Start a company to make games

Chapter 206 Reversal of the universe!

Chapter 206 Reversal of the universe!

As a well-known educator and philanthropist, President Ma, the industry's conscience, was mercilessly criticized by the water friends.

It is inevitable that Feimeng will be sprayed.

A game company that is not sprayed?nonexistent!
Even if this player is a loyal fan of Feimeng, he is likely to be a troll of Feimeng.

It's like many people on the earth are madly spraying the president of Ma for cheating money, and at the same time rushing for money.

In this world, being a loyal fan of Fei Meng does not conflict with cursing Fei Meng.

"Game companies will be sprayed 100% of the time, you have to get used to it."

Liu Xiong first warned Xiaolin to know how to bear being sprayed.

But as the leader of Feimeng, Liu Xiong will not ignore the physical and mental health of the employees.

If it was about Liu Xiong himself, Liu Xiong would just laugh.

But for the brothers under Jet, Liu Xiong has to take care of it.

Especially to be reasonable, Feimeng is traveling, but he is also working!

"But don't worry too much, I have a solution."

Liu Xiong made his promise to everyone in Feimeng, including Xiaolin.

Regardless of the Internet being sprayed for the time being, Liu Xiong took everyone to an important destination - the ancient city of Antioch, located in the south of Turkey and close to Syria.


Capital of the Seleucid Empire.

The Seleucid Empire was the most powerful successor country after Alexander's death, with a territory of 300 million square kilometers at its peak.

The territory from Asia Minor to the Pamirs, from the coast of the Caspian Sea to northwestern India, basically included the Asian part of the Alexander Empire.

In "Roman Total War", all the small countries in Asia were basically the territory of Seleucid.

And now, these independent territories are also small vassal states of the Seleucid Empire.

Although many younger brothers are planning to be completely independent, no one dares to be the first bird.

Therefore, Seleucid's vassal system is still maintained.

With its own strength and large territory, and a large number of younger brothers, Seleucus can be said to be the country with the strongest comprehensive strength in "Roman Total War".

You can even wrestle with Rome of the protagonist Halo!

Such a large empire is naturally also an important role in "Roman Total War".

As the boss of Bactria, Seleucus has more comprehensive arms, and basically all arms have top-level development routes.

Roughly counting, except for the war wolf... oh no, except for the war mastiff, there are others.

Top sword and shield soldiers, top gun shield soldiers, top phalanx soldiers, top archers, top cavalry...

And the top general guard - Asian Armored Elephants!
It can be said that playing Seleucus can experience almost all the arms of this game, which is very interesting.

Because Seleucus was a huge empire, there are many materials that have been circulated.

When I came to the local museum, I first made enough preparations.

Then, under the guidance of the tour guide, everyone came to the ruins of the ancient city of Antioch, the capital of the Seleucid Empire.

Only this time, everyone came fully armed.

The tour guide led the crowd through the ancient ruins, then pointed to a shell crater and said, "Although this place is still some distance from the front line, a few shells still hit us a few days ago."

"So it's still safer to wear body armor and a helmet."

Liu Xiong was shocked when he heard this!
What's the situation?

From the information I got before I came here, it seems that this place is quite safe!

Although the front line is fighting, this place is far away from the front line!

Haven't heard of any safety issues.

After the result came, the tour guide of the local travel company told himself that this place had been bombed by shells?
Feeling cheated, Liu Xiong asked with disbelief: "Old Tie, you're really a bit of a cheater."

"The body armor and helmet look solid, but can they really guarantee safety?"

The tour guide smiled honestly: "Follow the fate!"

"This is the first time our place has been visited by shells in several years."

"Although body armor and helmets cannot prevent shells, I believe our luck will not be so bad."

Liu Xiong was speechless after hearing this.

Being bombed by shells, can you still pay attention to resignation?

Although he disagreed with the tour guide Suiyuan's statement, Liu Xiong still led everyone to continue to shuttle through the Antioch ruins at the risk of bullets.

At the beginning, everyone was a little nervous and worried like Liu Xiong.

But as they gradually entered the depths of the ruins, everyone also entered the state.

Hey Dog, Su Xian, Youzi and the others carefully observed the information in the ruins.

"Have you seen this mural?" Su Xian pointed to the mural and said to Heigou and Yuzi: "This is the battle depicting Seleucus I defeating the governor of Bactria."

"From the murals, we can see that Seleucid's silver-shielded spearmen firmly held the battle line."

"Here, these cavalry should be the Seleucid royal heavy cavalry."

"The cavalry was directed to the flank of Bactria."

"But the cavalry were blocked by the Bactrian elephant troops..."

Liu Xiong felt relieved to see his employees carefully researching the ruins.

Even the threat of shells can't stop Feimeng employees' enthusiasm for making games!

Liu Xiong has been wandering around with Xiaokui, and after a long walk, Liu Xiong came to another bomb crater.

"Xiao Kui, come and take a picture of me."

Lying beside the crater, holding a magnifying glass, Liu Xiong pretended to be concentrating on studying an ancient memorial column.

Xiao Kui, who studied under Teacher Chen, quickly took a beautiful photo of Liu Xiong.

After getting the photo, Liu Xiong directly uploaded it on Weibo.

"Hello water friends, Nima! After operating in the wilderness for a long time, my mobile phone finally has a signal."

"Although I am in romantic Turkey, I don't feel romantic at all, and even feel a little scary!"

"Did you see the crater behind me? It's very dangerous near the front line!"

"But there is no way. In order to make a better game, we took risks and investigated all over the world."

"Feimeng, in order to present a better game to everyone, I have worked hard!"

"Although the conditions in the mountains of Central Asia are difficult, and although the romantic Turkish frontline is dangerous, we fly our dreams without fear!"

Turn the tide!

What is a reversal of the universe?

Liu Xiong's Weibo is called Reversing the Universe!

Originally, netizens were raving about Feimeng, scolding Feimeng for not doing his job properly, going on vacation every day, going to Afghanistan to film Wolf Warriors 99, and so on.

There are countless players who can't play the new Feimeng game and are about to die!

Public grievances can be described as quite boiling.

And when Liu Xiong's Weibo was published, the tone of netizens reversed instantly!

(End of this chapter)

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