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Chapter 164 Everyone is an Idea King

Chapter 164 Everyone is an Idea King

After being stunned for a while, Liu Xiong hesitated and said: "It's's a big move when it comes up."

"If there are only three band-aids, then..."

Liu Xiong yelled at the picture in his mind, the band-aid, and the extreme picture quality of death or life.

Coupled with the angel face and devil figure of the game character...


After thinking about it, Liu Xiong said, "Well, the idea is very bold."

"Although it may not be able to pass the trial, but in any case, the idea is worth encouraging!"

After throwing bricks to attract jade, after Kobayashi was the first to put forward a bold idea, several male employees got into the mood one after another and began to speak a lot.

Hi Dog also spoke: "Well, let me think about it, one of our most basic swimwear, the lanyard bikini."

"I thought I could change it up a bit and have a stripped down version of the string bikini."

Liu Xiong asked with great interest: "Oh? How about a streamlined method?"

"It's easy!"

Hi Dog touched his smooth forehead and smiled knowingly.

"String bikinis rely on the lanyard to hold them in place, so let's get rid of the lanyard!"

"Remove the string, so that the original string bikini will be wobbly and look like it will fall at any time."

"Players naturally want to see the bikini drop, and during the fight, it does look like it's going to be shaky."

"It's shaky, but it just won't fall."

After simulating this scene in his mind, Liu Xiong couldn't help but nodded: "Well, it's not bad, it's innovative."

"This kind of appetizing method will definitely be scolded, but the effect will be very good."

Kobayashi made a speech at this time and rushed to answer: "Remove the lanyard? Why don't you remove the main body and just keep the lanyard!"

"Remove the Bra and underpants, keep only the lanyard, and then extend the lanyard to block the key points."

Now even Liu Xiong couldn't help but look at Xiao Lin seriously with admiration.

"I said large-scale and high shame, you boy are resolutely implementing it to the end!"

"Write down your thoughts first, but it may not pass the trial."

Then Yagami also proposed the costume he came up with.

"Since it's a tropical island, it's not suitable for lack of tropical swimwear."

After listening to the dissatisfied protest, Xiaokui said, "Huh? Is there a lack of tropical style? I have designed wreath skirts, straw skirts, and green leaf swimsuits!"

Ye Shen said plausibly: "No, I mean more practical tropical swimsuits."

Liu Xiong couldn't figure it out either, so he asked curiously: "Practical? How about a practical method?"

Ye Shen said: "You must eat some fruit when you are playing at the beach, right?"

"Eat some fruit, so it's okay to use fruit to make bikinis, right?"

"Just use two strawberries on top to cover the strawberries. Is it okay?"

"I'll just use a banana to cover it, isn't it okay?"

When Xiaokui heard this, her eyes widened instantly!

"What? If you use strawberries above, I'll forget it."

"Did you use bananas next? This... the bananas have all entered the body, so this can't be counted as 18X?"

Xiaokui raised strong doubts, which is what Liu Xiong wanted to say.

Cut a banana into a swimsuit?
This Nima has really become an 18X game!
No no no!

As a result, Ye Shen didn't blush or pant, but instead gave Xiaokui a look of contempt.

"Boss Xiaokui, can your mind be a little purer?"

"What entered the body?"

"I just let an ordinary fruit to cover it."

"You can use fabric, but I can also use fruit? As long as it serves as a cover, isn't it all the same?"

"As for a solitary banana, how is it fixed? Don't care about such details!"


What Ye Shen said made sense, and this "practical" fruit bikini was also recorded.

At this time, Xiaokui also had a burst of inspiration and raised her hand to speak.

"Let's say it first, I came up with this idea with a critical attitude."

"I thought of a simple one-piece swimsuit that won't reveal anything, and it will definitely pass the review."

"It's actually very simple, just change the color, change the color of the swimsuit to a flesh color."

"If it is a swimsuit in reality, even if it is flesh-colored, there will definitely be a certain gap between it and the skin."

"But there is no such restriction in the game. We can make the flesh-colored swimsuit almost the same as the skin."

"In this case, at a glance, doesn't it look like you're not wearing any clothes?"

Liu Xiong couldn't help but nodded again and again.

"That's right, Xiaokui, you still have a lot of potential in large-scale design."

"It seems that you have a lot of reservations about the clothes you designed before!"

Xiaokui smiled happily at first, and then suddenly said with a straight face: "Hmph! I'm just forced by the situation, for work, for work!"

After Xiaokui also spoke, Fangfang and Yuzi were left.

Fangfang was too embarrassed to describe directly, so she picked up a pen and began to draw on the white paper.

Swish, swish, swish, the brush danced rapidly, and in a few minutes, a sketch was drawn.

"This one is called Elf Princess."

Then Liu Xiong had to sigh with emotion, a big touch is a big touch!

Fangfang sketched out the clothes in a few minutes, but it was not simple.

On the contrary, this transparent lace elf robe is quite cumbersome in terms of design and lines, and a large number of silver thread trims are used in the design.

At first glance, apart from the fact that the fabric is too thin, it is definitely a luxury-grade noble elf robe.

In terms of scale, the overall transparent and elegant design will naturally satisfy otaku.

The right silver trim can cover the key parts very naturally.

It can be described as a perfect example of the combination of art and shame!

After seeing Fangfang's performance, Liu Xiong couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

Perhaps from the very beginning, I should let Fang Fangduo design and develop large-scale clothing.

Ever since, only grapefruit is left.

The paper and pen were placed in front of Yuzu.

Everyone looked at Yuzu.




Yuzu blushed, her expression looked very uncomfortable...

Finally, Xiaokui couldn't stand it anymore!

Rushing over, Xiaokui hugged Yuzu, and said viciously: "Huh! Today's costume, you have to paint it, or you have to paint it! Wow Kaka!"

In the end, under the coercion and lure of the chief eunuch, Yuzi could only nod.

He whispered, "I will work hard."

Pick up a pen, simply outline a few strokes, and the clothing designed by Yuzu comes out.

Then Liu Xiong laughed.

This sweater, isn't this Jackie Chan's virgin killer sweater!

Liu Xiong said cheerfully: "Not bad! The idea of ​​grapefruit is a good supplement."

"This is a classic sweater, we actually forgot, shouldn't, shouldn't!"

In the subsequent meeting, everyone was even more involved.

Everyone is an idea king!
(End of this chapter)

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