Start a company to make games

Chapter 187 I'm Not Really Happy

Chapter 187 I'm Not Really Happy
And the content of Brother Crazy's article is:

Hi everyone!
I am still the Immortal Cultivation King you are familiar with!

The madman who cultivated immortals in the city of rebirth, this time I cultivated 7 heavenly immortals for a special draft for the Lun Dao Xingkong website.

And the result of my cultivation of immortals is naturally playing "Unbelievable Labyrinth" for 126 hours!

As a happy cultivator and healthy game player, I used to be very happy.

But until I met this "Unbelievable Labyrinth", I didn't know that I was not really happy...

This "Unbelievable Labyrinth", compared to Feimeng's previous games: "Neil Automata", "Dead or Alive", etc., can be described as quite low-key.

From the announcement of the game to the launch of the game, even less than 24 hours!

But everyone has seen the data after the game was launched: the daily active users have exceeded 1000 million in a week, and more than 500 million monthly cards have been sold!

The mobile game can have this kind of data, it can be said that other mobile games on the market have exploded Broken Galaxy over and over again!

As a professional player, I downloaded Feimeng's game as soon as possible, and it took me 7 days.

Then, in general, the success of "Unbelievable Labyrinth" is certainly due to the lack of strong competitors in the mobile game market.

There are also reasons for the long-term good reputation of Feimeng Games.

But the most important reason is the good quality of "Unbelievable Labyrinth" itself.

After all, if the game is not fun, it is impossible to have such a high proportion of monthly card users.

As a senior Prometheus player who has been playing games for 30 years, I am actually quite picky about games.

But this "Unbelievable Labyrinth" made me collapse on the bed for seven consecutive days, playing crazily!
One hour, one day, three days, seven days!Home Inn!Hanting!
"Unbelievable Labyrinth" is a bit of a liver, and it made me waste time and energy without knowing it.

But it's worth it.

Because of the liver explosion, it brought me happiness.

In fact, at the beginning, I was addicted to "Unbelievable Labyrinth", but I refused.

Because I am a senior game player, seeing the 100 M clients, 2D style of painting...

It makes me feel that this is nothing more than a small game that Feimeng uses to practice and test the water.

So Feimeng doesn't promote much.

But after all, it is a flying dream game, and I also have some expectations for Roguelike elements, so I still insist on playing it.

It turned out that this trial did not matter!
In the first 10 minutes of the game, I came with the attitude of getting the job done.

And after my 10 minutes, when I started my first maze adventure, I couldn't stop.

This game is slightly more toxic!
When I played 15 mazes in a row, I realized it.

"Unbelievable Maze" retains the core features of Roguelike games, and every maze is so full of unknowns.

And human beings' desire for the unknown is infinite.

I'd love to know what's behind the next slate.

I'd love to know if the next level of the maze holds the treasure I need.

I'd love to know what the next bar of chocolate tastes like...

Each layer of the maze is randomized, which brings ample unknowns.

What highlights the developer's intentions is that almost every maze in "Unbelievable Maze" has its own unique theme!
Been to Theme KTV?
Yes, that's the theme!

The Spartan labyrinth, which is full of Greek characteristics, made me, a gentleman, like it very much.

In the maze of the altar of the ancient tomb, there are many elements of Raiders of the Lost Ark, which gave me the illusion of being an Indiana Jones.

In the labyrinth of necromancy, if you want to pass the level, you need to collect the Lich suit.

These mazes with different characteristics greatly enhance the playability of the game!
Each themed maze has its own unique style of play.

Some simple themed mazes only need a little bit of no-brainer.

But there are also some difficult mazes, you need to use your brain.

Match a reasonable Gumball team to play, choose a reasonable route to fight monsters, and explore some consumption routes.

Under the condition of the big theme, each maze is also quite random.

The random maze under this rich theme has surprisingly high playability!
I can say that "Unbelievable Maze" is a very classic Roguelike game, players who like Roguelike mode, don't miss it.

But, I also want to say another sentence: "Unbelievable Maze" retains the core features of Roguelike games, but at the same time "Unbelievable Maze" is an atypical Roguelike game.

As a compromise of online games, "Unbelievable Labyrinth" resolves the strong death penalty mechanism of Roguelike games that has been criticized by players for a long time, in a very clever way.

The death penalty of Roguelike games will basically wipe out the player's income from going down the maze.

There is no profit in the next copy, how can such a copy attract players?

"Unbelievable Maze" is very smart. He knows that as a casual mobile game, if he wants to keep players for a long time, he must make changes.

So "Unbelievable Maze" added an atypical Roguelike game mechanism.

That is the alchemy workshop and Gumball's own cultivation.

The Alchemy Workshop is an important setting of "Unbelievable Labyrinth", which is equivalent to the player's base.

The alchemy workshop can produce gold coins, materials, synthetic potions, and various props that can enhance Gumball's strength.

It can be said to be an essential alchemy workshop for home travel.

Gold coins and materials are essential elements for Gumball to upgrade.

Potions, props, etc., can also strongly support the Gumball team in their maze adventure!
Hehehe, there is a thriving and prosperous base behind it, which always makes people feel the warmth of a harbor at home!
It can be said that building a powerful alchemy workshop is a very fulfilling thing, which makes me very happy!

If it is placed in an online novel, this is equivalent to a refreshing novel of the farming style.

Then, another cool point of the cultivation mode of "Unbelievable Labyrinth" is to cultivate Gumball.

In most Roguelike games, there is only one, or a few character occupations to choose from.

And "Unbelievable Labyrinth" has just opened the server, but has designed more than 100 unique Gumball characters!
There are more than 100 at the beginning of the server, and it is foreseeable that new Gumballs will continue to be added in the future.

These more than 100 Gumballs belong to different camps and different talent systems.

Then it will be interesting!

There are more than 100 Gumballs, each with different talent skills and exclusive skills, which can play different roles in the adventure.

In addition, various Gumballs can also be matched in many types.

How to match a strong and reasonable Gumball team?
This still takes some time to figure out.

(End of this chapter)

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