boss..."

Sensing Xiaokui's murderous gaze, Ju Guda showed a trace of timidity in his eyes, then took a sip of red wine and said to Xiaokui, "Of course, for the ladies, I can also provide Numidian male dancers who are famous in the Mediterranean world. "

"Believe me, my lady, they can definitely satisfy you. You have to know that they have lived in an environment that is based on the standard of rich women's happy balls since childhood. The technology is very good."

Zhu Guda glanced at Su Xian next to him again, and said with a sinister smile in your knowing eyes: "If you want to try, my friend, Numidian male dancers will definitely satisfy people including men."

Su Xian's eyes suddenly lit up...

After a while of talking nonsense, Liu Xiongcai said: "The celebration party is indeed worth holding, but the Numidian gigolos and the like are not."

"Boss, let me treat you to a big one! By the way, I invite the representatives of the distributors to participate! This time, the performance of "Warcraft" is so good, and so are the crazy slaves of the distributors."

"However." Liu Xiong added: "The distributors are probably very busy now, and they probably don't have time to attend the celebration banquet."

"So the celebration banquet will be delayed for a while, and at the same time, I have to tell you one thing."

Liu Xiong restrained his smile and said very seriously: "The first week of "Warcraft" sold 4100 million sets, which is indeed a remarkable achievement."

"Warcraft has worked."

"But it's only half the battle."

"Warcraft's single-player story is excellent, but remember, Warcraft is not a single-player game."

"Warcraft, after all, is an RTS game for online battles."

"To become the overlord of RTS, "Warcraft" can be regarded as truly defeating "King of Middle-earth", and it can be regarded as a real success."

"As of now, our "Warcraft" online battle business has only just started."

"The "King of Middle-earth" Major that ended two days ago pushed the prestige of the King of Middle-earth to a new high."

"It can be said that "Warcraft" has not yet posed a fatal threat to "King of Middle-earth."

"The revolution has not yet succeeded, Feimeng still needs to work hard!"

(End of this chapter)

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