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Chapter 193 Feel the Fear of Being Dominated by the Explosive Liver!

Chapter 193 Feel the Fear of Being Dominated by the Explosive Liver!
Yagami first said: "Our Sumo Ichiro Gumball this time is a special event based on the offline design competition."

"So I suggest that this event should be in that limited mode."

"Only by completing the mission objectives during the event, can I get Sumo Ichiro Gumball, so there will be an atmosphere of the event!"

"Add a time limit to keep everyone busy!"

Liu Xiong nodded.

Limiting heroes, this kind of routine is too common in mobile games.

Some in-game activities are launched, and a limited card pool is launched at the same time. Players are doing live activities while krypton gold lottery draws, which is quite festive.

After giving Ye Shen a positive look, Liu Xiong added: "It's a good idea to limit it. Let's make it a limited form this time. As for the future..."

"When the players are eager, the possibility of launching a re-engraving event is not ruled out."

Then Liu Xiong asked: "What is your opinion on the form of limited activities, Ye Shen?"

Generally speaking, in card mobile games on Earth, the limitation is nothing more than drawing cards.

But "Unbelievable Maze" is not a card-drawing game, so this most common form cannot be used.

And Ye Shen's answer to Liu Xiong is also very simple, and it is very suitable for the game "Unbelievable Labyrinth".

"It's very simple. We only need to develop a limited adventure maze, for example, the dragon's lair called Sumo Ichiro."

"Players only need to get through this maze to the 100th floor and defeat the final boss Sumo Ichiro to get Sumo Ichiro Gumball."

"It's a very simple game mode, and we won't set the difficulty too high for the maze of Sumo Ichiro's Dragon Lair."

"Players only need to work a little harder to get the limited Sumo Ichiro Gumball."

Liu Xiong nodded in his heart, Ye Shen's setting is very correct, Gumball obtained as the next dungeon should not set the difficulty too high.

Otherwise, you will definitely be scolded as a dog.

Limited heroes, everyone should have one!
As the chief screenwriter of Fei Meng, Ye Shen's thoughts are naturally more than that.

"Clearing the 100th floor, it's very easy to get the basic rewards."

"But actually, getting Sumo Ichiro Gumball on the 100th floor is just the beginning."

"If the players think that the first limited event of "Unbelievable Labyrinth" will not require a liver explosion?"

"Then I can only say that the players are still too young."

Ye Shen's eyes suddenly revealed a fierce murderous intent.

"Hey hey... You can get Sumo Ichiro Gumball on the 100th floor, but it's just a blank board Gumball!"

"After the 100th floor, we will open the endless mode!"

"Floor 120, you can get Gumball's upgrade props."

"150 floors, can make Sumo Ichiro Gumball stronger!"

"On the 200th floor, you can get the exclusive title of Sumo Ichiro..."

"If the player wants to create a complete Sumo Ichiro Gumball."

"Not much, 300 floors!"

"Just challenge 300 floors, and you can get a super invincible and powerful full body sumo Ichiro Gumball!"

"How is it? Hehehe, it's a good deal!"

Liu Xiong, silently watching the liver-explosive killer Ye Shen, couldn't help but sweat for the health of the players...

Players, feel the fear of being dominated by the explosive liver!
At the beginning, Liu Xiong wanted to refute Ye Shen's proposal a little bit, so that the players would not be too hard to bear.

But think about it, the rewards of the 300th floor are really rich enough, after all, the full body Sumo Ichiro Gumball is really strong!
If you want to get the strongest Gumball in the current stage of the game, and it is still the strongest form of the complete body, it is really not too much to explode the liver.

There is no krypton gold and no liver explosion, how can there be such a good thing in the world!

Be reasonable!
After confirming Ye Shen's 300-floor proposal, Liu Xiong asked other people: "It seems a bit monotonous just to go to the maze to get Gumball, do you have any other suggestions?"

"After all, this is the first large-scale limited event of "Unbelievable Labyrinth". I still want to make it more grand and grand, highlighting a festive atmosphere!"

Kobayashi actively proposed a good idea in an instant.

"Boss, look at our themed event, it's about breaking the liver and rushing through the maze layers, and then get rich rewards!"

"I think we should mainly make a fuss around this point."

"I suggest that in addition to Sumo Ichiro Gumball, we should add some other things when attacking the infinite maze."

"For example, at the 50th floor, 50 diamonds and 100000 gold coins will be rewarded."

"At the 100th floor, reward 100 diamonds,"

"Clear 150 floors, reward 100-day monthly card."

"The 200th floor is more difficult, the reward is 300 diamonds."

"300 floors reward 1000 diamonds!"

"500 floors reward 10000 diamonds!"

"1000 floors! Hehehe, reward a Lamborghini sports car, highlighting the conscience and generosity of our flying dream."

"When "Legend of Blood" was first released, our generous level-up event was well received by players. This time we have a more generous event."

"Boss, what do you think?"

Liu Xiong glanced at Xiao Lin in distaste, almost bleeding from anger at his bad idea.

"Damn! Xiaolin, you are a god-level prodigal!"

"It's nothing more than a simple mobile game event. Why don't you just give away so many diamonds, and give me a Lamborghini?"

"This landlord's family doesn't have any food left!"

Xiaolin, the prodigal son, was criticized in this way, but he was still a little unconvinced.

"Boss, after I announced the rewards in the last "Legend of Blood" event, didn't you dislike being too stingy?"

"Now our Feimeng is not what it used to be, and we are a little more generous in our activities, so it doesn't feel like a problem."

Liu Xiongyu said earnestly: "Today is different from the past."

"In the past, it was the stage of losing money and making money, but now Feimeng already has a sufficient foundation of popularity. It is a waste to increase the rewards of the event too high."

"However, your idea of ​​increasing the rest of the rewards is still good."


"Then every 50 floors, another 30 diamonds will be rewarded."

"How many diamonds you can get depends on the players' own abilities."

Hearing Liu Xiong's revised reward plan, Xiao Lin couldn't help but asked with some concern: "Huh? So little?"

"Boss, the previous Legendary activities were so generous, including this super-dimensional Gumball Design Contest. The rewards are quite high, and the million-dollar prize is very gimmick."

"But the rewards for the activities in the game are so stingy now? Will it cause dissatisfaction among the players?"

Although Kobayashi often came up with bad ideas, but this time Kobayashi's concerns resonated with some people.

(End of this chapter)

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