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Chapter 260 Lin Dan Plays Warcraft

Chapter 260 Lin Dan Plays Warcraft
Seeing this, Liu Xiong had no choice but to choose an orc tent at random. Seeing several people inside watching the players in front of the two computers, Liu Xiong also went to watch.

I only heard a chubby student urging to the person who was operating the computer: "Lin Danda, why are you still not dead? You promised to change people as soon as you fail the battle once. In the end, you almost passed the level!" !"

Lin Dan laughed: "I can't help it, my skills are good! It's hard and difficult, and I can pass all the way at once, so I can't blame me for not going to die!"

"I'm also very depressed! I sprained my foot and lay in the hospital for three days, but now I just play World of Warcraft, so I'm crying!"

Liu Xiong was quite familiar with the name Lin Danda, so he couldn't help but also came over to watch.

Liu Xiong discovered that Lin Danda was playing a single-player campaign, and had already reached the undead campaign.

Alsace, once again debut!
Joining Arthas in a flash, and another Dreadlord.

Alsace and the onlookers behind Lin Danda let out a cry of surprise.

"Mel'Ganis! Still alive?"

Alsace on the screen picked up Frostmourne and was about to kill the Dreadlord.

The Dreadlord hurriedly moved away, and explained: "Put away your sword, Arthas, I am Tichondrius, I am the same Dreadlord as Melganis, but I am not your enemy, I am here Congratulations."

Then Tichondrius, the dread demon king, explained the ins and outs to Arthas.

The general idea is that the Lich King once predicted that as long as you get Frostmourne, you will fall and sell the Kingdom of Lordaeron to the Scourge.

And now that you've killed your father and left Lordaeron a mess, we're happy with you.

As the overseer of the Burning Legion, Tichondrius gave orders to Alsace as a superior.

"Okay, last time you killed Kel'Thuzad here, but this is an important figure that will be useful in rebuilding the undead Scourge."

"Now I'll give you a task. Go find the acolytes left behind by Kel'Thuzad. They're now hiding as ordinary villagers. Go, I'll give you the next instruction after completing the task."

Lin Danda manipulated Alsace, carefully avoiding the village guards.

The task is also very simple, as long as you get close to the disguised villagers, those villagers will automatically become acolytes.

Seeing that Lin Danda was successfully completing the task, the onlookers behind started shouting again.

"Isn't this level too easy? If you go on like this, you don't know when you will die."

"I guess Alsace will kill this Tichondrius sooner or later. What kind of rotten fish is the Dreadlord? Dare to command me, Alsace?"

"Brother, do you need me to spoil a wave?"

"You dare to spoil it! I'll break your dog legs!"

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and watch the game!"

Lin Danda successfully passed the first level of the undead battle, and then there was another cutscene.

Alsace in the picture got a new order to go to the tomb for gold, dig Kel'Thuzad's body, and resurrect him.

The acolyte was going to use a meat grinder to take Kel'Thuzad's body away.

As a dangerous person, Kel'Thuzad's cemetery was also guarded, and the guards were still Alsace's former fellow paladins.

But Arthas killed the tomb guard paladin without hesitation, and then came to the grave.

As Kel'Thuzad's body was being transported onto the vehicle, Alsace heard Kel'Thuzad's voice.

"I said once, we'll meet again."

Alsace was very confused, and said to himself in the air: "Damn it, I seem to have heard Kel'Thuzad's voice, could it be a ghost?"

At this time Tichondrius reappeared and gave Arthas new orders.

The resurrection of Kel'Thuzad requires the power of the Sunwell, the holy place of the high elves, but to transport the remains there, the embalming work needs to be done well.

Tichondrius proposes a solution.

"There are three Silver Hand paladins nearby. They have a special kind of urn that can prevent the corpse from decaying."

So Alsace led the army to kill two paladins one after another, until he met the last powerful 10th-level paladin.

The crowd watching Lin Dan playing the game let out a gasp.

"Uther! The last paladin turned out to be Uther!"

"This is too dramatic!"

"Uther is going to die, and he will be killed by his own fallen disciple!"

"Uther the Lightbringer shouldn't die so easily, right? Uther is a level 10 hero, won't you hang Alsace up and hammer him?"

Everyone outside the game did not expect it to be Uther, and Uther in the game did not expect Alsace to become like this.

Uther said very seriously: "It never occurred to me that Alsace would become a running dog of the undead and murder your father, our king."

Alsace countered slightly angrily: "Shut up, Uther, hand over the urn in your hand, for the sake of the past, I will give you a happy one!"

Alsace's undead army surrounded Uther and his entourage in a menacing manner.

Uther was also furious: "Alsace! Do you know what you are doing? This one contains the ashes of your father, King Tenaris! Even so, do you still want to take it?"

Alsace disagreed: "I don't care who is in it, I just need this jar."

"You can't succeed!"

"It seems that we can only let the sword in our hands do the talking..."

Many onlookers hoped that Uther would win.

It's a pity that the level 10 paladins don't have much strength, and they were directly surrounded and killed by Alsace's sea of ​​ghouls.

He personally killed his master, Alsace didn't care about his master's body, he directly grabbed the urn, and then poured out his father's ashes indifferently.

After crushing his father to ashes, Arthas, Lordaeron's first filial son, was born.

The dread demon king Tichondrius seemed to be very afraid of Uther. Seeing the death of Uther, the strongest paladin, Lightbringer, Tichondrius happily praised Alsace.

Then the ghost of Kel'Thuzad warned Alsace in a voice that only Alsace could hear: "These dreadlords are not trustworthy, don't be carried away by his praise."

Seeing Alsace's heinous atrocities, the onlookers with a sense of justice complained: "This Lightbringer is too bad, why didn't he hammer Alsace to death?"

"Yes, if the task fails, it will be my turn."

Lin Dan laughed and said: "My skills, you should just watch me pass the level honestly! Let me see what the next level is?"

(End of this chapter)

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