Marvel's Undead Saiyan

Chapter 40 So Itchy~~~

Chapter 40 So Itchy~~~
"Ethan! Let me introduce you! This is my best brother, Bai Yu! You can call him Yu!" Tony saw Bai Yu, and immediately returned to his original playboy appearance!Tony is very aware of Bai Yu's destructive power. Thinking about the top floor of the building that Jin Bing built before, Tony felt an inexplicable sense of security in his heart.

"Hello! Yu, but, Tony, we are now..." Ethan first greeted Bai Yu kindly, and then said solemnly.

But before Ethan finished speaking, Tony waved his hand.

"Don't worry, Ethan! With Yu here, we can sit back and relax!" Tony had a smile on his face, and his gestures were full of calmness.

"But, through that, they should be here now!" Ethan pointed to a camera in the corner of the cave and said solemnly.

"Ethan! Let's continue to complete that plan. Leave the rest to Yu! Thanks for your hard work, Yu!" Tony said calmly as he walked towards the console.Then he said to Bai Yu with a smile.

Bai Yu nodded!Although Ethan was a little worried, seeing Bai Yu's blond hair and yellow light all over his body gave him an inexplicable sense of security, maybe he was infected by Tony.

At this moment, loud shouts came from outside the dilapidated big iron gate!There is also the sound of the door opening, and the sound of the door being smashed!

Bai Yu has a language pack and can understand the meaning of shouts outside!
"The people inside! What are you doing!"

"Who is that outsider!!"

"Damn it! You don't work hard. Wait a minute, I have to kill them!"

"Open the door quickly! The people inside stand still!"

. . . .

"Tony! They arrested you, right?" Bai Yu frowned, and a strong anger rose in her heart!Staring at the iron gate, he asked lightly.

"That's them! A group of guys who call themselves the Ten Rings!" Tony answered Bai Yu's question while playing with the parts.

"Understood!" Bai Yu said lightly.There was a hint of chill on his stern face.Walk slowly towards the iron gate.

"Hey! Wait, they have weapons! Don't go there!" Ethan shouted anxiously at Bai Yu.Bai Yu ignored Ethan.And Tony also signaled Ethan not to shout.

"Why Tony?! Isn't he your best brother?" Ethan asked suspiciously.

"Of course! He, forget it, you'll find out later!" Tony said with a smile, and then continued to play with this part.Seeing Tony's appearance, Ethan was a little puzzled and a little nervous.

When Bai Yu walked to the iron gate, the iron gate was about to be opened!Just when the iron door was opened with a gap.Bai Yu kicked the iron gate with one kick! !

"I want to go out, so I need you to open the door!!" accompanied by Bai Yu's roar! "Boom!!!" The iron gate flew upside down from the gate post! !

There were screams outside the door!

It turned out that it was the buddy who opened the door just now. He had no time to dodge, and was directly stuck into the wall behind him. The pain from the cracked bones all over his body made him scream!
There was a burst of dust at the door!But these thugs don't care who they are, someone shouted immediately!
"Fire! Fire!!!" Although there is dust, but you can vaguely see the yellow figure at the door!Bright as a searchlight.

"Da da da da da da!!" There was a burst of gunfire!But now Bai Yu's physique is not the weak physique that could be pierced by a pistol before.

The bullet hit Bai Yu's body, making a tinkling sound! !However, Bai Yu's face became more and more red!In the end, Bai Yu had to quickly catch all subsequent bullets with his hands!At the same time, a little tear welled up in the corner of Bai Yu's eyes.

"Hahahaha!!! It's so itchy~~~" The feeling of being hit by a bullet is really amazing, like being bitten by a mosquito!Bai Yu couldn't help but chuckled softly!
The law of smoke without injury is vividly expressed by Bai Yu!After a while, the gunfire stopped, and the sound of changing bullets came into my ears, and the dust gradually dispersed!I saw Bai Yu scratching the itchy place hit by the bullet just now with his left hand.Looking at the thugs in front of him with disdain, he stretched out his right hand and let go slightly!A pile of bullets slipped from his hand.


"My God! What kind of monster is this!!"

"Hurry up!! RPG!! Grenade!! Fire!!"

Seeing this scene, the mob was shocked.But they, who have done a lot of evil, became fierce immediately!

Bai Yu stretched out his right hand indifferently, and gestured for a pistol!Aim for a guy who is about to throw mines.Waiting for a guy just about to pose for throwing mines!

"piu~" Bai Yu's own voice, followed by a small yellow energy ball, quickly shot out from the index finger!
"Ah!!!" There was a scream!The energy ball shot straight through that guy's heart like a laser!

"Boom!!" The unthrown grenade exploded on the spot!Fly a few unlucky ghosts directly!
"A group of fighting scum is really boring! piu~" Bai Yu said helplessly, and then pierced the heart of an unlucky guy holding a heavy weapon!
"Retreat! Retreat!!"

The mob began to fall back while firing.Bai Yu looked at the bullets flying in front of him lightly, and walked forward step by step with graceful steps!

From time to time, shoot a pistol through the heart of an unlucky guy, or directly blow the oncoming bullets away.

"Close the door, close the door!!!"

"bang bang bang~~"

"No!! Open the door, I'm not out yet!! No!!"

Bai Yu came to the second iron gate!Quietly looking at the hapless man with a frightened face in front of him!Bai Yu walked towards him slowly!
"Don't come here!!!"


Just when the unlucky guy yelled that sentence in horror, Bai Yu rushed forward!Step on the face of the unlucky guy fiercely!With the iron gate, they flew out together! !


The thugs watching from behind the door ran out of the cave without hesitation when they saw this situation!Bai Yu continued to walk outside.There is light shining in from the corner in front of you.There should be a hole over there.Bai Yu thought to himself, and walked towards the corner.

But when Bai Yu just walked to the corner, the sound of shells shooting through the air resounded!Bai Yu raised her eyebrows and quickly caught the incoming shells!Reaching out to face the incoming cannonball is a qigong bullet!

Then Bai Yu caught a bald head wearing a camouflage uniform.At this moment, heavy footsteps came from behind Bai Yu!Bai Yu couldn't help looking back curiously!I saw a steel giant rushing over quickly!This is Tony? !Bai Yu was a little surprised, but soon noticed Tony's breath in the steel!
Iron Man came to Bai Yu's side, first glanced at Bai Yu, then aimed at the bald head and fired a cannonball, and the falling stones buried the bald head!
"This is your newly researched toy?!" Bai Yu asked with a smile as he knocked on the steel coat Tony made.

"I've been preparing for this for the past three months. Leave the outside to me! Yu, help me protect Ethan!" Tony's voice was filled with suppressed anger.But Bai Yu also understands that anyone who has been imprisoned for nearly three months for no reason, and who is worried every day, with a lamp hanging on his chest, will be angry.

(End of this chapter)

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