Marvel's Undead Saiyan

Chapter 71 Confront the Hulk!

Chapter 71 Confront the Hulk!

"Father, how is Banner?" In the helicopter, Betty looked at General Ross anxiously and asked.

"Damn, why do I have a daughter like you. What you should worry about now is not Banner! It's your father and me. I don't know if that guy will announce that he almost accidentally injured him like the media." General Ross said angrily Said.

On the other side, General Ross made adjustments, so that Bai Yu could let go of his hands and feet, without worrying about being sniped in the back.

But on Banner's side, it can be said that he was completely irritated. Six missiles hit his body, and it hurts, even though Locke's skin is rough and thick.

For a while, there were two battles on the streets of Broadway in New York. On the one hand, Bai Yu fought against the abomination, and on the other hand, Hulk unilaterally dismantled the plane.

The entire street of Broadway was destroyed badly, and the military led Locke to the edge of the city.

And the direction Hulk was led to made Bai Yu scream in his heart.Isn't that my home! ! !
no.This thing has to be killed quickly, Tony is not at home these two days, and he can't be counted on.Bai Yu thought about it for a moment.

Raise the qi, punch the hatred into the air again, and want to use the Kameha qigong wave to directly blast the hatred into cells.

"Boom~~" Bai Yu blasted away the arms of the abomination, dodged, approached the chin of the abomination, and blasted the abomination into the air with a Dragon Fist.Just when Bai Yu wanted to release a few qigong waves to send the abomination flying to a high altitude.

The military personnel directly blasted the abomination back to the ground with missiles.

This made Bai Yu angry.This is like in pesticides, the shooter was almost killed by the enemy Han Xin twice, but was pushed away by his own Xiang Yu, and he escaped death by a few displacements.

You say you can kill it, but the point is that if you can't kill it, it will be a disservice.For example, your attack speed is fast, but your attack is like scraping, and you also release a missile to push people away, so that people can fight back.

Bai Yu yelled at the military helicopter, "You don't need to take action. I'll do it!" At this moment, Abomination threw a car that was about to explode.Bai Yu just wanted to knock it into the air with a qigong wave, but unfortunately, our personnel took the first step and blasted the car, so Bai Yu had no choice but to use Qi to gather a shield in front of him.

Just at this moment, Abomination climbed up the building, leaped forward, and exploded the helicopter.Bai Yu secretly praised the hatred in her heart.

However, Bai Yu also took this opportunity to condense the Kamepai Qigong wave!Take the hatred away!Bai Yu glanced lightly at the dust in the air, looked for Boulma's aura, and moved there in an instant.

"Brother Yu!! How's it going? Has that guy been wiped out?" Buma saw the sudden appearance of Bai Yu, and jumped into Bai Yu's embrace like a bird returning to its nest.

"Destroyed!" Bai Yu said, touching Boulma's back.Suddenly it occurred to Bulma that his head was injured.

"Let's go, go home first!" Thinking of the first aid kit at home, he hugged Boulma and said.Fly straight into the sky.

A feeling of weightlessness made Boulma hold Bai Yu's arms even harder.

Bai Yu thoughtfully released an air shield in front of him, protecting Boulma in it, preventing the cold wind from blowing to Boulma.

Bai Yu was very fast, flying over the area where the military and the Hulk were fighting, and returned home.

Bai Yu put Bulma on the sofa like a doll.Boulma's cheeks were a little rosy, this damn sense of security.

Bai Yu checked Boulma's wound, fortunately, it was covered by her hair, even if it left a scar, it would not be a serious problem, the wound was not big, Bai Yu simply disinfected it.

Bai Yu's movements were very gentle and fast. When Boulma felt a sterilizing pain, Bai Yu had already finished.

"Bulma, you stay at home, I'll go out for a while. There's a big guy that needs to be dealt with." Bai Yu looked at Boulma and said with a smile.

"There's another one? Is it from that guy just now?" Bulma asked curiously.

"It's not a group. It's just that the method of appearance is the same. One is the one you saw, and the other, you can imagine as a child with super destructive power. The child in the appearance of a green giant is called Hulk , called Banner before transforming, a genius like Tony, of course you are also a genius, but you are both in different fields." Bai Yu said with a smile.

"Then be careful. Come back quickly." Looking at Bai Yu's eyes, Boulma knew that Bai Yu's warlike impulse had been ignited.

Bai Yu really wanted to know how strong the Hulk, known as the ceiling of combat power, could be.Moreover, after this period of time, Bai Yu's originally aloof heart has also undergone some changes.

Boomer just went to Broadway to buy a music ticket, and he encountered such a danger. If Boomer could send someone to buy it, or had a bodyguard by his side, there might not be such a danger.

Even if they encounter a guy like Abomination, the bodyguards can find a chance to make Boulma run away.Um, the bodyguard should be fine, right?How about training a group of bodyguards?Or cultivate a power?Thinking of the future, there will be more guys in this world.Bai Yu was a little worried about Boulma, she was still an ordinary person after all.I am destined to become a strong man above the sea of ​​stars, and the enemies I encounter in the future will definitely be stronger.

With Boulma by his side, he might be in danger.Forget it and think about it, first get rid of Hulk, and then tie Hulk to his side as a sandbag. Remember that Hulk's combat power increases with anger, the more angry, the stronger his strength.

If it is a sparring partner, I will fight Hulk in a super one state, and when I reach the critical point, I will use the power of super three to directly knock Hulk unconscious, so that Banner will appear, that's it.Remember that recalibration of consciousness is what you do, beat your brain hard.

With a judgment in his heart, Bai Yu closed his eyes and searched for Hulk's breath!Poor Hulk, he didn't know that he had been clearly arranged by Bai Yu.

"Found it!!" Bai Yu secretly said.The figure disappeared in front of Boulma with a whoosh.

"Hulk!!" Bai Yu appeared next to Hulk and shouted loudly.

Hulk's huge head suddenly looked at the white feather that suddenly appeared, and roared!However, there was some doubt in his eyes, and some thoughtful expressions.

At this moment, the military personnel seized the gap when Hulk was absent-minded, and fired several missiles at Hulk.

"Fuck, Teammate Pig!!!" Seeing the military's actions, Bai Yu couldn't help cursing.

Sure enough, the little sanity that Hulk had just recovered was lost again by the military's actions.

"Get out!! You are not needed here!! You are meddling, if Hulk is not used, I will kill you." Bai Yu was furious! !Shout out to the military.

"Hulk!! Be sober! I am Bai Yu, not your enemy!!" Bai Yu transformed into Super One and shouted at Hulk.

But obviously, Hulk's sanity completely disappeared.He grabbed a helicopter wreckage beside him and waved it towards Bai Yu.

"Hey, you brat. I'm sorry." Bai Yu immediately turned into Chaosan! !With a secret sound, the speed exceeded the speed of sound, leaving an afterimage behind Hulk's head! !

 You guys, just go whoring like this.No tickets, nothing.Hmph~ Mustard is angry, crying for you! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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