Start a company to make games

Chapter 258 The Efforts of Channel Suppliers

Chapter 258 The Efforts of Channel Suppliers
Going back to the beginning, when the players have completed half of the single-player campaign and saw the CG of Illidan awakening the Naga tribe, they must be able to understand Illidan's mood.

"The Betrayer? In fact, I am the one who was betrayed by the world! I am still hunted and killed by people, and I am still hated by people! Now my blind eyes can see what others cannot foresee In the future, sometimes, the hand of fate must be in our own hands."

A so-called traitor exiled by his tribe, a half-elf and half-demon who was looked down upon by his brother.

Illidan is still chasing the supreme power, and Illidan still fights against the Burning Legion in his own way. Although Illidan, who has become a fugitive, is gradually coming to an end, the powerful demon Illidan still has his own courage to fight against the world!
The fifth label: Domineering Illidan.

But it is said that men don't flick their tears easily, because they haven't reached the sad place.

Illidan, who may have been blind, couldn't cry anymore.

But even such a tough, domineering, and proud Illidan will be sad, helpless, and even heartbroken.

When Tyrande saw Illidan transformed into a demon, Tyrande said that Illidan had become a monster.

This deeply hurt Illidan.

"Monster? That's how you see me? Tyrande? I've always cared about you! I just want to prove it through my strength."

Here, we finally understand why Illidan is so obsessed with power.

In fact, Illidan just wanted to prove himself in front of his beloved woman, to prove himself with strength!
Although he knew that he was impossible, Illidan still wanted to prove that he was no worse than his brother!
When Illidan said this, his tone was sad and helpless.

But Tyrande's reply directly exposed Illidan's disguise.

"Brute force doesn't mean real strength, that's why I chose your brother instead of you."

As a player, I also have to admit that what Tyrande said is correct.

Illidan used the power of the devil to continuously strengthen himself, saved the world, and saved Tyrande.

But... to no avail, distorted feelings, distorted pursuit of power, resulting in a distorted Illidan today.

The sixth label: Sad Illidan.

At the end of the battle, the mission failed and faced with hunting down Illidan, he was forced to flee when he was at the end of his rope.

Moments before leaving the world of Azeroth, Illidan spoke his last words to Tyrande.

"No matter what I do, no matter what I become, I will always care about you, Tyrande."

Regarding Illidan's words, my understanding is that Illidan probably knows that he has chosen an evil path, and Illidan also knows that he has become a demon, and may no longer be able to maintain his mind.

But Illidan said to Tyrande again, and said this sentence to himself, reconfirming his feelings for Tyrande for more than 1 years.

The tragedy and helplessness of the hero at the end of the road, the eternal eternity that will not change even if he turns into a devil.

Perfectly reflected!
The seventh label: the tragic Illidan.

Powerful, affectionate, unrepentant, proud, domineering, sad, tragic, this is the Illidan presented to us by "Warcraft".

I don't think Illidan is dead, I'll be looking forward to his return as king!
Now that the post is over, Liu Xiong feels very relieved.

The "Warcraft" game has only been released for a few days, and some players already have such a thorough understanding of one of the two male villains.

This kind of high-quality post is naturally very popular. In the comment area below, many players responded enthusiastically!
"Great! I am Illidan!"

"It's a pity that Illidan was killed by that traitor in Arthas!"

"Is it really dead? I feel that Illidan is not so easy to die."

"Arthas traitor? Illidan is the traitor!"

"Alsace is too bad, his depravity is disgusting, but I, Illidan, are admirable. He really did his best!"

"I feel sorry for Illidan, isn't it the protagonist who is destined to be crushed by the protagonist's halo? In the ancient trilogy novels, the benefits were taken by my brother, and I was imprisoned for 1 years."

"He is still being chased and killed everywhere, and he is still alive and dead as the horseman of the Burning Legion, miserable!"

Then there was another burst of passionate mutual hugs between Alsace fans and Illidan fans, Liu Xiong had no intention of watching these confrontations again.

After browsing the forum, Liu Xiong was going to go out for a stroll.

Because he has been busy supplying the channel suppliers for the past few days, although the weekly sales volume has not yet come out, Liu Xiong probably knows it well.

Sales of "Warcraft" will probably be very good.

Liu Xiong wants to go and see, the sales volume of various distributors is so huge, what methods do they use?
Liu Xiong first went to a large game store nearby, which is the most popular large flagship store.

Liu Xiong came here and almost didn't recognize him!
The flagship store of the game, which was originally modernized and full of Nordic minimalist style, has changed a lot!

The simple white gates are gone, replaced by stone city wall openings and wooden city gates!

Of course, these are all modern paints, but they look very bluffing at first glance, quite like the main human city in the game.

On both sides of the most game city gate, there is a row of fully armed foot men!

This group of human infantry, dressed in metal armor, shines brightly under the light, showing a domineering side.

Walking on the red carpet, Liu Xiong stepped into the interior of the most game flagship store, and saw that the entire flagship store was full of Warcraft posters, LOGOs, banners, and flags.

On the four most conspicuous large shelves near the door, there are all "Warcraft"!
No other games!All are monsters!
There are many people in front of the shelves, and there are many buyers.

And these four shelves are also very interesting.

There are nameplates on the front of the four shelves, which read: Human Alliance, Orc Tribe, Night Elf, Undead Scourge.

The four large shelves have also been transformed into corresponding styles.

For example, the human alliance shelf has a silver metal texture, and many long swords, hammers and noble heraldry elements are added to the shelf.

The shelves of the orc tribe are made of old blood-stained wooden shelves, and many spears and large axes are densely covered on them.

The shelves of the night elves are dominated by dark colors that shone with cold light, and also have many sharp arrow patterns.

The undead natural disaster shelf looks very cold, and the inside of the frost-themed shelf is even breathing cold air!The LOGO patterns above are also frozen long swords, battle axes, arrows and skeletons.

The 4 shelves, corresponding to the four major powers, have been carefully designed to fit the theme of Warcraft.

 Thanks for the support of the broken hourglass.

(End of this chapter)

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