Start a company to make games

Chapter 10 The Blood Lion Starting from 0

Chapter 10 The Blood Lion from Scratch

The position Xiaokui pointed to was: Director of Internal Affairs!

Xiaokui's resume shows that she is Yuzu's classmate, from junior high school to university, but the majors of the two universities are different.

The position that Xiaokui chose is more on the management level, but from a professional point of view, it is a professional counterpart.

As a company, it really needs a lively general manager to coordinate various matters, arrange work, and provide logistical support.

After reading Xiaokui's resume, Liu Xiong was very willing to take Xiaokui under his account. After all, Xiaokui's resume looked pretty good, she was pretty and had a good figure.

What's more, it would be great if someone could come to Feimeng at present, and he really doesn't have the qualifications to be picky.

The internal affairs director doesn't need any attributes, but Liu Xiong still checks Xiaokui's personal attributes habitually.

Xiaokui: Programming 2, screenwriting 27, painting 6, composing 8.

Has 27 screenwriting skills?Compared with the night god recruited before, it is only 1 point less.

This is really a free gift!

The unexpected attribute strengthened Liu Xiong's willingness to recruit Xiaokui. With a smile on his face, Liu Xiong was about to speak.

But I only saw Youzi looking at me pitifully, and her little head was shaking slightly from side to side, as if saying: "Ya Butterfly!"
Liu Xiong pretended not to see it, and enthusiastically said to Xiaokui: "Great! Our company needs a talent like you to serve as the internal affairs director..."

After some exchanges, Liu Xiong also discussed Xiaokui's personal treatment.

Xiaokui's salary is the same as grapefruit's, 4000 yuan per month during the internship period. For this position, the salary of 4000 yuan is quite generous.

But Xiaokui is a regular college student with good grades on campus, and she doesn't want to be paid a low salary.

After the talk, Liu Xiong stood up to pack his things, and Xiao Kui went straight to work, actively helping Liu Xiong to pack.

"Go, go to the company to sign the contract first."

"Okay!" Xiaokui ran over to grab the pomelo and said with a bright smile, "Pomelo, let's go!"

Back in the software park, the former Heigou and Yeshen are already waiting, plus two beauties, Yuzu Xiaokui.

Within one day, four titans joined!

Counting Liu Xiong and Ma Xiaolin, you can sit in an Internet cafe five times in a row with a coach!

In his office, Liu Xiong called people in one by one, and signed contracts with them individually.

After the contract was signed, it was already past 6 o'clock, dinner time!

In the nearby Fenglin Dinner Restaurant, everyone ate with laughter and laughter, and got to know each other by the way.

"This is Xiaolin, the veteran of our company, Comrade Ma Xiaolin, the programmer!"

"Boss, am I not the youngest? How did I become the elder?"

"This guy used to be an intern at Tianchou Studio—a programming genius, Hey Dog! Don't worry, just call him Hey Dog, he won't get angry."

"I used to be called Lao He, and my enemies in online games called me a high dog; later, my own people also called me a high dog, so I really became a high dog."

"A well-known internet writer with his own body of writing, a master of game plots——Ye Shen!"

"I'm ashamed and ashamed, I'm going to the street, I'm working on full attendance, I'm working on subsistence allowances..."

"The beautiful girl in the 3D design world, the sweet grapefruit!"

"Whoa, whoa..."

"And, for those under one person and over ten thousand people, you all have to obey her orders and arrangements, our chief executive—the beautiful Miss Xiaokui!"

"Ouhoho! Be careful, I won't be polite to anyone who doesn't listen to me!"

Disband after dinner and go home, starting tomorrow, officially go to work!

Liu Xiong also returned to the apartment arranged for him by the system, soaking in the bathtub, Liu Xiong began to think about the future.

As soon as today is over, there are only 89 days until the scheduled release of "Blood Lion".

Fortunately, today's recruitment went very smoothly, and four employees were recruited in one go.

While taking a bath and pouring a glass of red wine, Liu Xiong took a little inventory of the attributes, positions and salaries of the existing employees.

Ma Xiaolin, programmer, monthly salary 2000, abilities: programming 4, screenwriting 3, picture 2, composing 1
Hi dog, programmer, monthly salary 12000, abilities: programming 133, screenwriting 9, painting 7, composing 20.

Ye Shen, screenwriter, monthly salary 1500, abilities: programming 2, screenwriting 28, painting 3, composing 5.

Grapefruit, 3D design, monthly salary 4000, abilities: programming 65, screenwriting 7, painting 44, composing 11.

Xiaokui, back office director, monthly salary 4000, abilities: programming 2, screenwriting 27, painting 6, composing 8.

Plus yourself, you have to spend at least 3000 a month, right?
The expenditure on labor, including various taxes and fees, is almost 35000 a month.This is still not a situation where the recruitment is complete. After recruiting other people one after another, the salary expenditure will definitely increase.

Coupled with the rent, utilities, and sporadic expenses for office consumption, one hundred thousand a month is not enough.

Pressure, slightly.

After washing and washing, Liu Xiong sat in front of the computer and began to prepare for the next day's work in advance.

This preparation took half the night!

The next day, there were 89 days before the release of "Blood Lion".

In the meeting room of Feimeng Studio, the general enlargement meeting is being held.

As the leader, Liu Xiong took the lead in speaking: "Everyone knows that our first mission will be the real-time strategy game "Blood Lion."

"Frankly, for a fledgling studio, the difficulty of a real-time strategy game is too high to be a good choice."

"But I am a person who values ​​commitment. Before my arrival, Feimeng Studio announced the release time of "Blood Lion". I intend to honor this commitment."

Liu Xiong tore down the banner on the wall, and a countdown sign appeared behind the banner: 89 days until the release date.

Hi Dog took the lead in raising his hand to speak: "There is barely enough time, but we are a new team with not many people, so it is difficult to guarantee work efficiency."

Xiaokui also asked: "Oh my God, the former Feimeng Studio has been developing Blood Lion for a while, how is the semi-finished product they left behind, can we use it?"

Liu Xiong nodded with a smile, and said, "Good question! It took 89 days to make "Blood Lion" from scratch, and the time is really not enough. And my predecessor has indeed made a similar "Blood Lion" Finished product."

Hearing from the boss that the nearly completed "Blood Lion" was left behind, everyone except Xiaolin was delighted.

Liu Xiong didn't talk nonsense, and directly used the projector to play "Blood Lion" for everyone.

The blood leopard and blood tiger are all so rubbish, but this "Blood Lion", which was barely made in a hurry and has not yet been tested, can be imagined.

Liu Xiong tried playing for 10 minutes, and then, the meeting room was dead silent.

In the silence, Liu Xiong said: "I suggest that we forget the "Blood Lion" left by our predecessor, what do you think?"

Unanimously approved!

Everyone unanimously decided to start from scratch and make a new Blood Lion.

(End of this chapter)

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