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Chapter 245 The Expansion of the Digging Pit

Chapter 245 The Expansion of the Digging Pit
With enough cheering readers, especially the active fans of Feimeng, even if it is not on the shelves, "The Ancient Trilogy of Warcraft" will still hit the sales list strongly!

This also shows once again the popularity of "The Ancient Trilogy of Warcraft".

Objectively speaking, "The Ancient Trilogy of Warcraft" is not a novel that is very suitable for the Internet.

Even, if there is no additional help, "The Ancient Trilogy of Warcraft" may hit the street.

After all, slow progress, weak golden fingers, and complicated characters are taboos for many online articles.

Therefore, in the early stage of the novel, Feimeng's gimmick and Liu Xiong's promotion on Weibo caused a large number of Feimeng players to come here.

This is the key to the "Ancient Trilogy of Warcraft" being able to stand out quickly in the early stage.

However, "The Ancient Trilogy of Warcraft" can break through 100 million collections when it has 100 million words, not just because of the game's gimmicks!
With Liu Xiong's promotion, with Feimeng's gimmick, with the players' preferences...

"The Ancient Trilogy of Warcraft" may have a revenue of 5, and may have a revenue of 10, but it is absolutely impossible to have a revenue of 100 million!

It is even more impossible to attract the rewards of so many players, so that "The Ancient Trilogy of Warcraft" will directly rush to the best-selling list!
In the final analysis, the popularity of "The Ancient Trilogy of Warcraft" is due to its excellent quality.

With Feimeng's gimmick, it attracted the first batch of readers, and made them patiently read the beginning of the novel, which is not very suitable for web articles.

After that, it is the novel's own credit.

Regardless of how Ye Shen's writing is, at least the plot of the Warcraft novel itself is very exciting.

There are also many scholars on the earth who study the history of Warcraft.

Relying on this excellent plot, it is enough to make "The Ancient Trilogy of Warcraft" attract countless readers.

And the more fully unfolded the "Ancient Trilogy of Warcraft", the more holes will be dug.

What is Sargeras?

What is Azshara?

Is Illidan good or bad?
What happened to the dragon?


While Ye Shen was writing novels, Liu Xiong was also constantly releasing some interesting little settings, as related supplements, and also as further appetite.

All in all, the popularity of "The Ancient Trilogy of Warcraft" is beyond Liu Xiong's imagination.

But it also gave Liu Xiong extra confidence.

Originally, although Liu Xiong had high hopes for "Warcraft", to be honest, considering the super high game quality of "King of Middle-earth", Liu Xiong really dare not say that he will definitely win.

But now, with the super popularity of "The Ancient Trilogy of Warcraft", at least one point is explained, that is, the plot of Warcraft is also very recognized by the players.

In the face of "The Lord of Middle-earth", which is backed by "The Lord of the Rings", it is very important that the plot is loved and recognized by the players.

While Ye Shen keeps updating the novel, Liu Xiong also keeps helping the game in other ways.

First of all, on Weibo and the official website, Liu Xiong releases some information about the game almost every day.

Spoilers for Ghouls, Chimeras, Gryphon Riders, and more.

Introducing King of the Hill Heroes...

Lordaeron Continental Map...

Supplementary instructions for the novel "The Ancient Trilogy of Warcraft" and so on.

At the same time, the plot of Ye Shen's novel was fully unfolded, and Director Bi also released the first trailer of the movie.

Under the situation of attacking from all sides at the same time, the discussion on "Warcraft" can be said to be completely heated up.

The popularity of discussions about "Warcraft" on the Internet can even be said to be no less than that of the original "King of Middle-earth"!
"Do you think this Illidan is a good guy or a bad guy?"

"Let Sargeras and Thanos drink together, I guess the two of them can have a common language."

"Excuse me, how do I join the Burning Legion?"

"The Warglaive of Azzinoth, that looks like a good weapon."

"Illidan killed a small leader of the Burning Legion casually, and got the best weapon. This is too flirtatious!"

"Nimma, what happened to the online novel YY?"

"Ah...I'm going to die before I can play Warcraft."

"Why is Fei Meng so slow? Did he go on a trip again?"

"You said that this time the Feimeng family challenged penguins and glass shards, can it work?"

"I don't know, who cares! I just know that I have to wait for Warcraft, and when the game is released, I must play it!"

"I don't really care much about the Warcraft game, because I think the game "King of Middle-earth" can be played for a lifetime!"

"In comparison, the plot of Warcraft is more attractive to me!"

"Yeah, I've been following the Warcraft: The Ancients trilogy, and I've seen the movie trailer, it's awesome!"

"At that time, the movie must go to the show."

"Hehe, what kind of rotten fish and rotten shrimp is a garbage monster? Want to compare with me in the plot? I'm afraid I'm losing my mind!"

"Funny! Have you ever played Warcraft? Do you know Warcraft? Do you know how grand the background plot of Warcraft is? You have no right to speak about Warcraft. We have read Warcraft novels and followed Feimeng Weibo's official website." Only the people have the right to speak!"

In the previous battle between "Roman Total War" and "King of Middle-earth", because the sales and momentum of "King of Middle-earth" were stronger, Penguin fans had an advantage.

But now that Feimeng is back with "Warcraft", Feimeng's fans are instantly confident!

This time Feimeng's "Warcraft" has such a huge momentum, Feimeng's fans are naturally very confident and want to find back the lost place last time.

And the power of the glass slag and the violent white god religion should not be underestimated. The two sides started a new round of melee on the Internet.

At this moment, Liu Xiong has no time to deal with the passionate confrontation on the Internet.

At this time, Liu Xiong was on a construction site in the suburbs. He glanced at the large dark wind castle in front of him, and Liu Xiong nodded in satisfaction.

"Well, it's not bad. It also has the style of the undead from the appearance. In this way, the first building in my flying dream game park - the city of Alsace, is considered OK."

Feimeng Game Park is a large-scale planning project of Liu Xiong.

Liu Xiong's idea is to turn the IP of Feimeng into a large resort similar to Disneyland.

In Feimeng Game Park, tourists can experience the fun of Feimeng game from another angle.

Game-themed hotels, rides, group photos, performances, experience the game adventure in person.

The area of ​​the first phase has reached 300 hectares, and there are plans for further expansion.

If it were on Earth, this kind of super-large game theme park targeting young men would definitely hit the street.

(End of this chapter)

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