Start a company to make games

Chapter 27 59! 59 is here!

Chapter 27 59! 59 is here!

Liu Xiong knew about Rainbow Six, but not Xishan Rainbow Six.

However, Liu Xiong's younger brothers seem to know about Xishan Rainbow Six Base.

Kobayashi was the first to ask: "Xishan Rainbow Sixth Base? Isn't that a base for survival in the wild? After playing it a few times, I feel that the mode is a bit monotonous. It's just shooting with infrared guns, which is nothing new."

Xiaokui smiled and shook her fingers: "Student Xiaolin, you are behind in this news! Xishan Rainbow No. It's very exciting for tanks to bombard each other!"

Liu Xiong was taken aback when he heard this, the real CS still has tanks?

This is a bit pompous!

Xiaokui continued to publicize the benefits of going to the Rainbow Sixth Base in Xishan: "We go to the Sixth Base to play. It can not only entertain and relax, but also discover the inspiration about blood lions in military-themed games."

"More importantly, when we are tired from playing, we can go to Xishan Hot Spring Villa to rest at night and soak in a hot spring for a night of sleep. This rhythm is perfect!"

When Xiaokui said this, everyone thought about it, and it seemed that this was true.

Vent work pressure, find inspiration for war, and have a hot spring bath!

Can't find a reason not to do it at all!
Xiaokui, the manager of Ouchi, took out her mobile phone and booked a package ticket on the APP, Feimeng Studio, all dispatched!

Xishan, Rainbow Six base.

There are seven people in Feimeng Studio, Liu Xiong, Ye Shen, and Hi Dog formed a team.

Xiaolin, Xiaokui, Yuzi and Su Xian formed a team.

3V4, but the other team has two female soldiers, the strength of both sides is equal.


After a gun battle, the three of Xiao Lin, Xiao Kui and You Zi spread out and hid behind the bunker.

Yuzi, who was silent and seemed to be a drag, showed amazing strength in the gun battle.

Holding the MP5, Yuzu "killed" Ye Shen and Haigou in succession, while the side only lost one Mr. Su.

The current situation is that Yuzi's team has three members, while Liu Xiong has only one person left.

Three against one, the strength gap between the two sides is obvious.

Glancing at the woods in front of him, Xiao Kui shouted through the walkie-talkie: "The target has been locked in the woods. The three of us cut into the woods in a triangular shape, pay attention to each other, and don't give the boss a chance to attack each other. Let's go! OVER!"

The team on Yuzu's side was moving forward, Xiao Lin observed it, and picked up the walkie-talkie: "Report to the supervisor, there is a change ahead, OVER!"

"Queue forward, stay cautious! OVER!"

"I rely! It's 59! 59 is here!"

At this time, Liu Xiong was sitting on the magically modified 59 tank, going down the mountain!
The Rainbow Six Base has recently introduced a vehicle system, including tanks, chariots, self-propelled artillery, and jeeps.

Of course, these vehicles are all converted from go-karts.At the same time, the speed is limited, and a protective fence is strengthened around the perimeter to ensure the safety of players.

At the same time, these vehicles are hidden under the grass, caves, grooves, and leaves, and the vehicle keys must be found by the players themselves.

After the first wave of gun battles, Liu Xiong found that he had become a bare-bones commander. Seeing that the situation was not good, he decisively fought guerrilla warfare, and at the same time tried his best to find vehicles.

In the end, I would like to mention a Mokai 59.

Driving the tank, Liu Xiong advances!
The roar of the engine was getting closer and closer, Xiaolin who was walking in front was a little dazed, and the main gun of Liu Xiong's tank opened fire!
Kobayashi was hit by a shell and was instantly killed!

The body armor and firearms on his body were all automatically locked, and Xiao Lin was forced to withdraw from the battle.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Xiaokui shouted into the walkie-talkie: "Yuzi, run from the left wing, I will go to the right, avoiding the front of the tank first! Go deep in the woods! There must be anti-tank weapons nearby!"

But how could Liu Xiong let his opponent go easily?With an acceleration, the tank blocked Xiaokui's route, and then flicked sideways!

Xiaokui was hit by the guardrail of the tank and lost half of her blood!

Liu Xiong stopped the tank at this time, leaned out half of his body, and manipulated the tank's machine gun to shoot at Xiaokui on the ground!

Xiaokui, who was shot all over her body, died, her body armor and firearms were all turned off and locked, and the depressed Xiaokui gave Liu Xiong a dissatisfied look.

"It's not fair to find a tank!"

Liu Xiong took the initiative on the field at this time, smiled slightly, showing a very handsome expression: "Hahaha! In the face of absolute strength..."


The blood volume of Liu Xiong's helmet has returned to zero!
"Clap clap clap!"

"Pa pa pa pa pa pa pa!"

Liu Xiong, who was proud of himself, fell into a pool of blood...

Yuzi hit Liu Xiong accurately in the distance, and directly gave Liu Xiong a second!
Game Over!

Yuzu successfully ate chicken!

The complacent Liu Xiong ignored Yuzu's marksmanship and played GG amidst laughter.

"Haha! Little pomelo, you are amazing!"

Getting up from the ground, Xiaokui rushed over excitedly and hugged Xiaoyou, scaring you so much that she didn't dare to move.

And Liu Xiong was very depressed, saying that the lonely hero succeeded in 1V3, but he was directly wiped out by Yuzi alone...

After spending an afternoon in the rain of bullets, at night, the tired people came to Xishan Hot Spring Villa.

Although it is a Japanese-style hot spring villa, it is impossible to mix baths.

Take a bubble bath to soothe your tired body, and at the same time temporarily forget about your work. Everyone soaked in the mineral-rich hot spring is full of blood and revived...

When everyone returned to the company after enjoying the hot spring food in the afternoon of the second day, the atmosphere in the whole company was much lifted.

A proper group activity makes everyone happy and relaxed, but makes everyone full of vitality again.

Liu Xiong was surprised to find that his employees were on fire!
Xiao Lin, Youzi, Hi Dog, Su Xian, and everyone else are all pissed off!

Blue flame!Super Saiyan BLUE!

Liu Xiong was taken aback at first, and after wiping his eyes, he confirmed that his employees were not burning, but... exploding?
"Hey, system, are my employees turning into Super Saiyans?"

The system responds: "Now your employees have entered the explosive state of full state, you can also understand it as the explosive state of Super Saiyan."

"All in all, employees who are in a state of explosion have higher work efficiency and a higher level, and can display their strength beyond normal."

It turned out that this was the case, and Liu Xiong instantly felt that he was very wise.

Seeing that everyone was tired from work and not in the state, I took the initiative to organize everyone to relax for a while, and in the end, the employees returned to their explosive state.

Obviously, earned!

This is me!The conscience of the industry, the last return of a capitalist with conscience!

The work progressed quickly under the explosive state, and the employees performed beyond the level and workload, and quickly advanced the game to the final dubbing session.

 Falling to the fourth place in the new book of the game category, please recommend tickets, old irons!

(End of this chapter)

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