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Chapter 268 The Stratholme Dilemma on the Blackboard

Chapter 268 The Stratholme Dilemma on the Blackboard
The sub-mine under construction did not have time to build the arrow tower. Liu Xiong's three heroes rushed over strongly, and IUIU's 2 mixed troops were no match at all.

Reluctantly, IUIU used it to return to the city again and led the army to retreat.

But this sub-mine was handed over to others.

After another 5 minutes, I saw Liu Xiong's vast army of orcs, and then looked at the human base where I was isolated and helpless, and the economy was about to collapse.

IUIU had no choice but to play GG.

Liu Xiong defeated a professional player again, and the audience in the audience was completely convinced by Liu Xiong.

"Ah! Italian cannon!"

"If it is said that the two RUSH just now had elements of surprise and trickery, then this Beast Race has really fully demonstrated its strength."

"The population of 50 is just right! It's upright!"

"The first Juggernaut is still amazing! Have you seen this Juggernaut? The escort in the early stage was simply crushing."

"There is also the two-line operation. The sword master in the front line kills people and seizes treasures, and Xiaowai in the back is steadily leveling up. There are no mistakes at all."

"This is called the Beast Clan! They are the first prophets of the Beast Clan, and they recruited two wolves to fight wildly, but do you see it now? You have to play the sword master, and you are called the real Beast Clan!"

"Orcs are never slaves!"

So far, Liu Xiong has defeated TOT, SKY BIG, and IUIU successively, among which TOT and IUIU are both professional players!

To be reasonable, third-line players are also professional players!
For Liu Xiong, an amateur swimmer, this is an achievement worth bragging about.

Of the several masters present, only one ZOZ has not fought against Liu Xiong.

Taotao walked over and asked ZOZ player, "Excuse me, player ZOZ, are you interested in competing with the Italian cannon player?"

ZOZ waved his hands again and again, and said with a smile: "Forget it, I don't want to be hanged and beaten. I'm not familiar with "Warcraft" enough, and I don't have any tactics."

"His tactics..." ZOZ pointed at Liu Xiong, "I haven't thought of a good way to crack it yet. I'll be more confident when I get back to familiarize myself with Warcraft."

ZOZ's mind is very clear. After watching a few matches of Italian Cannon, ZOZ also gradually realized that the operation of Italian Cannon is definitely not as good as his own.

It's just that this person's understanding of "Warcraft" is very good, and his playing style is very mature, so he can't beat it for the time being.

Although he doesn't understand why he has such a mature style of play, ZOZ is confident that after he becomes more familiar with Warcraft, he will definitely be able to defeat the Italian Cannon by virtue of his operational advantages.

Including IUIU, who was defeated by the Italian Cannon, in fact, he also lost because of his incompatibility with the opponent's style of play.

Being harassed several times by the orc sword master, he was in a mess and interrupted his own technological and economic rhythm.

If IUIU is given a few chances to adapt, ZOZ thinks that IUIU will not lose. After he is familiar with the game's unit system, style of play and restraint, and has developed a system, it is time to show his true professional level!
Thinking of this, ZOZ rejected the proposal to fight Liu Xiong now, but walked to Liu Xiong's side by himself.

"You are very good, I can't beat you now, but after a while I think I have a chance to win."

"Leave a contact information, and then we will make an appointment."

Liu Xiong was taken aback?
What is an appointment with a gun?
Fortunately, Liu Xiong quickly realized that he is an Italian cannon now, and what he wants to compete with him is to make an appointment with the Italian cannon.

For short, make an appointment.

But Liu Xiong gave a negative answer.

"Sorry, I'm usually busy with work, so let's talk about it later."

It's a refusal.

Liu Xiong still has a good idea of ​​how much he weighs.

It is true that he can be regarded as a master among amateur players, relying on the advantage of a better understanding of "Warcraft", Liu Xiong can even compete with professional players to a certain extent.

But this is only a matter of a short period of time. Wait for his "Warcraft" tactics to be developed, and wait until these players have a better understanding of the Warcraft battle system.

At that time, if I want to fight these professional players again, I'm afraid I will be hanged and beaten!
Isn't it flattering to pretend to be B and run away like now?
Liu Xiong, who pretended to be B and ran away, was about to escape, but when passing by the blackboard in the school playground, Liu Xiong found a very interesting blackboard newspaper.

"Isn't this the content of "Warcraft"! This Arthas painting is very ghostly!"

The boy who was repairing the last corner of the blackboard newspaper, heard what Liu Xiong said, and said cheerfully: "Yes, the blackboard newspaper of "Warcraft", this is the work of the boss of our literary club, it is quite deep."

Liu Xiong nodded with a smile.

In this game-crazy world, it is normal to make such a large blackboard poster of "Warcraft".

First, he admired the chalk drawing of Alsace, which was a bit ghostly, and then Liu Xiong checked the contents of the blackboard newspaper.

"Warcraft" playing experience - Alsace's Stratholme Dilemma.

Feimeng's new game "Warcraft", which is currently very popular, I don't know if the students have played it.

But in order for students who have never played the game to see it, let's talk about the general plot of the story first.

Attention, spoiler alert!
Spoiler alert!
Arthas Menethil, prince of the most powerful kingdom of mankind.

Alsace's teacher, Uther, is a human war hero, a powerful paladin, nicknamed the Lightbringer.

The rumored girlfriend Jaina is a talented girl mage, kind and intelligent in nature, both beautiful and intelligent, and she is also the princess of another naval power.

From this point of view, Alsace can be described as the rich and handsome among the rich and handsome, with a great kingdom to inherit, and a smart, beautiful and well-matched princess to marry.

Alsace, the winner in life, has no choice but to run away.

The prince also has to work, and a plague has appeared in his kingdom, and the infected humans will become undead soldiers.

In order to investigate the truth of the plague, Arthas, Uther, and Jaina followed the battle all the way and came to Stratholme City.

Then Alsace found himself one step too late, the grain with the plague had been distributed, and the residents who ate the grain were about to turn into zombies.

In order to prevent the residents from becoming hostile soldiers, Alsace ordered the massacre of the city!

As a result, Alsace betrayed all relatives: the teacher Uther left with the paladin, and his girlfriend Jaina also left Alsace.
And Alsace had to take the rest of the soldiers, and started a killing contest in Stratholme with the evil devil Melganis - the more people Alsace killed, the faster he would become undead soldiers. Stratholme has fewer residents.

So, now our Prince Alsace is facing three difficulties.

(End of this chapter)

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