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Chapter 136 The pinnacle moment in game history (recommendation ticket requested)

Chapter 136 The Peak Moment in Game History (Please recommend)

At this time, the camera zoomed in on the cavalry brigade. A young Byzantine cavalry saw the vast and boundless enemy army in the distance, his eyes showed a little timidity, and his jaw trembled unconsciously.

At this moment, a man in golden armor appeared.

It can be seen from the face that the man in the golden armor is exactly the face of the modern young man who appeared in the previous video.

Now, he has become the Marshal of Byzantium.

The Marshal of Byzantium, played by the player, looked around his army on his horse and made a battle deployment: "Lord Dimitri, lead the army to attack the left flank."

"Lord Mikhail, lead the army to attack the right flank."

"Lord Alexei, lead the army and charge to the center with me."

Suddenly the man shouted: "Forward! Forward! Knights of Byzantium!"

"Spears will snap! Shields will pierce!"

"The day the sword is swung! The day the blood is spilled!"

"We will fight till dawn!"

The cavalry raised their spears one after another, and on the other hand, the tens of thousands of Bulgarian troops also set up defensive formations, and the momentum was very large!
The player plays the role of the Byzantine marshal, raising his sword in his hand, galloping on the front line, and hitting the spears of the cavalry with his long sword.

The clanging sound dispelled the fear of the soldiers, who also believed that colliding with the victorious marshal's weapon would bring them good luck.



"Rush to destruction! Rush to the end of the world!"

"Butchers of the Bulgarians!"

"For the glory of our ancestors!"


The marshal shouted hoarsely!

Thousands of knights uttered deafening battle cries!

Then, amidst the majestic and tragic music, the cavalry's destructive charge began!

The whole battlefield is trembling!
The whole venue was trembling!

At this time, the war scene in the video came to an abrupt end, but there was another line of characters: "Mount and Blade: 1257AD", shockingly listed!

It's boiling!
The entire venue is boiling!

After watching the CG that Fei Meng spent a huge amount of money on, all the audience were dumbfounded!
All of a sudden, there was no sound in the venue!

After an astonishing silence of 1 minute, there was a sound wave in the stadium that surpassed the Schalke Stadium!

130 decibels of applause!
130 decibels cheers!
Shout out in unison at 130 decibels!
Everyone was completely shocked!

Can you not be shocked?
You know, for this short 4-minute CG, Liu Xiong invested more than 5000 million yuan!

This burn amount is a record in the industry.

It's not that other game companies haven't spent money on CG. For example, Glass Slag is a famous film studio.

But there is no game that has surpassed today in terms of spending money on CG. Even if it is a glass slag that spends money on CG, it is not as ruthless as Feimeng!
And President Ma once said: "Only by charging money can you become stronger."

The same goes for CG.

Liu Xiong charged 5000 million yuan for this CG, so he got the most money-burning CG in the history of this 4-minute game, and it may also be the CG with the most shocking graphics in the history of the game.

CG with a cost of 5000 million!

Plus the largest IMAX cloud computing display screen in the country in the Super Dimensional Center!

And 500 "magic miracle" stereo surround sound all over the venue!
It brought the most shocking viewing experience in the history of the game to the [-] viewers at the scene!

"Too...too...too...too shocking!"

"Isn't it really an earthquake just now?"

"Brother, borrow a piece of paper, I'll wipe away my tears."

"Nimma, the goosebumps all over my body are still there!"

"This is war! This is epic! The waves are magnificent!"

“It was worth it to come here today!”

"Fei Meng, a movie company delayed by games?"

The decibel level just now was 130 decibels, and while the audience was still discussing and having endless aftertaste, Liu Xiong continued to attack with combined punches!

The display lights up again, and a line of words appears on the screen.

"Riding and Blade's latest expansion pack - "Riding and Blade: 1257AD", what will the release price be????"

After asking questions, a scrolling four-digit number appeared on the screen.

The four-digit number caused an uproar, and the audience voiced dissatisfied doubts.

"Four digits?"

"This DLC costs more than 1000?"

"Grab the money, Fei Meng is here!"

"Probably not, which game dares to sell for 1000? The main body of Qiqi is only more than 200!"

The numbers on the big screen scrolled for a while like a fruit machine, and then the first number stopped.


Of course, if the first digit is not 0, wouldn't it be thousands of dollars?

To be reasonable, no matter how crazy Liu Xiong is, he would not dare to get the price of 1257AD to four digits!

Seeing that the first number is 0, the audience also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let me just say, it's impossible to sell thousands of dollars!"

"I hope it can be cheaper. The price I can accept for 1257 is 200."

"I estimate that it is less than 150, and it should not exceed half of the body of the mount and slash."

Then the second number also stopped scrolling.

Still 0.

"Haha! Less than 100!"

"Okay! Feimengconscience!"

"Well, it seems that Fei Meng still has a conscience. I thought such a super DLC would sell for more than 100!"

As soon as the audience finished speaking, the third number on the screen stopped.

Still 0!

There was a slight commotion at the scene.

"so cheap?"

"Is there a bug?"

"How much is the DLC? This is a free gift!"

"Don't talk about it, what kind of money can you make with a few dollars of DLC? Maybe it's really free."

Last fourth digit stops.


Four 0!

The price of "Mounting and Blade: 1257AD" is: 0 yuan!

Yes, it’s free!
There was an uproar at the scene!Then came the big cheers!

"Fei Meng! I am really convinced!"

"1257 is a big production? It's really free!"

"Amazing! Admire! Feimeng! Really invincible!"

"This is charity!"

"Boss Fei Meng once said that he is not for money, I don't believe it, but now whether you believe it or not, I believe it!"

The power of free is infinite. After Liu Xiong announced that "Mount and Blade: 1257AD" was free, the cheers on the scene directly broke through the sky!
Is the 130 decibels just too high?
Sorry for the free cheers now, the decibels are up to 141!

This is also the highest decibel ever recorded by the Hyperdimensional Center.

Liu Xiong let the record-setting high decibels fly for a while, and then said: ""Mount and Blade: 1257AD", as a gift from Feimeng to all players, will be updated for free for everyone."

"As long as you log in to the Feimeng game platform, you can automatically update the content of 1257AD."

"We promise that this content will be completely free."

Amid applause, Liu Xiong let a new video play in the background.

This video is a very simple advertisement, but the content of the advertisement makes players calm down.

The gamers at the scene, after watching the commercial, were really looking forward to it!
This wave of Feimeng's movements makes players feel comfortable!
 After it was put on the shelves, the number of people who watched it really decreased... The number of recommendation votes has decreased a lot.


(End of this chapter)

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