Start a company to make games

Chapter 20 Understanding Youdi (signed, please recommend)

Chapter 20 Understanding Youdi (signed, please recommend)

"Humph! I don't know how to lift up!"

The old ghost was very upset, he was indeed a friend of Heygou, and he did have a certain idea of ​​supporting friends when he came to dig Heigou this time.

But the old ghost is so active, definitely not purely because of friendship.

The group competition within the Penguin company is also very fierce. The old ghost wants to recruit powerful acquaintances, Heigou, and form cliques to expand the strength of his group.

With Heigou's talent, the old ghost is very optimistic that he can become an advanced and typical programmer in Penguin, so as to help him get promoted and raise his salary. This is the biggest reason.

In the eyes of the old ghost, this was an excellent proposal for mutual win-win, but it was rejected, and even threatened by Garbage Feimeng!
"Hmph! Garbage Feimeng, I want to see how bad your new game will be!"

"Hey dog, I also want to let you understand that without my support, you are just a rookie who can only play garbage games!"

The next day, the editor Hei Feng of the editorial department of the famous game information data app "Understanding Youdi" received an email.

"Heifeng, I wrote a short draft last night, it should be quite interesting. Now send it to you, you can help polish it, and then post it on your app—Old ghost."

Heifeng is also a friend of the old ghost. After seeing the old ghost's message, Heifeng checked the attached document.

Hei Feng couldn't make up his mind, so he printed out the document and asked the editor-in-chief.

"Editor-in-chief, do you think this article about Feimeng Studio is worth publishing?"

The editor-in-chief of "Understanding Youdi" looked at the document and frowned: "It's Hei Feimeng's article again? Now this company is completely cold, and if you spit on them, it won't attract any attention. "

"Huh? Wait, Tian Chou is also involved? It's okay, it's a little new now, okay."

The editor-in-chief said: "Heifeng, please polish the manuscript, exaggerate the exaggeration, fictionalize it, and then post it directly. By the way, this article is a bit sharp, remember to publish it on your self-media account."


At the same time, Feimeng Studio.

Xiao Lin smiled and said to Liu Xiong: "Boss! You don't even pretend to know Youdi. As a person in the game industry, hehe, this is too backward!"

"Understanding Youdi" is indeed the most popular game app for game information, data query, evaluation and discussion. Xiao Lin said that Liu Xiong is behind, but he is not talking nonsense.

Liu Xiong smiled and said, "That's fine, I'll download an app that understands Youdi."

"Well, it's downloaded, open it and have a look."

"Huh? You saw Fei Meng's news with just one swipe?"

When Xiao Lin heard it, he was surprised for a moment, and then excitedly approached and asked, "Where is it! Where is it?"

In front of Xiao Lin, Liu Xiong clicked on this self-media information: Fei Meng poached Tian Chou, intending to combine the two "swords"?
The general content is as follows:

"Recently, the editor learned that Feimeng Studio, which is quite famous in the industry, has spent huge sums of money to poach a programming team from Tianchou Studio, a subsidiary of Penguin. Contacting Feimeng's recent change of boss, we can see Feimeng's ambition Not small."

"This really surprised the editor, because after two consecutive super bad games Blood Leopard and Blood Tiger, Feimeng's crowdfunding road has also come to an end."

"Master Fei Meng was not a decent person during his lifetime, and no one went to offer incense after his death."

"At first, I thought that Fei Meng's new boss was just buying a shell for capital operation. I didn't expect Fei Meng to spend a huge sum of money to poach Tian Chou's people. This shows that Fei Meng will continue to produce Fei Meng's "The Greatest in History" Bad Games series.”

"After successively making Blood Leopard, one of the worst games in history, and Blood Tiger, the second worst game in history, Feimeng Studio's new game will be "Blood Lion of the Worst Game in History Trilogy". "

"As we all know, Feimeng has always been the industry leader in crowdfunding and selling emotions, and Tianchou is also the industry's first-class in making money. The technical cooperation between these two companies is really exciting."

"Blood Lion with ugly elements, are you ready? Anyway, I am looking forward to this game very much. The new video of "囧囧 Calling" will definitely make players laugh!"

Obviously, this is a sneering article about Fei Meng. It is not a formal news report, but a self-media make-up headlined by click-through rate!
The old ghost wrote this article on a whim. Using articles to vent his emotions is the old ghost's way of decompression.Hei Yi Hei Fei Meng, and by the way, Tian Chou, who is under the banner of Hei Yi Hei Penguin, is in a good mood!
The article was not nutritious, it was a garbage article, Xiaolin read it a little embarrassed and said: "Boss, why don't you delete this garbage "Understanding Youdi"."

These days, Liu Xiong has been used to Feimeng being hacked. He shook his head calmly, and Liu Xiong said: "If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight. If you want to become a big company, being sprayed like a dog A process that must be followed."

"Hehe." Liu Xiong chuckled, "Let me take a look at these trolls and see how well they spray, whether to go through the process first or just spray directly!"

Although I haven't read the comment area yet, the content in the comment area is as expected by Liu Xiong.

Sure enough, under the leadership of this article, the entire comment area became a carnival for the sunspots!

"Amazing! Feimeng's crowdfunding, coupled with the Krypton master Tianchou, is this blood lion going against the sky?"

"Is it useful to dig a clown? I will never touch this garbage company's garbage game in my life!"

"Is this boss laundering money? He actually thought of buying Feimeng?"

"Don't think so complicated, maybe Fei Meng's new boss is just stupid."

"It's reasonable, brothers. Although Tian Chou cheats money and pays homage to all kinds of plagiarism, he still has technical strength. If Fei Meng really poachs Tian Chou's programmer team, maybe Blood Lion can really look forward to it." ?”

"Damn it, after being told this by the upstairs, I actually have a little expectation for the blood lion again."

"Whoever buys the blood lion will be Shabi! Resolutely resist the cancer in the industry!"

"Yes, dogs can't change eating shit, and neither can Fei Meng! I heard that Fei Meng only has a few people now. Do you think a few people can make an RTS game well?"

"Flying Dream's blood lion, if the evaluation exceeds 3 points! I will live broadcast handstand diarrhea! Remember my ID!"

"Even if I, Lin Danda, were to quit the Internet and jump off a building with my computer in my arms, I would never give another penny to this rubbish company!"

Looking at the entire comment area, it is full of disdain and distrust towards Fei Meng.

No one believed in Feimeng, and it seemed that no one would buy Feimeng's games anymore.

But Liu Xiong is not afraid, as long as his game is fun, someone will definitely buy it!
Now "Blood Lion: Red Alert" is 103% interesting and 58% original. Compared with the previous Blood Leopard, I don't know where it is!
Moreover, the blood lion will grow, how many attributes will the blood lion have when it is finished?Liu Xiong is looking forward to it.

 The signing status has changed, and the update speed will be accelerated from today!Collect data for new books, please collect them!Ask for a comment!Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for a reward!Ask for everything!

(End of this chapter)

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