Marvel's Undead Saiyan

Chapter 75 The climax is at the end!

Chapter 75 The climax is at the end!
Tony's performance was a success!That Justin Hammer successfully made Bai Yu and Boomer feel disgusted.

A few more days passed! !finally! !Bai Yu was excited! !Because of the Stark Expo, Boomer started to get busy again!Because Bai's Technology also needs to prepare some inventions to participate in the expo!

"Gravity room!! Gravity room! Hey hey hey!! I'm coming!!" Bai Yu happily put on the exercise clothes again and ran to the gravity room!
but! !
"Jenvis!!! Why can't the gravity chamber start!!!"

"Miss Boulma has explained that the gravity room cannot be connected to the power supply during the period when she is not at home!"

"Then you connect!!"

"The link key is in Miss Boomer's hands!"

"I remember that there is backup power!"

"Miss Boomer said that if I connect to the backup power, I will blow myself up! Sorry Mr. Bai, I can't joke about my life."

"I..." Bai Yu looked at the pitch-black gravity room.The heart is infinitely desolate.

. . .

Tony's underground garage.

"Tony! Aren't you my good brother!! You put on the [-]th generation anti-me armor and fight with me! Besides, I've blown everything in front of you, you don't want to try the performance of the [-]th generation What!" Sitting cross-legged on Tony's console, Bai Yu said helplessly as he looked at Tony, who was drinking chlorophyll juice, with a face of refusal.

"I don't want to! Before, I thought I could defeat you with this battle armor, but later, I found out that I was wrong. You are a pervert, a monster! Every time I thought I could defeat you, you would break through, and then Explode my armor! All the previous armor, I have put in almost 100 billion. Although this is not a big deal, I will be upset if I am cheated unilaterally!!" Tony said angrily.Then take out a small square and press your finger on the square.The above shows that blood toxicity is 20.00% four!
"It seems that if you continue to use the armor, the speed of poisoning will be accelerated. The other energy plate is exhausted. I have simulated every known element, and none of them can replace palladium. Your time and choices are no longer Too much. Unfortunately, the same device that keeps you alive can also kill you," Jarvis said.

He took out the lamp on his chest, took out the damaged energy plate inside, and replaced it with a new one.Reinstalled it.Then look at the black lines spreading around the chest device!

"Tony, your tattoo is cool! Poisoned 20.00% [-]. Don't you plan to take this out? Jarvis has already said that your time and options are running out." Bai Yu said.

"No, this is both pressure and motivation for me!" Tony said while watching.

"I really don't understand you!! You want..." Bai Yu just wanted to say that if you think there is no problem, you can fight with me.Before Bai Yu finished speaking, Jarvis spoke.

"Miss Pepper is here, I suggest you immediately..." Before Jarvis could finish speaking.

"Mute!!" Tony said quickly.Then he covered the lamp on his chest with his clothes, picked up the chlorophyll juice in his hand and began to drink it.

"Are you kidding me?" Pepper said angrily as soon as he entered.

"What are you thinking?!!" Pepper walked over stepping on high heels! !

"Hi! Yu, long time no see!" Pepper saw Bai Yu and said hello!very gentle!

"Okay..." Bai Yu just wanted to say it's been a while, but Bai Yu forced the words into her stomach!
Because, when Pepper's eyes saw Tony, the anger rose again!

"What are you thinking?!" Pepper questioned Tony again!

"Walter?" Tony spread his hands and quickly got up to ask.

"what's on your mind!!"

"I'm thinking I'm busy and you're mad!" Tony said as he walked away.

"Have you caught a cold? I don't want to be infected! It just so happens that Yu is here, let him take a look for you, he is a genius doctor!" Tony said afterwards.

"Are you donating all our modern art collections to the Boy Scouts Association?!" Pepper demanded.

"The Boy Scouts Association is a very meaningful organization!" Tony said, rubbing the projection next to him in his hand, and then throwing it into the interface established by the distant projection like throwing garbage, and a prompt sounded around him, The meaning of a word score appeared on the interface.It should be a game.

"I haven't checked the wooden box myself, but it's basically correct! And it's not our collection, but mine!! Don't mind!" Tony said as he continued walking.And Pepper followed Tony!
Seeing this, Bai Yu silently disappeared!At this time, accidental injury should be avoided!

"No! You know what! I have the right to discuss our collection! Because I spent ten years organizing it!!" Pepper said.

"It's just to save taxes! I need it!" Tony said.

"I only have eight thousand and eleven things to discuss with you!" Pepper said as he walked behind Tony.

"Stupid! Concentrate, don't be distracted! This part is already being processed!" Tony said, patting the robotic arm.

"The fair is a complete waste of time!" Pepper said, walking up to Tony.

"Ahem!" Pepper coughed.

"Before you catch a cold, you need to wear a mask!" Tony said lightly.

"You're being rude!" said Pepper.

"Nothing is more important to me than the expo, that's what I care about most!" Tony said.

"The expo is just a matter of your vanity!" Pepper said directly.

"Wow! Look! This is modern art, I want to hang it up!" Tony didn't pay attention to Pepper's words, but saw a framed self-portrait, which was painted on Iron Man.Tony looked at Pepper and said.

"Ah! You must be joking!" Pepper said.

"I'm going to hang him up right away!" Tony said as he walked.

"Stark Industries is in a mess!! You know what!" Pepper said after chasing Tony helplessly!
"Our stock price has gone up!!" Tony said.

"That's from the operator's point of view!"

"No no no!!"

"That New York cartoon can't be taken down."

"Listen! We got the contract for the wind farm!"

"Don't mention the wind!!"

The quarrel between the two became heated. .

"Listen to me! I want you to be CEO, why don't you?!" Tony said loudly.

"You drank a lot?! Right?" Pepper was stunned for a moment and asked.

"Ah! Yes, chlorophyll juice!" Tony raised his eyebrows and said.

"I now officially appoint you as CEO of Stark Industries! Effective immediately! That's it, okay?!" Tony said seriously, holding Pepper's shoulders.

At this time, Benben came over with a tray with a piece of champagne, two goblets, and a bucket of ice cubes on it!
"Believe it or not! I even searched for some candidates! Seriously thinking about who is the most suitable candidate. Only found out later! It was you, always you!"

Tony poured a glass of champagne himself and handed it to Pepper, "Congratulations!" Pepper was very excited and very happy!

PS: First of all, mustard wants to express!Really angry!If you don't like to watch some people, then don't watch them!Don't say a bunch of boring words, if you think you are very good, you can write a book by yourself!Mustard is too lazy to ban words, too lazy to delete posts and the like!How could the protagonist be invincible? !Everyone has a period of development.If the protagonist is invincible, a book can be written in one sentence. If the protagonist opens up, the world will be destroyed, and the whole book will be finished!Is this interesting? !Also, novels are like that, some people like them, some people don't!Don't always rely on your own subjective consciousness to judge, is it selfish? !Wasabi's brief spoiler, Gao Neng will only appear after Thor comes out!I hope those who are willing to use their own thoughts to judge others, pay attention. .If you don't like it, please leave!

(End of this chapter)

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