Uchiha Undead

Chapter 449

Chapter 449 Returning to Unity

The news of Mariejoya's capture, accompanied by the spread of escaped slaves and government personnel, instantly detonated the entire world.

The world government that had ruled the world for 800 years was wiped out like this. No one expected it. When the navy was destroyed before, the balance of the entire world was on the verge of collapse.

But now that the world government is gone, the whole world has completely become chaotic.

Even the new world, which has been completely transformed, has seen quite a bit of turmoil.

Perhaps people in Pirate World think that they are born kings, and the downfall of the world government is their opportunity.

The final result can be imagined, they were all sent directly to the promotion city by the strong men stationed in various areas.

And those navies who advanced the city before were also successfully incorporated by the dragon. They had no choice but to either be incorporated and continue to manage the situation in the entire sea as a navy. They had not been sent directly to the arena for cruel duels every day. .

After such a choice, those navies finally compromised. First, they did not have the power to formulate rules, and second, they did not want to go to the arena.

Of course, part of the reason for this is that they don't know the information about the arena. After all, many people want to enter the arena now, but what caused this change is the existence of Hong Jizi. More and more people are fascinated by her. 's bewitched.

The most obvious one is Quinn, who used to be under Kaido of Beasts. Quinn would go to the arena to observe and learn whenever he had time...

Then Quinn came back the next day trembling. Needless to say, Quinn must have had a deep communication with Hong Jizi.

For a whole month, Quinn lost weight visibly to the naked eye...

In the Mary Gioia conference room, Sasuke looked at the distraught Quinn, and wanted to tell him the truth of the matter, but after finding out that this guy valued Red Himeko very much, Sasuke gave up such an idea.

After all, if Quinn now knows that Red Himeko's original identity is Admiral Akainu, then Quinn will probably leave a lifetime of shadow in the future.

Speaking of shadows, Sasuke only came out of the shadows yesterday, and the one who caused Sasuke's shadows was Sako who was still sleeping soundly in the Siyuan space.

Since that guy appeared, he has been having a series of conversations with those guys in Siyuan Space every day during the day, and then that guy Sako has a strong interest in Sasuke at night.

Then for a whole month, Sasuke was in torment, until last night Sasuke finally got the Fa-rectification on the spot for this Sasuke who looked like him once.

In this way, Sasuke completely let go of the shadow in his heart. Compared with happiness, shadow is nothing at all, and Sasuke also didn't have the strength to attend the tea party in the Siyuan space today.

Thinking of this, Sasuke suddenly remembered that last night Sasuke seemed to say that the machine had been completed.

After thinking of this incident, Sasuke also went directly into the desert space, and when he reappeared, Sasuke appeared in Marie Gioia with a terrifying instrument.

This is an instrument that can convert the devil fruit into a bloodline factor and inject it into the human body, and it is also an instrument that can promote the awakening of the bloodline factor converted from the devil fruit.

This is the last product of Raphael, and it is also the product that Sasuke wants to see the most. After all, this thing is a self-restraint instrument for the internal personnel of the future alliance government.

in the laboratory.

Sasuke successfully resurrected Whitebeard, and then directly sent the power of the shaking fruit into the instrument, and then Sasuke found that Whitebeard's body began to change slowly.

A few minutes later, Whitebeard returned to his youthful appearance, and was thrown out of the laboratory by Sasuke.

I have to say that Raphael's last posthumous work is still very powerful, but Sasuke still prefers the current Sako, after all Sako can bring happiness.

For the next three days, Sasuke revived those strong men, then endowed them with bloodline factors, and finally stabilized them.

It has to be said that the effect of this is still very obvious. The revived admirals directly incorporated all the navies of the entire world, while the remaining strong men successfully stabilized the situation in the world.

The white beard of the East China Sea, Luo Jie of the West Sea, Ryder of the South China Sea, and the Golden Lion of the North Sea, the four of them are like four pinnacles that stabilize the sea, successfully stabilizing the situation in the four seas.

In the new world, Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, who have recovered their youth, basically have no problems, and they are still in chaos, which is the so-called great route.

Of course, this confusion is only temporary. After all, it is the navy that is in charge of the great route, and it is the navy at its peak.

The representative characters Sora, Garp, Sengoku, Crane, Yellow Monkey, Aokiji, Fujitora, and Green Bull, once these people appear on the great route, it will be a nightmare for those pirates and forces who want to resist. The presence.

In just three days, the entire great route was completely stabilized, and then the entire Pirate World underwent a long period of transformation.

When all the dust settled, Sasuke entered Marie Gioia's flower room to live, and left everything outside to the alliance government to deal with.

All those who experienced the bloodline factor instrument were exiled in the desert space, and the desert space was placed under Marie Gioia by Sasuke.

In the future, after the death of the representatives of the alliance government, they will also be resurrected by the blood factor instrument left by Sasuke and exiled in the desert space.

The strong in the desert space, as long as Marie Gioia is not breached, they have no way to leave here, and those who have been resurrected will also go to the desert space after death.

After all, if you want to use the bloodline factor equipment, you need to reach the general level of combat power at least, which is definitely not achieved in front of some people, so after they are resurrected, they can only honestly work for the alliance government.

Even if Luffy's father is the secretary-general of the alliance government, Luffy still needs to work honestly, after all, he is not completely free yet.

After all, reincarnation and resurrection are not free, this is the most fundamental, otherwise the whole world will be messed up.

Originally, Luffy, who could become the Pirate King in the end as long as he was determined to die, had no choice but to embark on the road of being forced to work in order not to be restrained by the blood factor instrument.

The Pirate World is slowly developing, but Sasuke himself is slowly disappearing from everyone's sight, and the whole world has gradually forgotten the founder of the alliance government.

This is the reason for Sasuke's deliberate control, and also the reason why the alliance government acquiesces. Those old foxes don't want the alliance government to gradually become the previous world government.

 Oh ho ho ho ho \^O^/
(End of this chapter)

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