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Chapter 24: The Possibilities of Superemployees

Chapter 24: The Possibilities of Superemployees

Holding the setting book of "Blood Lion: Red Alert", Su Xian began to carefully review the setting book to familiarize himself with the situation and understand the background.

Then, while Su Xian was amazed again and again, he made a lot of improvements from the perspective of art.

"This magnetic storm infantry is domineering! The electromagnetic version of Tokyo Tower is powerful, powerful!"

"Rocket pilots, super-time air force regiments, this idea is very advanced! Well, the style of this sci-fi style individual soldier should be unified."

"Uh, this sniper's weapon shouldn't be 98K, change it to L115A3 sniper rifle, it's more British style!"

"Kirov airship! The bloody mouth on the airship needs to be tilted at an angle, which is more convenient for our God's perspective players and looks more deterrent!"

"Multifunctional infantry vehicle! Empty form, maintenance form, sniper form... a genius-like idea, this is completely out of the constraints of the framework of real warfare! No, I have to draw better to highlight a sense of deformation."

Seeing that Su Xian kept talking to himself, it was obvious that he had started working mode, and Liu Xiong didn't bother too much, and after asking me if he didn't understand, Liu Xiong came to Yuzi again.

Liu Xiong saw that Yuzu was modifying some 3D basic models that had already been made. It could be seen that yesterday's museum tour was still helpful to Yuzu.

Seeing Liu Xiong come to observe her, Yuzu blushed, stopped what she was doing, and said in a low voice, "Thank you boss for accompanying me to the museum yesterday. Thank you very much."

"It's a good job to go shopping with a beautiful woman, why are you thanking me?"

Liu Xiong smiled, and asked quite friendly: "I visited the museum yesterday and saw so many guns and tanks. Did you gain anything?"

Yuzu nodded, and replied: "I have gained a lot, I found... I found that I had many mistakes before, and I have been busy modifying them today! I feel that I am very skilled today, and my work efficiency is very high."

Nodding in satisfaction, Liu Xiong was about to leave when he suddenly remembered something.

Since pomelo has learned so much knowledge through the museum, can this improvement in knowledge be reflected in the system data?
After checking the grapefruit's properties with the system, Liu Xiong's conjecture was confirmed.

Yuzu's original attributes are: 65 for programming, 7 for screenwriting, 44 for painting, and 11 for composing.

The current attributes of grapefruit are: programming 66, screenwriting 7, painting 51, composing 11.

The progress is obvious!
Among other things, at least after visiting the military museum, the military units in Yuzu's mind will definitely become more three-dimensional.

After visiting a museum once, painting at 7 o'clock skyrocketed, which made Liu Xiong think of a possibility.

If you take employees to study, read books, research, investigate, go to museums and watch documentaries, etc., and constantly enrich the knowledge of employees, wouldn't it be possible to brush data?
Take grapefruit to the museum once at 7:[-], and then once a week, isn't it worth a few hundred points in a year?

In that case, employees will grow into super employees one by one, wouldn't that be flattering?
Liu Xiong thought of this, and asked the system about this idea.

"Is it possible to quickly provide employee attributes in a short period of time like visiting the military museum yesterday?"

As a result, the system mechanically gave a negative answer: "No!"

After Liu Xiong asked in detail, he realized that the improvement of the system's attributes was a very comprehensive consideration.

The reason why grapefruit can improve its attributes by several points after visiting the military museum is because grapefruit's foundation is really poor.

Grapefruit with zero military knowledge base will naturally progress very quickly at the beginning, but the effect will be weakened the second time, and even weaker the third time.

The more basic military knowledge Yuzu knows, the harder it will be for Yuzu to improve in this area.

Not only grapefruit, and not only military knowledge.

In many events that can improve the ability of employees, it is often the knowledge learned for the first time, and many abilities will be improved, and there may be little improvement in the future.

Although the system gave a negative answer, Liu Xiong was not very disappointed.

Think about it and know, it can't be so simple!
With the start of the original painting Su Xian, the problem of the original painting that troubled Feimeng has gradually been solved. Whether it is Yuzu or Hey Dog Kobayashi, they can finally continue to make great strides and quickly complete the game development progress.

Soon, the development progress of "Blood Lion: Red Alert" exceeded half.

At this node, Liu Xiong can check the latest game attributes again.

Before, when the game framework was just completed, Blood Lion's attributes were: fun 103, originality 58, graphics 8, composition 1, loophole 111.

But now, the blood lion's attributes, especially the graphic attributes, have been greatly improved: Interesting 119, Originality 72, Graphics 68, Composition 1, Vulnerability 71.

The progress of the game is just over halfway, and Liu Xiong can fully expect the game's attributes to soar further.

With the development of the game halfway through, Liu Xiong also asked Xiaolin to create a new page on Feimeng Studio's official website to promote and release some information about "Blood Lion: Red Alert".

At the same time, this is also the first official appearance of the game title "Blood Lion: Red Alert".

It is not difficult to make a simple web page, even the novice Kobayashi has completed the task satisfactorily.

But, what to put on the official website?

Xiaolin didn't dare to decide on this matter without authorization, so he came to ask the boss for his opinion.

put what?It is indeed a problem.

Liu Xiong thought about it. At this stage, the actual combat screen of the game has not been made yet, and there are not many things that can be released.

"Then put some original paintings, such as Apocalypse tanks, Kirov airships, rocket pilots, conscripts, military dogs, etc."

"By the way, I'll ask for some finished 3D models from Yuzu and put them up."

These original paintings and models have already been completed. Following Liu Xiong's instructions, Kobayashi uploaded more than a dozen original paintings and 3D models of several characteristic units on the official website. Simple information is also attached below.

But Liu Xiong browsed the official website and felt that it was still not good enough.

It seems that there are too few things, although the original paintings of many arms are very exquisite and handsome, full of the game style of Red Police.But to be reasonable, there is no advantage over other games.

If these things alone are used, Blood Lion's official website will be a very mediocre official website with no bright spots or attractiveness.

After thinking for a while, Liu Xiong found Su Xian.

"The game's official website is now online. I asked Xiao Lin to upload some original paintings, but there are still some high-quality promotional posters missing. I want you to make a few first."

Su Xian smiled confidently: "No problem, boss, just tell me what you want."

 Thank you Peerless Ⅹ little bookworm, you who fell asleep, and Xianlong Wuhen for your reward!Thank you for your encouragement!

(End of this chapter)

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