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Chapter 129 Knight, Invincible!

Chapter 129 Knight, Invincible!

Liu Xiong then broadcast live and said: "The situation is a bit serious! But I plan to give it a try. I finally got a nest, and I can't let people take it back easily."

The barrage masters also agreed with Liu Xiong's decision one after another. His head can be broken and blood can be shed, and his own territory cannot be lost!

Liu Xiong noticed that there are temporarily four Nord lords around his Ruda Castle.

But these four did not hold together, but spread out in twos. Obviously, they were waiting for the large army of Marshal Nord.

Liu Xiong has 100 people on hand, and the two Nord Lords' troops add up to more than 160 people. In theory, they can fight!

Liu Xiong came to the side of the two Nord lords and said, "I'm going to eat the two Nord lords in front first."

"I have the disadvantage that I only have 100 people myself, and the two of them add up to 160 people."

"But I have the advantage that I have more than 20 Swadian knights!"

"In addition to the Swadian knights, the next-level Swadian heavy cavalry is also very powerful. In terms of cavalry strength, my Swadian army is stronger than the Nords."

"I don't have any chance to sit in the isolated city. I must use the advantage of the cavalry to fight in the wild!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Xiong threw his troops on it!
The battle broke out immediately!

There are more than 20 Swadian knights and more than 20 Swadian heavy cavalry on Liu Xiong's side, plus Liu Xiong himself and his entourage, the total cavalry strength is almost 60.

The remaining 40 or so people are all low- and middle-level infantry in Swadia.

These middle and low-level infantry have negligible combat effectiveness in the face of the tyrannical Nord infantry.

It is his own cavalry assault that determines Liu Xiong's success or failure!

After entering the battlefield, Liu Xiong first ordered his infantry to advance slowly, while the cavalry stood by.

On the opposite side, more than 100 Nord Berserkers ran and attacked in a skirmish formation.

Although there are only a hundred people on the battlefield of riding and slashing, the scene is actually very spectacular.

This is also Liu Xiong's first live broadcast of a regular army battle, and the bullet screens are very enjoyable to watch.

"Amazing! Is this a real medieval battlefield?"

"It's still fun to fight with the regular army! The pirates we fought before are just a bunch of turkeys!"

"Yeah, wearing a noble badge and uniform standard armor, it's comfortable to look at!"

"There are not many people on the battlefield of riding and cutting, but it is still quite spectacular!"

"Grass and smoke work really well, changing the landscape with every step of the infantry."

"Seeing this scene, I decided to buy a mount and slash game, don't worry about it!"

Liu Xiong's infantry has only 40 soldiers, while Nord's infantry has 160. From a distance, Liu Xiong's soldiers and horses are pitifully few.

But Liu Xiong is waiting for the opportunity.

Seeing that the infantry of both sides was about to engage in battle, Liu Xiong had already led his own cavalry brigade and moved to the flanks of the battlefield.


Cavalry assault!

"Assault!" Liu Xiong roared live!

At the same time in the game, Liu Xiong also issued an order to attack!

With a horn, the cavalry shouted in unison: "For The Lord!"

About sixty cavalrymen formed a long assault line and began to charge with all their might!
dong dong!

Boom boom boom!
dong dong dong dong!

The armored cavalry headed by the Swadian knights, the visual effect is very shocking when they charge!
The horseshoes trampled on the turf, and the spear pointed straight at the setting sun!

On the battlefield of blood and sand, the cavalry broke into the battle line!
And the barrage, after seeing this scene, fell into a state of complete ecstasy!
"Bull B! Shocking!"

"It makes my scalp tingle!"

"There is a feeling of watching the knights of Lord of the Rings Rohan charge!"

"Ride now! Ride now!"


"I think of Kingdom of Heaven!"

"The effect of this picture is invincible! This is the best medieval war game so far, right?"

"The sound effect is also very shocking, immersive!"

"I really want to get off work early, I want to join the stocking country, and I want to be a stocking knight!"

"I wasn't sure before, but now I'm sure, Qi Chuan is indeed better than Qi Niu, much stronger."

During the ten or so seconds that the barrages were speaking, Liu Xiong's cavalry charged!
While slaughtering Liu Xiong's infantry, the powerful Nord warriors did not forget to guard against the flanking cavalry. Many infantry rushed towards Liu Xiong's cavalry brigade led by the Nord royal guards!
The mighty Nord warrior shock cavalry!
Then die!

No one can withstand the onslaught of Swadian knights on the plains!


Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
What a mess!

The Nord royal guards were killed by the Swadian knights!
Nord light infantry killed by Swadian knights!
Nord recruits killed by Swadian knights!
A veteran Nord archer was killed by a Swadian knight!
The Nord hunter was killed by the Swadian knight!
More than 20 Swadian knights took the lead and directly and completely destroyed the formation of the Nords!
Then there are Liu Xiong's other cavalry - Swadian heavy cavalry, Liu Xiong himself, and Jamila and other followers...


Unstoppable swiping!
If it is the high-level troops Nuo Huang and Nuo Senior led by Lord Nord Quan, then there will be some fights.

But even the lord, it is impossible for all of them to be high-level soldiers!
Facing the powerful Swadian knights, the formation of the Nords is vulnerable!
After the first round of impact, Liu Xiong led the cavalry to withdraw quickly, not wanting the cavalry to fall into hand-to-hand combat.

After a cursory glance, the first round of cavalry assault probably killed about 50 of them.

After Liu Xiong led the cavalry to withdraw from the front line, the remaining Nord army surrounded Liu Xiong's infantry again, and Liu Xiong's infantry suffered heavy casualties!

But at this time Liu Xiong's second round of cavalry assault is here again!

Still headed by the Swadian knights, they easily tore apart the Nords' line of defense.

But this time, directly cut through!

Liu Xiong's charge from the left wing directly pierced through the formation of the Nord army and killed it from the right wing.

After this wave, the Nords could no longer organize effective formations.

While Liu Xiong's infantry was almost wiped out, Liu Xiong organized a third round of cavalry assault.

The next plot is that the hussars chased and killed the rout.

And the water friends in the live broadcast room, after enjoying Liu Xiong's wonderful performance this time, also gave out sincere applause!

"The Swadian knight is too fierce!"

"This picture, combined with the cavalry's charge, is really exciting to watch!"

"Stocking knight, invincible in the world!"

"The operation and command of the anchor are very 666!"

"Combining beauty and strength, the stocking knight is really unreasonable."

And after watching this wonderful cavalry performance, the local tyrants and water friends couldn't sit still.

"Thank you Shaoyang landlord for the 10 super rockets! Thank you local tyrant!"

"Thank you for the 999 great swords sent by a water friend!"


Liu Xiong broadcast live for a week, and after a week, Liu Xiong finally made himself king!

Moreover, Liu Xiong gave his country a domineering name.

(End of this chapter)

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